Unlike the Big Bang theory favoured by your Earth Scientists as the beginning of Creation, Creation began one tick at a time as a precipitation of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance out of the fourteenth dimension into the thirteenth dimension under the guidance, direction, and protection, of Alpha and Omega.
The Whole Creation is from Dimension fourteen to one, exhausting the fourteen absolute crossover potentialities of Alpha and Omega within their extracted hearts of fig, 2 in Starrgram 2. The fourteenth dimension is the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega. The main of Creation comprises dimensions thirteen to one. The main of Creation exists in two main forms, an Inner Creation and an Outer. The Inner Creation comprises dimensions thirteen to nine, the Outer Creation comprises dimensions seven to one. The eight dimension is an interface between the two. The Inner Creation is considered mainly an Intelligence related Creation. The Outer Creation is considered mainly Substance related.
The frequencies of the Holy Trinity are Father, Only Begotten Son/Daughter, and Mother, having the attributes of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance. The frequencies of Creation are Intelligence, Energy, and Substance underscored by the frequencies of the Father, Mother, and Only Begotten Son/Daughter. The frequencies of the Inner Creation relate more to the Father, Mother, and Only Begotten Son/Daughter side. The frequencies of the Outer are related mostly to the Intelligence, Energy, and Substance side.
The Holy Trinity is the fifteenth dimension, the main of Creation is the thirteenth dimension and below. The frequencies of the fifteenth dimension and higher contain no materializations. The fourteenth dimension to the first are all dimensions of manifestation. The fourteenth dimension contains only the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega, considered a part of Creation but not in its greater part. The Living Atom Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega is the interface between the higher internalized frequencies of the Creators as principles and their lower externalized frequencies as practices.
The practices are in the form of manifestations. Manifestations are harmonious embodiments of Purified Intelligence, Pure Energy, and Pure Substance in precipitated externalized form. Your physical body which you can pinch is a precipitated materialized form.
The fourteenth dimensional Point and Center anchored Creation. The Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega began Creation. The thirteenth dimensional Cubit underscores Creation. The Inner and Outer Creations are the ongoing product. Both the Inner and Outer Creations are fully Triune, meaning embodying the frequencies of Father, Mother, and Son/Daughter in the one, and of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance in the other.
The Inner Creation is rich in love and light. All dimensions of the Inner Creation are based mainly on the triune frequencies of Father, Only Begotten Son/Daughter, and Mother. Each dimension is additionally based on one or another of the seven permutational possibilities of their frequencies. The dimensions are also imbued with the frequencies of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance combined together. The dimensions are all stand alone. In the Outer Creation, all dimensions are based mainly on the Triune frequencies of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance.
Like the Inner Creation, each dimension of the Outer is additionally based on one or another of the seven permutational possibilities of their frequencies. The dimensions are also imbued with the Triune frequencies of the Father, Only Begotten Son/Daughter, and Mother combined together. Unlike the Inner Creation the Outer Creation dimensions are fully tied together.
Permanent residents of the Inner Creation belong to one or another of the dimensions according to their mandate and normally do not migrate between the dimensions or to the Outer. All Beings in the Outer Creation have passed through the Inner Creation on their way down to the Outer, where down refers to frequency not location. They learn progressively on their way down through the Inner dimensions, how to undertake their responsibilities to bear in love and service to the Creation for the Creators within the Outer.
Evolutionary Ascendant Beings descend through the dimensions of the Inner Creation, ending up in the fifth dimension of the Outer Creation in order to begin their evolutionary progress back up by learning about the principles of Christ. Once they are finished with their fifth dimensional learning cycle, they are moved up to the seventh dimension to start putting them into practice. Once they have completed their program of evolution within the seventh dimension, they are returned back to the Inner Creation for progression back up to the feet of the Creators in Paradise for eventual Trinitization.
As they migrate upwards they bring an ever expanding presence of the the Consciousness and Energy of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter with them. The expanded consciousness and Energy is pooled back into the sixteenth dimension, allowing yet even more Tiny Particles and Breath to be brought down from the Great Even Pool of Darkness. The very purpose of the Evolutionaries within Creation.
In the Inner Creation, both the Upper and Lower Y Factors of Energy are visible to all. In the Outer Creation, at present only the Upper Y Factor is visible to all and the Lower Y Factor is implied.
The fourteenth dimension with the Cube And Sphere of Alpha and Omega is considered to be the highest dimension of the Outer Creation. To create the Island of Paradise in the thirteenth dimension, following the expansion to a cubit as detailed near the end of Starrgram 3, the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega was projected one dimension down to the thirteenth as a cubit.
To start the Inner Creation, the original thirteenth dimensional cubit of fig. 43 in Starrgram 5 was taken as base, and expanded by the first expansion rule of fig. 49 in Starrgram 5. The expanded cubit was cubistically filled in to become the cubistic matrix for the thirteenth dimensional Island of Paradise. The Isle of Paradise eventually became populated with projected Christ Triune Soul Atom children of the Creators in great number.
By successive cubistic expansions, the Island of Paradise was eventually surrounded by an Inner Creation then followed by an Outer Creation surrounding the Inner. Both are fully populated with projected Christ Triune Soul Atom children of the Creators in very very great number.
The Island of Paradise is a pill shaped disk not unlike a Galaxy viewed on edge. People live in the disk not on it. The remaining dimensions of the Inner Creation are like donut rings surrounding the Island of Paradise, like thickened rings of Saturn. The further out from Paradise the ring, the lower the dimension and lower the frequency. People likewise live in the rings, not on them.
The Outer Creation dimensions are all based on the seven permuted frequencies of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance tied together. Descendant Beings in the Outer Creation are assigned to the fifth or seventh dimension according to their mandate. They are able to migrate freely between the dimensions as their responsibilities may bear. The fifth dimension is the bottom line of Creation. The third and fourth dimensions do not carry populations except under extremely aberrant conditions from Luciferian interference such as on Earth.
Consciousnesses in the Inner Creation are primarily based on the triune frequency of Father, Only Begotten Son/Daughter, and Mother. Each consciousness is additionally imbued with the particular frequency of the dimensions they are in plus any additional parameters such as those their particular expression might call for.
Consciousnesses in the Outer Creation are based on the same configuration of seven frequencies tied together as are the seven Super Universes for being of the same principle in rule. Soul Atoms in the Outer Creation all carry the same seven frequencies in consciousness regardless of dimension or mandate. Those in the seventh dimension express mainly through their seventh dimensional frequencies in consciousness. Those in the fifth, mainly through their fifth.
To complete the creation of the Inner Creation, the Island of Paradise cubit was cubistically expanded four more times, again using the first expansion rule of fig. 49 in Starrgram 6. Each successive expansion was to the next dimension down.
Counting the original Paradisiacal cubit, five dimensions in all resulted to
constitute the five dimensions of the Inner Creation. The dimensions are
thirteen to nine. In the Inner Creation, the lower the dimension the higher
the density, lower the vibration, and closer together are the member parts.
Alternatively, the higher and higher the dimension,
By the expansion rule, each successive lower dimension was larger than the one above. In the depiction below, nine is the largest, twelve is the tiny yellow cubit in the middle and thirteen is too small to be seen. (Fig. 57).
Fig. 57 - Expansion Down to the Ninth Dimension of the Inner
Similarly, the principles of the Inner Creation were completed in its making. No new features or characteristics have been added. The Inner Creation is not static however. Like a rubber balloon whose physical characteristics are set in its making but which can become larger and larger as more and more air is pumped in, as the Outer Creation ever expands the Inner Creation is gradually becoming larger and larger as and more and more Ascendants complete Trinitization and take up residence in love and service in the Inner. Also, as more and more Descendant Soul Atoms pass though on their way to love and service in the Outer Creation. Also, as as more and more Ascendant Evolutionary Soul Atoms pass through on their way to the Outer Creation on their first journey through or on their way back for Trinitization to help ever the expanding Creation.
After completion of the Inner Creation, a sixth expansion comprising the start up of the eighth dimension was completed around the Inner. A seventh expansion around the eighth dimension was completed to begin the Outer Creation. An eighth expansion around the seventh step completed the expansion of the Inner Creation to the Outer.
Just as the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega is the interface between the Holy Trinity and frequencies above and their Creation below, the eighth dimension is the interface between the Inner Creation above and the Outer Creation below. As in all aspects, above and below refer to the speed of vibration and not location.
The frequencies of the Inner Creation are completely different than the frequencies of the Outer. The different parts of the Inner Creation are segregated by dimensions. The Inner Creation Dimensions surround each other like the rings of Saturn. The Outer Creation is comprised of seven great Super Universe. The Super Universes are like flattened bubbles, surrounding the Inner Creation like the petals of a flower. Each Super Universe bears the particular attribution of one of the seven frequencies tied together. Each of the Super Universes have all seven of the outer dimensions in them. The differing parts of the Outer Creation are segregated by their attributions where the dimensions remain the same for each, albeit tailored in frequency to each particular Super Universe environment.
The frequencies of the Inner Creation are based on the seven frequencies of the Holy Trinity individually expressed. The frequencies of the Outer Creation are based on the seven frequencies of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance tied together. Soul Atoms in the Inner Creation experience the frequencies of the Father, Mother, and Son/daughter directly through the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega interface. Soul Atoms in the Outer Creation experience the frequencies indirectly through the intermediary role of the Paradisiacal Creator Son/Daughters.
Soul Atoms of the Inner Creation are individually pegged to the frequencies of Father, Son/Daughter, Mother with the frequencies of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance in behind. Soul Atoms of the Outer Creation are pegged to the frequencies of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance tied together with the frequencies of the Father, Mother, and Son/Daughter in behind. The Soul Atoms in the Inner Creation all have great essences of Being. The essence of Beingness in the Outer Creation vary greatly from one type of Being to the next.
Similarly, the Inner Creation is oriented to the Creators, the Outer Creation is oriented at ninety degrees to the Creators.
By virtue of all these absolute differences between the frequencies of the Inner Creation and the Outer Creation, the expansion of the Inner Creation to the Outer Creation required an intermediary eighth dimensional step of transmutation. The sole and only purpose of the eighth dimension is to effect the transmutation. The eight dimension is otherwise completely void.
In order to produce the transition factor, the eighth dimension was expanded in two steps. The first step was from the frequencies of the Inner Creation to the frequencies of the eighth dimension. The second step was from the frequencies of the eighth dimension to the frequencies of the Outer.
In the first step, the ninth dimension was expanded again by the first expansion rule of fig. 49 in Starrgram 5 as the first step to the eighth. In fig. 58, The start of the eighth dimension is the larger cubit. The second cubit in is the ninth dimension. The tiny Cube and Sphere in the middle implies the tenth dimension and above. (Fig. 58).
Fig. 58 - First Stage of Expansion to the Eighth Dimension
The Outer Creation is oriented at ninety degrees to the Creators. In the second step, to re-orient the frequencies at ninety degrees and to prepare for the introduction of the seven frequencies tied together, from the resulting expanded cubit a second equal sized cubit was created oriented at ninety degrees.
To begin the oriented cubit, the same new circle of Intelligence was used. A new Starr of David was emanated at ninety degrees to the original by aligning its arms to the intersections of the staffs and newly expanded circle. By symmetry, the six new Starr of David end points were located out along the Rods past the cube. (Fig. 59).
Fig. 59 - Rotated Starr of David through the intersection of Staffs and New Circle
A set of three new staff lines from the sixteenth dimension were drawn down to the center point and aligned to the new Starr of David, overlaying the original rods.
At the intersections of the new staffs and new Starr of David end points, a new cube was manifested. New rods were created overlaying the original staffs to complete the newly rotated cubit at ninety degrees to the Inner. (Fig. 60).
Fig. 60 - Rotated Cubit
As the last of the second step in setting up the seventh and final expansion to the Outer Creation, just the rotated cubit was expanded by the first expansion rule of fig. 49 in Starrgram 5 to create the basic cubit for the Outer Creation as completion of the full eighth dimensional expression. (Fig. 61).
Fig. 61 - Last Stage of Expansion of the Eighth Dimension
The whole interacting matrix of the three cubits together represents the eighth dimension. The whole Inner Creation is shown as the very very tiny yellow dot in the middle. The Outer Creation is very much larger than the Inner.