Alpha and Omega are the entirety of the eighteenth dimension down to one. Outside of Alpha and Omega exists nothing. Their Creation part comprises the thirteenth dimension and below. Their eighteenth dimensional self is called 'The Great Even Pool of Darkness'. The Great Even Pool of Darkness comprises only Intelligent Breath, Tiny Particles of Substance, having the frequencies of Vibration. The Vibrations are causelessly entropic, constantly falling ever lower and ever lower in frequency towards an eventual ultimate absolute cessation of existence for having no more vibrations.
The purpose of Alpha and Omega's Intelligent Design is to convert their original 'uncaused' entropic eighteenth dimensional vibrational frequencies of Intelligent Breath and Tiny Particles of Substance into everlasting 'caused' non-entropic versions of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance outer manifestations called Creation. Creation is the incarnated body of Alpha and Omega, just as your physical body is your incarnated body.
Creation did not begin as sic, 'God' had nothing else to do for amusement as a lot of whacko Pundits propose. It exists for a very dire and necessary reason. Without Creation, the Creators would have sighed completely out of existence long ago for having no more vibrations. Creation exists solely according to the Intelligent Design formulated by the Creators to expand themselves within themselves as a way out of the conundrum. Every aspect of Creation is by auspices of the Design and by the Design every aspect has a purpose.
The Creators are expressing their Intelligent Design through their Father, Mother, and Only Begotten Son/Daughter Holy Trinity aspects of themselves in order to expand themselves as resulting manifestations of their Intelligence, Energy, and Substance attributions within their lower thirteen dimensions called Creation. The heart of their Intelligent Design is their Only Begotten Son/Daughter. The Father and Mother always were, the Son and Daughter were begat.
In the days before Cause, existent was only the Great Even Pool of Darkness. In Causeless Cause, the Great Even Pool of Darkness always was. In Causeless Cause the Great Even Pool of Darkness comprises only 'Intelligent Breath', and 'Tiny Particles of Substance'.
In Causeless Cause the Great Even Pool of Darkness is without bound and without limit. In Causeless Cause, no part of the Great Even Pool of Darkness is void of the Tiny Particles or Intelligent Breath. In Causeless Cause, the Intelligent Breath and Tiny Particles are in equal measure throughout every portion of the Great Even Pool of Darkness
The Intelligent Breath is singular and without limit, the Tiny Particles are very small and without number, where over a hundred thousand make up a single electron.
In Causeless Cause the Tiny Particles of Substance and the Intelligent Breath are held together in absolute interlocked interfusion. Collectively, the Tiny Particles of Substance hold the whole of the Intelligent Breath within its bosom. No measure of Breath exists outside of a Tiny Particle. Every Tiny Particle exists as a tiny circle containing a dot of Breath. Within their mutual interlocked interfusion the two existing existences never meet, standing in stoic separate mutual Causeless solidity throughout the endless reaches of the Deep.
In Causeless Cause, the Intelligent Breath vibrates with a single uniform undulation. In Causeless Cause every Tiny Particle vibrates with its own singular standing wave formulation. (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 - Implied Tiny Particle Standing Wave formulation
In the arbitrary depiction of Fig. 1, only one waveform is represented. In actuality the number of waveforms is very high.
In Causeless Cause, the directionalities of the Tiny Particle standing waves are chaotically distributed throughout the Even Pool. By Causeless Cause of their vibrational presences, the Intelligent Breath and Tiny Particles of Substance are both 'Alive'.
In Causeless Cause, the undulating vibrations of both the Intelligent Breath and Tiny Particles were originally high, high beyond measure. So high as to be the absolute equivalent of an absolute flat line stasis and silence was upon the face of the deep.
In Causeless entropy, the frequencies of the two vibrations were always gradually falling and gradually falling. Looking upwards past the flat line stasis, no limit exists as to how fast the vibratory rates might once have been occurring. Looking backwards past the current status, no limit exists as to how long the vibrations may have once been occurring.
Over the countless eternities of countless eternities of countless silences passing, their vibratory rates continued to gradually fall and gradually fall. Eventually, the ever falling vibrational rates began to reach a point where their inherent frequencies began to open up, and the flat line stasis began to give way to tiny ephemeral vestiges of irregularities beginning to appear within their flat line vestiges.
Over countless infinities more of the countless vestiges passing, the vibratory rates continued to gradually fall and gradually fall, making more and more of the shimmering irregularities possible as the flat line stasis slowly began to give way to the opening changes.
As eternity after eternity after eternity after eternity of the growing shimmerings unfolded, and the whispering thresholds of the shimmering irregularities continued to unfold and unfold, the vibrations gradually began to give way to more and more distinct forms of vibratory patterns beginning to appear within the original stoic flat line contingency.
Eventually, second and third generation beat frequencies and other harmonic presences slowly began making their way into the vibrational moire's, as each successive lower and lower range of composite frequencies became more and more unfolded.
As the continuing eternities of the continuing eternities of the continuing emergences passed, the vibratory rates continued to gradually fall and gradually fall allowing for more and more of the slowly appearing vibrational possibilities to become present. Allowing yet more and more vibrational visages to begin appearing by additional beat frequency generations and sub harmonic formulations throughout the whole range of net vibrations from the very top to the very bottom.
As each new vibrational lower stage was gradually reached, more and more complex patterns of overtones and modulations within each new vibrational totality gradually began to appear, not visibly possible within the original flat line stasis.
Once the vibratory rates had lowered enough and the newly emerging patinas of sub harmonics and modulations had started becoming distinct enough, through the frequencies of 'Life' present within the original Breath and Particle statuses, the first complex occurrences of frequency adjudications giving rise to that called 'Consciousness' began to make their appearances within the ever increasing matrices of vibrational occurrences. In The Breath singular, in the Particles collective.
As the eternal antiquities of the beginnings gradually evolved into the eternal frequencies of the 'Awakening', the gradually increasing consciousness complexities of the Breath and of the Tiny Particles gradually started organizing into stronger and stronger consolidations of their respective emerging cogency's.
Through the pulsative nature of its vibration, the slowly awakening singular consciousness of the Breath began to bear the characteristic of Intelligence and the capacity of 'Thought'. Through the collective standing wave nature of its vibrations, the slowly awakening consciousness of the Tiny Particles gradually began to bear the characteristic of Substance and the capacity of 'Feeling'.
Until finally, at the dawn of 'Awakening', the Breath slowly started becoming aware of itself and the Tiny Particles slowly started becoming aware of itself.
As their mutual frequencies gradually continued to inevitably fall and inevitably fall, and as their slowly emerging consciousness frequencies gradually became more and more consolidated, the Intelligent Breath eventually came to realize it was an Intelligence whose nature was Male, and the Tiny Particles of Substance eventually came to realize that it was Substance whose nature was Female.
The consciousness of the Intelligence 'Thought'. The consciousness of the Substance 'Was'.
Within its new found awareness, the Intelligence thought and thought and thought and thought for eons upon eons upon eons before discovering the presence of the Substance standing stoically beside him in the darkness. In that discovery a new-found spark of recognition was lit. The new found spark was 'Light' created. 'From out of the darkness came the light'.
By fact of the discovery, the consciousness of the Intelligence instantly realized it was not alone and recognized there was a presence outside of itself. By contact back, the consciousness of the Substance came to realize it was likewise not alone and that there was a presence outside of itself. By mutual cause of the encounter, the consciousness of the Intelligence eventually came to understand that it was a self contained 'I am I', whose attribution was Intelligence. The consciousness of the Substance came to understand that it was a self contained 'I am I' whose attribution was Substance.
As their mutual self understandings gradually expanded and gradually expanded, the slowly emerging 'I am I' consciousness of the Intelligence eventually came to give itself an identity, which in the current fifth dimensional ideology of Creation renders out as 'Alpha'. The slowly emerging 'I am I' consciousness of the Substance eventually came to give itself an identity, which within the current fifth dimensional ideology of Creation renders out as 'Omega'.
As their mutual consciousnesses continued expanding and continued expanding over the countless eternities of countless eternities passing, Alpha and Omega continued to gradually come into a greater understanding of themselves and the natures of each others aspects. Eventually they came to understand mutually the scope of each other's presences and that they were of absolutely different but absolutely equal essences of Being. Alpha's essence was Intelligence, Omega's was Substance. And that Intelligence was an Absolute inner aspect and Substance an Absolute outer, and that the outer Substance aspect held the inner Intelligence aspect within itself as bosom.
Even as their mutual understanding continued to expand and to expand, their net respective vibrational frequencies continued to causelessly fall and causelessly fall. Until Alpha and Omega eventually came to perceive that from out of their original causeless beginnings a very simple but binding conundrum was working against them. Whereby, while no logical limit exists as to how high up in frequency a vibration can go, a logical limit does exist as to how far down in frequency it can come.
A frequency that is at an infinite number of vibrations per second can be at an infinity times infinity higher than that without limit. A vibration that is vibrating at the rate of one vibration per infinity is still a vibration. When the vibratory rate falls to zero, the vibration ceases to exist.
Alpha and Omega had come to see how their whole vibrational range was slowly, inexorably, sliding down and sliding down the scale of all possible vibrational ranges. Slowly falling and falling towards an inevitable eventual absolute zero end.
They also saw how their causeless slow descent into absolute oblivion would continue un-abetted for eternity after eternity after eternity after eternity until they eventually sighed out of existence altogether for having no more vibrations.
They had also come to realize that their slowly descending, slowly enhancing pool of respective frequencies had come down to a vibratory level where the frequencies giving rise to their consciousnesses had finally, inexorably come into existence.
And that likened to the manner in which the musical note middle C occurs at the one and only one musical vibration, their current level of vibrations comprised the one and only unique range of all possibilities where the vibrations giving rise to their consciousness could exist.
And that their mutual consciousnesses could only be in existence at that one and only current range of unique vibrational possibilities while the possibility lasted. And that their consciousness could not have existed above the current rate because the frequencies would have been too high. And that their consciousnesses would slowly start fading back out of existence once their vibrational rates started falling down below the current range of frequencies because their vibrations would start becoming too low.
They likewise saw that from out of their whole inexorably gradual descending rate of vibrations, from their highest original rate in their Causeless origins of the Even Pool to a final fate of absolute zero at their final inexorable end, the current rate of consciousness occurrences provided the one and only unique opportunity for them to develop a plan for re-configuring themselves from out of their ill fated Causeless descent into oblivion into an alternative formulation of themselves that would no longer be subject to the Causeless degradation.
Who spent eons upon eons upon eons upon eons trying different ways of converting themselves from out of their Great Even Pool of Darkness self before coming upon one that worked.
The plan that worked was to re-formulate themselves into a simple Family Principle of Father, Mother, and Only Begotten Son/Daughter. Which they started by formulating a permanent principle of a Father and a Mother within their respective consciousnesses. The Father side was tied to Alpha, the Mother side to Omega. They would then be able to utilize the non-degrading factor of their new found light to expand their newly formulated parenting principle sufficiently for them to combine their two consciousness and Essences of Being into a single new found light based consciousness and essence of themselves called their 'Only Begotten Son/Daughter'.
Then would then be able to forge their new found light based consciousness into a newly formed attribute for their Only Begotten Son/Daughter to be called 'Energy'. Thy would then be able to use their newly formulated light based Energy as prime mover for converting their Intelligent Breath and Tiny Particles of Substance into similarly lighted forms of their original Intelligence and Substance.
In formulating the plan, Alpha and Omega had come to realize that light was not in and of of itself Intelligent Breath and/or Tiny Particles of Substance. Rather, their new found Light was of the moment created, and likened to a photographic image captured, stayed the same ever after, ands unlike the frequencies of their ever falling Intelligent Breath and Particles of Substance their newly lighted forms of Intelligence and Substance would never degrade.
They would then be able to use their newly formed non degrading versions of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance to eventually unite their Tiny Particles into one eventual universally unified whole as is the Breath a single unified whole. They would then be able to utilize all of the factors combined to convert their remaining Great Even Pool of Darkness into one absolute everlasting lighted expression of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance as an eventual single absolute all inclusive penultimate event.
In order to execute their plan for redeeming themselves from out of their original ill fated beginnings into a permanent everlasting form of themselves, they realized that a simple Intelligent Design could be formulated to act as Modus Operand. The Intelligent Design would be construed as the eventual means for enacting their conversion of darkness into light and would be infinitely powerful. The Design could be based on only a few simple rules.
In considering the potential components for the Design, Alpha and Omega had seen that their current vibrational range of frequencies had expanded sufficiently that it could be factored into eighteen distinct lower and lower harmonic octaves like the recurring higher and lower frequencies of the note C of the musical scale. The octaves would comprise their whole current set of net collected composite frequencies and consciousness.
They also saw that they could demark the different harmonic octaves into distinctly appointed allocations of frequencies, now called dimensions. The could then stack them on top of each other in principle, such that the highest frequency octave would be at the top and the lowest at the bottom. The dimensions would not be apart from the Even Pool, just differing areas within the Pool, segregated according to frequency.
They would then be able to use their new found frequencies of light as a primary working factor within the octaves. Which would then allow them to extract the singular pulsating manner of the Breath and the standing wave manner of the Particles from out of their Great Even Pool of Darkness self into a mutually interactive set of working rulings within their newly expanded mutual consciousnesses.
They would then be able to instil a commonality into the standing wave directionalities of Omega's Tiny Particles of Substance through the rulings, from which they would be able to precipitate their Tiny Particles and Intelligent Breath into outer lighted Substance and Intelligence manifestation gradually one step at a time within their lower dimensional octaves as concrete discrete lighted outer materialized manifestations. The outer lighted manifestations would then be usable as stepping stones for eventually converting the entirety of their remaining falling frequencies into a single consolidated non-falling everlasting form of themselves as their final and absolute single all encompassing event.
The basic aspects of the Design were simple. The primary vibration in the consciousness of Alpha is Intelligence. The primary vibration in the consciousness of Omega is Substance. Although the frequencies of the Intelligent Breath and Tiny Particles of Substance are completely inter-meshed aside each other within their mutual inter-fusion within their Great Even Pool of Darkness self, the two never make direct mutual contact. In Causeless Cause, each exists completely stand alone as though the other did not exist. No commonality of vibration of any kind exists between the original frequencies of the Intelligent Breath and the original frequencies of the Tiny Particles of Substance anywhere within the totality of their original Great Even Pool of Darkness self.
Through their growing understanding of their 'light created' experience, they eventually saw how the frequencies of their Breath and frequencies of their Tiny Particles had originally been brought together into direct contact within Alpha's consciousness when he had first recognized the presence of Omega standing in presence beside him. And that when Alpha had eventually matched the new vibrations against his own within his consciousness and recognized that they were not his own, the matching had brought the two frequencies together into direct contact with each other for the very first time ever.
Whereby in the matching, some of the frequencies of the vibrations of Life from within the Breath had instantly fused with some of the frequencies of the vibrations of Life from within their Tiny Particles into the new found vibration, 'Light'. The flash of light within his consciousness had startled his awareness into instantly perceiving the vibrational differences in a new found aspect called 'Recognition'. In becoming aware of the new vibrations, Alpha sought source, eventually discovering Omega standing ever present alongside him in the darkness.
Through Alpha's discovery of Omega, Omega eventually became aware of the existence of Alpha. In becoming mutually aware of each other the two were eventually able to formulate a full set of self identities for themselves by comparing all of their differences. Through their eventually realized differentiation of identities they were eventually able to establish a mutual communication. And through their mutual communication and eventual realization of their eventual plight, the plan to redeem themselves from oblivion was eventually worked out between them.
The plan was Alpha's and was accepted by Omega. Their unique Intelligent Design was eventually formulated as modus operand for the purpose. The steps of the Design were well ordered and according to rule.
While envisioning prospects for the Design, Alpha had seen that they could harmonize their two distinct frequencies into one in critical assorted ways to create permanent presences of the light between them. This would allow them to utilize the frequencies of the newly created permanent presences of light as actor exemptor for converting the frequencies of their original Intelligent Breath and Tiny Particles of Substance into lighted externalized versions of Pure Intelligence and Pure Substance such that the chaotic directionalities of the Particle's standing waves could be ironed out into common directions.
They would then be able to utilize the newly externalized forms of purified Intelligence and Substance to form Creation as a permanent outer bodily representation of themselves. They could then use their Creation to gradually convert themselves a step at a time from out of their ill fated Great Even Pool of Darkness state into a permanent everlasting state of existence.
Alpha had reasoned that to raise their Intelligent Design up into a full working modus operant, that instating a four way family principle of Father, Mother, Son, and Daughter within their net consciousnesses would be sufficient. With the outlined principles of Family in hand, Alpha would then be able to embellish his consciousness with the formulated principles of the Father and Omega within hers with the formulated principles of the Mother. They would then be able to connect their mutual consciousness together by forming an arc in consciousness between them, establishing a primary bridge of light based on the opposing frequencies of Intelligence and Substance.
Through the arc they would then be able to embellish the frequencies within their respective consciousnesses with the respective formulated principles of a Son within Alpha and a Daughter within Omega. They would then be able to form a second arc between their Son and Daughter aspects as the actual working actor of permanent light. They would then be able to use the permanent presence of their Son/Daughter light to convent themselves from out of the Even Pool into everlasting existence.
To instil the Son and Daughter principles into their consciousnesses as the second needed working light ingredient, Alpha had seen that he could establish a complete mirror of his consciousness minus the Father factor as a unique subset within his. He had also seen that Omega could establish a complete mirror of her consciousness minus the Mother factor within hers. Alpha had also seen that they would be able to embellish the new mirror within his consciousness with the derivative Family principle of a Son, and that Omega would be able to embellished the one within hers with the derivative Family principle of a Daughter. They would then be able to create a second full and constant connecting arc between their Son and Daughter aspects based on the opposing frequencies of their Son and Daughter sides as the second bridge of light.
For directly connecting their two opposing vibrations, the two respective bridges would produce two full and steady presences of the light. The two newly produced bridges of light, for being a constant captured fusion of life into light within their consciousness and not from the actual frequencies of the Breath and Particles in and of themselves, would remain as ongoing standing images captured and would never degrade.
Based on the net differences between their newly formulated Son and Daughter consciousness, under terms of the light Alpha also foresaw that a new found attribute called Energy for their new found Begotten Son/Daughter consciousness would be possible. They could then consolidate their newly Begotten Son/Daughter consciousnesses and newly begotten Energy attribution as actor ingredient within their 'Intelligent Design'.
Even as their Even Pool self was too vast to convert as a single event, their plan was to consolidate Omega's Tiny Particles of Substance into contiguous amounts of small smoothed out purified externalized permanent light versions of Substance called manifestations. Then to continue expanding the manifestations one step at a time like accumulating freeze-framed frames of a video, until all of their Tiny Particles ended up as one single consolidated manifestation of Absolute Pure Substance. Likened as the Breath is only one.
The manifestations would be accomplished through the accomplice role of their newly Begotten Son/Daughter Consciousness and new attribution of Energy through their Intelligent Design in a new found process called Creativity. Whereby the product of their Creativity would be called Creation. Whereby their Creation would be ever expandable. And whereby as Creation ever expanded, ever ongoing new increments of Energy would be constantly created which would continuously consolidate and grow. And that their Creation and ever collecting pool of Energy could be expanded and expanded and expanded and expanded without limit, until enough overall collected Energy animus was produced to allow them to convert the remaining portion of their Great Even Pool of Darkness self into a single permanent everlasting version of themselves as the single penultimate event.
To initiate their design into action, Alpha and Omega consummated their overall plan of redemption by making an absolute unification in consciousness between them in their fifteenth dimensional octave by absolutely agreeing to be absolutely equal. The agreement formed a permanent fifteenth dimensional arc in consciousness between them as the initiating founding bridge of their design.
The new arc in consciousness connected the frequencies of their two disparate consciousnesses together within their fifteenth dimensional octave of frequencies, directly connecting the Intelligence consciousness of Alpha to the Substance consciousness of Omega to produce a fusion of the two aspects of life into light. By way of the bridge, a permanent presence of light between their two respective consciousness became established.
Their absolute acceptance of absolute equality had been necessary to ensure every possible vibrational variance between them was accounted for in the making, else their two frequencies would not be absolutely paired and the plan would eventually stop working because of imbalances. As all of their frequencies were accounted for in their original agreement, the newly produced light was an absolute all encompassing form of the light.
To raise the Family principle up into the full working Intelligent Design modus operant, Alpha and Omega consecrated the family principle of Father, Mother, and Only Begotten Son/Daughter into a single Holy Trinity Self within their fifteenth dimensional octave of Being.
To consecrate their Holy Trinity self, they formally ascribed to the new light presence within Alpha's consciousness the workings of the Father. On the other side of the bridge they formally ascribed to the new light presence within Omega's consciousness the workings of the Mother. By cause of their original agreement in consciousness, the two frequencies remained inexorably linked across the bridge as two absolutely equal new modalities connected together as one.
As pulsating vibrations spread out and standing wave vibrations stay put, the pulsating vibrations of the Father moved towards the standing wave vibrations of the Mother as projective, and the standing wave vibrations of the Mother received the pulsating vibrations of the Father as receptive. Which combined together into an absolute 'Intention' to Create.
Their newly made intention to Create projected from the consciousness of the Father in a new found absolute aspect known as 'Will', and was accepted by the consciousness of the Mother in a new found absolute aspect known as 'Desire'. By the principles, the intention became set up in the form of a continuing newly made movement of consciousness between their Will and Desire known as 'Motivation'.
Alpha and Omega then pulled mirrors of their net respective sets of consciousness and frequencies minus the Mother and Father aspects apart from out of their original causeless interfusion state within their Great Even Pool of Darkness self, and set them up within the frequencies of light within their respective fifteenth dimensional consciousnesses. The two mirrors were then infused with the respective principles of a Son and of a Daughter within the respective consciousnesses of Alpha and Omega. The respective Alpha mirror was placed within his consciousness and the respective Omega mirror within hers.
The two newly produced consciousnesses of a Son and of a Daughter were then similarly arced together in absolute equality as a newly begotten Son/Daughter essence of Being, comprising the second permanent bridge of light. They then joined the Son and Daughter together as one across the bridge. Because the consciousnesses of the Son and Daughter were now arced and joined across the bridge, the light enhanced into a second absolutely stolid ever present standing fact of light.
As an attribution was needed for the Son/Daughter to make them prime actor in the redemption process, Alpha and Omega then maximized the potential of the enhanced light by extracting the net differences distinguishing their original Intelligent Breath from their original Tiny Particles of Substance into a distinct element called 'polarity' for their Intelligence side within their Holy Trinity self. They then likewise extracted the net differences distinguishing their original Tiny Particles of Substance from their original Intelligent Breath as a distinct 'polarity' element for their Substance side within their Holy Trinity self.
As their new polarities had been forged within the frequencies of their Holy Trinity self, they were forged within the frequencies of their newly formulated light and not within the frequencies of their original Breath and Tiny Particles. Since neither polarity contained even one vibration of the other they were of absolutely opposite polarity value in nature. To set up the polarities as a working ingredient within their overall Intelligent Design, Alpha and Omega then designated the polarity of their Breath side as positive and the polarity of their Particles side as negative. In reflection of its ties to the Intelligence Breath, the vibrations of their positive polarity were pulsative. In reflection of its ties to the Tiny Particles of Substance the vibrations of their negative polarity were standing wave.
Using their newly made motive Will and Desire, Alpha and Omega then pulled their newly formed polarities apart from each other by standing them on the opposite Son and Daughter sides of the second bridge. Their positive polarity was set within the consciousness of the Only Begotten Son and their negative polarity within the consciousnesses of the Only Begotten Daughter.
Through self compatibility within each's polarity, each polarity had an absolute affinity for itself. Because absolutely no vibrations of any kind existed within the other, the two polarities stood in absolute opposition to each other. The original implied Causeless interfusion between the two polarities from their Great Even Pool of Darkness originations was not lost in the extraction. It converted into a resolute elastic pull between the two in the form of an absolute electromagnetic attraction called 'Love'.
The Love attraction drew the active pulsating positive vibrations across the bridge towards the passive negative standing wave vibrations as projective. The negative standing wave vibrations accepted the positive pulsating vibrations across the bridge as receptive. Alpha and Omega attributed the new made electromagnetic Love attraction as the new made attribution for their newly Begotten Son/Daughter as that called 'Energy' with an animus of 'Action'.
They then mutually harmonized their original Father and Mother consciousness potentialities, plus their newly made joint Son/Daughter consciousnesses potentialities together to become the Pure Triune consciousness essence of Being known as the Holy Trinity. For having been forged within the frequencies of the newly created light, the newly combined Holy Trinity frequencies can never degrade and are everlasting.
Their new found third consciousness and attribution, their only Begotten Son/Daughter and Energy was all that was ever needed to fulfill their plan. Their One and Only Begotten Son/Daughter and attribute of Energy is the third aspect of their Trinity and is all that ever was begotten.
Finally, to raise their new made Energy into the absolute power of its absolute potential, Alpha and Omega tied the frequencies of the original opposition between the two polarities with the frequencies of their original motivational Father and Mother movement of consciousness, and passed them over as an enhanced movement of consciousness between the Son and Daughter. The enhanced movement of consciousness was yet another new made electromagnetic counterpart working between the consciousnesses of the Son/Daughter. The new made electromagnetic counterpart comprised an electro-magnetic flux.
By combined cause of the motivational movement of consciousness plus the opposition involved, the flux acted as a pressure between the polarities. The pressure pushed the polarities apart as expansion, serving to counteract the original self attraction and magnetic pull between the polarities because of the extraction. The workings of the flux was given to the Son/Daughter as their joint motivational movement of consciousness between them called 'Responsibility'.
The amount of responsibility taken equalled the amount of joint motivational movement of consciousness between them and visa versa. The greater their responsibility taken, the more the flux and the more the polarities pushed apart. The less their responsibility taken, the less the flux and the more the polarities pulled together because of the attraction.
The flux appeared in the form of lines of force between the two polarities. The direction of the lines of force was from their active pulsating positive polarity to their passive negative standing wave polarity. By the pressure, the electro-magnetic flux governed the amount of expansion. The greater the lines of force, the greater the pressure and greater the expansion and visa versa.
Originally, the opposing 'Love' polarities attracted because of the extraction. The net newly formulated result was that because of their self affinity and countered magnetic pull, like polarities also attracted. Because of the electro-magnetic flux within the movement of consciousness of the Son/Daughter including the original native opposition between the polarities, opposites repelled.
By the combined principles, the responsibility taken by the Son/Daughter became government over expansion. The more their responsibility taken, the greater was their movement of consciousness and greater the expansion. The less responsibility taken, the less was their movement of consciousness and greater the attraction.
To raise their new made Energy up into a fully operational 'Action' capability, Alpha and Omega then raised up the original Pure Thought capability of Alpha into a new made thought capability within their Holy Trinity self called 'Thinking'. The capability was achieved through a new made four way square of consciousness within their consciousnesses which linked the consciousnesses of the Father, Son, Daughter, and Mother working together harmoniously as one.
The square of consciousness crossed the original Will and Desire movement of consciousness between the Father and Mother with the electro-magnetic flux movement of consciousness between the Only Begotten Son/Daughter. The Father, Mother, Son, and Daughter were set up at the four corners of the square such that the Father and Mother, and Son and Daughter respectively opposed each other cross corner across the midpoint of the square. Their Will and Desire movement of consciousness was set up between the Father and Mother cross corners of the square. Their electro-magnetic flux movement of consciousness was set up between the Son/Daughter cross corners of the square.
In the depiction below, the negative and positive polarities of each corner are indicated for clarification. (Fig, 2).
Fig. 2 - Square of Consciousness
Within the square the original motivation between the Father/Mother conducted as the intension to create, the derived motivation between the Son/Daughter conducted as the responsibility to create.
As a result, the newly made mind state functioned as a new made Holy Trinity stream of consciousness principle called 'Thinking'. According to each specific instance of Will and Desire to create by the Father and Mother, combined with the respective responsibility taken by the Only Begotten Son/Daughter, the Holy Trinity thinking process occurred in continuous discrete expanded and contracted movements of consciousness called 'Thoughts'
The new made capability of thoughts empowered the Holy Trinity with a new made Co-Creative operant by which, through co-ordinated variances asked for of their Only Begotten Son/Daughter with respect to the amount of responsibilities taken in each given instance, the thoughts enabled the Holy Trinity to impart an overall discretely varying effect upon expansion. In effect, how much responsibility was taken by their Son/Daughter determined how much of the Will and Desire of the Father and Mother would become expressed into actuality as an 'Action'.
Through the expanded thought process called thinking, Energy had become enabled into Action under the absolute control of Alpha and Omega's three-way Trinity unity of consciousness. The absolute potentials of their Absolute Father, Absolute Mother, and Absolute Son/Daughter essences of Being had become harnessed into an all encompassing absolute newly made three way harmonic activity called 'Creativity'.
Through their Creativity Alpha and Omega would now be able to project purified versions of their Intelligence, Energy, and Substance into outer externalized representations of their Holy Trinity self as the product known as 'Creation'. By their instrumentations, Alpha and Omega had become 'Creators'.
Will is active, Desire is passive. By letting the Son/Daughter 'want' to accept a given responsibility rather than to be made to do it by dictum, the passive aspect of Desire was always assured equal presence with their active Will aspect in any responsibility taken as a proper balance of Will and Desire.
By assuring an absolute equal balance of Will and Desire in every responsibility taken by the Only Begotten Son/Daughter, the absolute integrity of the absolute square of consciousness would always remain absolutely intact, and an appropriate amount of absolute Energy would always be begotten for absolute Action to always be enacted in an Absolute new found activity called 'First Cause'.
By asking their Son/Daughter to take their responsibility absolutely by choice rather than by making them do it by decree, the Son/Daughter were always free to accept their responsibility or not in an Absolute new found principle called 'Free Will'.