The Intelligent Design of Creation is Book 1 of a newly revealed series of Cosmic Revelations titled 'The Revelatorium'. "The Revelatorium' is a Christ Melchizedek teaching designed to help you get back up into the fifth dimension where you belong. In particular, every twenty five thousand years during the two thousand year Age of Aquarius, full 'Galactic Law' is lowered into everyone's consciousness. Called 'The Great Book'.
The 'Revelatorium' is from the fifth dimension through a pure Christ Melchizedek attunement in consciousness known in 'Reality' as 'Responsibility'. Please note that 'The Revelatorium' is on the Christ table 'as is'. It is not a scholarly or learned work. Nor is they intended to stir up a dialogue, argument, or controversy. Nor is it a doctrine or personal belief. Nor does it represent a new philosophy, religion, or group. Nor is it to be used as fodder for a Church. It is a pure Christ teaching to help you in your ascension back to the fifth dimension two thousand years from now and serves no other purpose.
Also, please note that The Revelatorium' is not intended for spiritual bums who just want to know a few things so they can lord their spirituality over others. It is are for the ardent at heart who earnestly want to know and understand the way things actually work and why. Plus, knowing and understanding 'Who you are', 'What you are', and 'Where you are going'. Knowing 'About' something is Wisdom, knowing 'Why' is Understanding. Get thee wisdom, but above all get thee understanding.
The Age of Aquarius in now upon you, 'The Great Book' is being opened at last. A complete body of Cosmic knowledge known as, 'The Great Book' is now being placed before you. At the end of Aquarius two thousand years from now, most of you will be functioning at a full fifth dimensional frequency of consciousness and will be returned to Earth's fifth dimensional Garden of Eden where you belong.
'The Revelatorium' is a preface to the 'Great Book', introducing you to the fifth dimensional manners of speaking, wordings, and particular concepts you will need to have at hand fo fully understand the full scope of informations to come. 'The Intelligent Design of Creation' is the first book of the series. The subsequent books, 'The Revelatorium of Alpha and Omega', and The Radionnic Ships of the Heavenly Host', are Books two and three respectively. In all, seven Books will eventually be presented.
'The Revelatorium' is not an update to the biblical 'Revelations'. The original Revelations put forth details of an emergency new plan, instigated for the next two thousand years following the Crucifixion of Christ and had been prepared over a forty year period in the Melchizedek Worlds of the Magellanic Clouds as damage control after the crucifixion.
'The Revelatorium' on the other hand is part of a great cyclical event which returns again every twenty five thousand years, called the 'Great Book' which includes all of Galactic Law. The information is given to the population every twenty five thousand years during the dispensation of Aquarius. 'The Revelatorium' is a preface which introduces you to the basic terminologies, precepts, and fundamental principles of 'The Great Book' you need to know in order to ease you comfortably into the full scope of the teachings in the years to come.
The numerous Cosmic affairs currently affecting Plant Earth at the present time are not arbitrary. The Cosmic affairs currently affecting Plant Earth today are anything but arbitrary. Some of the Cosmic Energies reaching Earth today were set in motion over five hundred billion years ago, long before this Milky Way Galaxy was even commissioned. Others of the incoming radiations concern Solar Law now finishing up, plus Galactic Law now incoming. The Solar Laws which govern Earth's role in the Local Solar System come in through the Leo Dispensation. The Galactic Laws governing the Earth's Solar System's role in the Galaxy as a whole come in through the Age of Aquarius, i.e., 'The outpouring of the Waters of Truth'.
Consequently, Earth is at a major pivotal point in its history which will never again be repeated in all of Creation. The reason is because there are at least thirty five great Cosmic events currently occurring on Earth at the present time which is why the eyes of the Universe are currently upon Earth.
Among them is the fact that:
1. The Adamic Root Race for the Planet is your Asian population in all its flavours and all it's colors. The Asian Adamic Root Race is finally starting to be lifted back up out of the third dimension back into the fifth dimension where they belong after three and a half million years wallowing in a third dimensional mire.
2. It is also because Beings of all dispensations have volunteered to come here from all over Creation to help in the work of raising up the Adamics.
3. It is also because Plant Earth is starting to come into its own final run unto a radiant Protostarr in the womb of Orion two hundred and fifty hundred thousand years from now.
4. It is also because the accumulated lesser condition of people with contaminated consciousness's resulting from the Luciferian Self Will Rebellion of the Cosmic Overplus five billion years ago, have been gathered together and cast into Earth as the 'Casted Dagon'. Who have incarnated as that called the Baby boomers.
5. It is also because the clean up in the aftermath of the Luciferian Self Will Rebellion of the Cosmic Overplus called 'Armageddon', is now occurring throughout all thousand galaxies of this Local Universe, which was the only Local Universe so effected.
6. It is also because Earth is currently in the middle of the collective programs put together as damage control following the Crucifixion of Christ. The program was devised over a forty year period in the Melchizedek Worlds of the Magellanic Clouds following the Crucifixion, and transmitted to John the Divine over a ten year period. Now existing in fragmented form as that you call 'The Revelations'.
7. It is also because a vast Heavenly Host of hundreds of Millions of upper fifth dimensional Radionnic Ships of Light are sitting in orbit outside the orbit of Pluto to help in the Clean up. Called 'The Heavenly Host'.
8. It is also because the Age of Aquarius has started, and the one hundred and forty thousand Energy principles of Galactic Law called 'The Chosen Ones' are starting to become installed into your mass consciousnesses.
9. It is also because a whole new eighth and great new Anti-Matter Super Universe of Intelligence is being initiated by bifurcation off this Local Universe, and Earth is right in the middle of the point of bifurcation.
10. It is also because Earth is the training sphere where seed Soul Atoms for the New Creation are being prepared.
11. It is also because Beings from all over Creation are on Earth learning how to work with a Cosmic Overplus frequency within a fully Triune Celestial environment, the first of its kind in all of Creation.
12. It is also because Earth has entered the Photon Disk around the great central Starr Alcione in the Pleiades Solar Sector, where it will remain for the next two thousand years during the installation of Galactic Law.
13. It is also because a new 'Day' cycle of twelve two thousand year dispensations officially started on December twenty first, two thousand and twelve.
14. It is also because a new 'Solar' cycle of two hundred and fifty thousand years has just begun.
15. It is also because a new 'Cosmic' cycle of seven hundred and fifty thousand years has just begun.
16. It is also because a new 'Universal' cycle of three and a half million years has just begun.
17. It is also because a new 'Grand' cycle of two hundred and fifty million years has just begun.
18. It is also because the magnetic poles of Earth are starting to reverse after a two hundred and fifty thousand year delay.
19. It is also because a super high frequency Energy burst from the Galaxy's central core passed through Earth in April of two thousand and thirteen, which is an Energy enrichment all Evolutionaries in the fifth dimension of every Planet in the Galaxy receives on a regular cyclical basis.
20. It is also because for the next two thousand years during the Aquarian Age, illuminations in consciousness will be constantly downloading known variously as 'The Great Book' being opened at last, comprising 'The Greater Truths of the Cosmos finally being revealed', and the outpourings of 'The Waters of Truth'.
21. It is because the Intelligent Design of Creation is being revealed to Mankind for the first time ever.
22. It is also because the final vestige frequencies of Planetary Law, which were introduced during the Virgo Dispensation through the pyramids and not properly replaced by Solar Law during Atlantis, are finally being cleared up.
23. It is also because the incomplete frequencies of Solar Law, which were not inducted properly during Atlantis because of the blow-up are quickly being brought up into full stature.
24. It is also because the Aquarian Christ for the Aquarian Age is being birthed in everyone's consciousness.
25. It is also because the turbulent frequencies of Pisces left over after the crucifixion are been straightened out as part and parcel of Armageddon.
26. It is also because a huge induction of unprecedented higher frequency radiations are starting to come in now to work with to help affect the changes, seen variously as Gamma Ray Bursts, Fast Radio Bursts, and the like.
27. It is because the Sun has recently transformed from 3D yellow to 5D white.
28. It is because the negative Anti-Christ frequencies that led to the Crucifixion are finally being dissolved from Creation forever.
29. It is also because Planet Earth is finally coming back into proper polarity alignment with Polaris, whereby Earth has been suffering a reverse Polaris Ionnic condition for the last two hundred and fifty thousand years.
30. It is also because a unique link from Paradise directly into Man's consciousness in the third dimension has been successfully established.
31. It is because the fall of Man into the third dimension three and a half million years ago was a misstep, now being corrected.
32. It is also because Earth is the first of the twenty five hundred planets that ended up with a third dimensional population contamination from the Luciferian Rebellion to be finally being cleaned up.
33. It is also because Earth is the beta test for clean up procedures to be tried out and vetted.
34. It is also because a radical fifty year cycle of economic and lifestyle changes is underway. During the eighteen twenties, countries all around the world started breaking the colonization and invasion bonds which had been holding them in bondage to the mores and habits of a foreign power, and started fighting for their independence. During the eighteen seventies, a new way of perceiving Reality from a higher level of frequency started appearing world wide such as Madam Blavatsky of Russia's Theosophical Society. During the nineteen twenties towering skyscrapers suddenly started appearing all over the planet and people started over coming their timidity into travel and frivolity.
During the nineteen seventies, the values of everything from petroleum products, to properties, to collectibles started skyrocketing and everybody started becoming more active in universal societal matters such as politics and save the planet activities, plus people started pouring out of their houses into restaurants and clubs. The new millennia has started, and already the dark and seedy under currents of religious, economic, and societal controls which have kept Mankind in hard bondage for many millennia are starting to be being brought to the surface and beginning to be dealt with.
35. And finally, because your old ways of living for the past three and a half million years is ending and a new way is coming through fast in the Age of Aquarius. In particular, 'The Revelations' has been given to you by grace as a 'Clff's Notes' or 'Coles Notes' type of preface to prepare you for the whole Great Book by giving you a proper upper fifth dimensional based language structure called 'English'. Plus also, to give you a conceptual framework called 'Cubistics' as detailed in Book 1 to work with in harmony with the higher frequency vibrations of the fifth and seventh dimensional levels of consciousness, which you are now starting to experience as 'Illuminations'.
In particular, Solar Law is now finishing up plus complete Galactic Law now coming in. The Solar Laws governing Earth's Solar System come in through the Leo Dispensation, the last time was ten thousand years ago during Atlantis. The Galactic Laws governing the Solar System's role in the Galaxy as a whole come in through the Age of Aquarius, i.e., 'The outpouring of the Waters of Truth'.
Dispensation are two thousand years long periods, called Dispensations because of the new energies released, ie., dispensed, into the consciousnesses of the populations involved during each successive Dispensation. The last dispensation period for Aquarius was twenty five thousand years ago during Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden. The Garden was defaulted by meddling from the Luciferian side, and Galactic Law was not properly installed. The Leo Dispensation was during the time of Atlantis. Atlantis was similarly defaulted by interference from the Luciferian side and Solar Law was not properly installed.
The Piscean Dispensation of the last two thousand years which anchors the Law would have completed the installation of Solar Law had Christ not been crucified, again by interference from the Luciferian side. The Piscean Age has finished and the Aquarian Dispensation is now commencing. The incomplete Solar inductions of the past are been caught up, and the 'Apocalypse' is beginning to unfold. Where 'Apocalypse' in Greek means 'Revelation' not disaster. Likewise, full Galactic Law is beginning to be introduced into your mass consciousnesses again after a twenty three thousand year hiatus.
Two thousand years ago the 'Piscean Christ for the Piscean Ages', was an individual walking among you as the Man you knew as 'Jesus Christ of Nazareth'. This time, the 'Aquarian Christ for the Aquarian' Age will be the collective birth of Christ consciousness within the hearts and consciousnesses of each an every one of you individually. The full frequencies of Christ Triune conscious are at the very forefront of the Intelligent Design.
The Intelligent Design is also at the very forefront of both 'Solar Law' and 'Galactic Law', both are germane to the Great Book now unfolding. How Creation was started through the Design and why, are both revealed by way of this Book 1 Revelation. By the time you have finished this disclosure, you will know for a certainty that a higher dimensional Universe exists, that Creation exists solely though an Intelligent Design formulated by the Creators to expand themselves within themselves without limit, that there is aught in Creation which is not of the Design, and that the Creators do in fact exist for if there be a Design there needs be a Designer.
You are not yet aware of the Intelligent Design because you have not yet been made aware of the Principles of Creation. The complete 'Solar Law' understandings that were to be brought in through Atlantis were cut short by the cataclysms ending Atlantis. Similarly, the higher Cosmic understandings being brought through by Christ during his bestowal two thousand years ago were also cut short by his unprecedented murder. Your entire world view is therefore still comprised almost entirely of a stygian deep of mis-guided thought known as the 'Mentallized Illusion'. The Mentallized Illusion is what Mankind's third dimensional levels of consciousness believe to be the totality of reality having nothing whatsoever to do what fifth dimensional levels of consciousness know to be so.
The Mentallized Illusion is the accumulated by-product of your mis-directed thinking about Creation and yourselves over the past three and a half million years. Because of the illusion, your current notions about Reality are completely off track and almost completely Luciferian.
For example, you believe that the entirety of Creation is a Universe fourteen and a half billion light years across and fourteen billion and a half year old. Also, that the the Milky Way galaxy only is a fraction of that. The limit of your instrumentations. In actuality, Creation is over nine hundred trillion light years across and still within its infancy. The Milky Way Galaxy is well over a hundred and fifty billion years old and still undergoing development. You also believe that Creation started with a single big bang just over fourteen and a half billion years ago. Creation started from a single 'one point wide' absolute 'Point and Center' untold eons ago. Creation has been exponentially unfolding a step at a time since.
You also believe that Creation arbitrarily expands according to your few presumptive laws of Physics. These only deal with the materiality of the third dimensional outer plane, the lowest frequencies in all of Creation. In actuality, through the Design, the Creators have been converting themselves out of an ill fated eighteenth dimensional formulation of Intelligent Breath and Tiny Particles of Substance in their original Causeless Great Even Pool of Darkness self, into an ever ongoing reformulation of everlasting outer manifested frequencies of Intelligence, Substance, and Energy within their thirteenth dimension and below. Called their 'Created Self', also known as 'Creation'.