When the illuminating process is finished and all the remaining cobwebs of the Rebellion have been finally removed, a single unified enhanced movement of consciousness, incorporating memory frequency inputs from every existing nook and cranny of every current level of consciousness within the current Local Sector will be passed into the new Creation as its first initializing consciousness attribution as part and parcel of the first Local Sector's background field for the new creation.
The Great Book is being opened at last and the greater Mysteries of the Cosmos are starting to become revealed. God's great plan is not that the streets shall be paved in gold but that a great new Day of Creation is upon you. An eighth and great new Super Universe is in the initial stages of start up. Six new Super Universes will eventually be unfolded after that. The seven new Super Universes will all be on the Female side and will all be Anti-matter based upon the frequencies of the Mother and Only Begotten Daughter.
The first phase of Alpha and Omega's plan to redeem themselves from oblivion was the formulation of their Holy Trinity family principle of Father, Only Begotten Son/Daughter, and Mother. The second phase was their outer projected Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega. The third phase was their Inner Creation and their current Outer Creation of Seven Great Super Universes. The third phase is nearing completion, their Inner Creation is completed and their current Outer Creation is nearing completion.
The current seven Super Universes were all started in turn by bifurcation off the previous, starting with Intelligence and ending with Triune.
The fourth phase of the Plan is beginning to commence. A great new Anti-matter Super Universe of Intelligence is in its initial stages on the Female side by bifurcation off this current Male side Seventh Super Universe of Intelligence/Energy/Substance. Six more Female based Anti-matter Super Universes will be completed by bifurcations after that. The seven new Super Universes will follow the same sequence of seven frequencies tied together as is the current Outer Creation, namely Intelligence first, energy second, and fully Triune last.
A fifth phase of Creation, involving myriads of Cube and Sphere Point and Centers starting up complete new Universe Creations in their own right will follow. A sixth step will follow the fifth, involving myriads of newly Begotten Grand Sons and Grand Daughters starting up complete Only Begotten Son/Daughter Universe Creations likewise in their own right. A final step ending in the once-and-for-all conversion of their whole remaining Great Even Pool of Darkness self into one permanent everlasting Triune Being as a single absolute event ill follow the sixth as the seventh step.
The current Seven Super Universes were all created by the Male halves of the Seven Master Spirit twins. The invisible Y Factor of the Only Begotten Daughter is starting to become visible and the Seven Female halves are starting to embark on theirs.
The current Outer Creation of seven Super Universes was evolved through the Will of the Father and expression of the Son that the Desire of the Mother and expression of the Daughter become known. The seven new Super Universes will all be evolved through the Desire of the Mother and expression of the Only Begotten Daughter that the Will of the Father and Desire of the Mother be upheld. In the new Creation the Holy Trinity will be known as Mother, Only Begotten Daughter/Son, and Father.
Within the rulings of the Intelligent Design, the expression of the Son relates to Matter, where Intelligence, Energy, and Substance are the attribution and Christ consciousness is the expressed result. In the new Creation, the expression of the Daughter will relate to Anti-matter, where Christ consciousness will be the attribution and Intelligence, Energy, and Substance the expressed result.
The original seven Super Universes have all been built through the Son expression of the Creator Son/Daughters that the Will of the Father be undertaken. The seven new Super Universes will all be undertaken through the Daughter expression of the Creator Son/Daughters that the Desire of the Mother be fulfilled.
The original Super Universe of Intelligence was the first to be created. It bifurcated, beginning the second Super Universe of Energy. The second Super Universe bifurcated beginning the third. So it went through all seven current Super Universes. The seventh is beginning to bifurcate. The eighth and Great new Super Universe is in its initial stages of bifurcation off of the current Seventh. Like the original, the attribution of this first new Super Universe will be Intelligence. Hence the need for the Comic Overplus, an extra add-on of Intelligence so that the new Super Universe will be attributed also on the side of Intelligence.
The seven new Super Universes will all be completely Anti-matter. In the current Creation, the expression of the Son relates to Matter, in the new Creation, the expression of the Daughter will relate to Anti-matter. The Anti-matter of the new Universe is not the malpractice anti-matter of your so called CERN and Cyclotron experiments. The Anti-matter of the new creation is Consciousness in the form of an attribution, rather than attributions in the form of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance as per the current Creation.
In the current Creation, the Creator Sons have become rich in hands on experience. The Creative Daughters had very little to do in the way of hands on work. In the new Creation, the Creative Daughters will do the hands on work and their experience will be acquired.
Because the Y Factor of the Daughter is oriented downward, the principal orientation of cubits in the new Creation will be one hundred and eighty degrees opposite the current. In the new Creation everything will be in reverse. In preparation for the new Creation, the complete conversions of the male astrophysical frequencies of the twenty four families of Creation into female and visa versa have already begun and are already under beta test.
The new Super Universes will exist within the old. The distances between the Planets, Starrs, and Galaxies of the current Creation will be superseded by the distances between the parts of an atom in the new. The new Creation will exist entirely between the parts of the atoms of the old.
The atoms making up normal solid matter are almost empty space. The distances between the parts of an atom are astronomical in comparison to the distances between the Planets, Starrs, and Galaxies of the current Galactic Underworld. Points of consciousness existing as the equivalents of Starrs, and Planets in the new Creation, will be infinitesimal in size in comparison to the solid matter Planets, Starrs of the current Creation.
The whole first new Super Universe of Intelligence in the new Creation will be contained entirely within the Andromeda galaxy, entirely between the parts of its atoms. Andromeda is a dual frequency galaxy. Half is matter based, the other half is based on anti-mater ready to receive the start of bifurcation.
The original Outer Creation is a descending Creation, evolved from the top down, where the Christ Conscious Descendancy move down into their dimensions of office ready to serve, and the Ascendancy are moved down into place within the Fifth dimension to start evolving up into Christ Consciousness from the bottom up. The original seven Super Universes were built from the top down by the Descendancy that the Ascendancy would have platforms in which to evolve.
The seven new Super Universes will be built by the Ascendancy from the bottom up that the Descendancy will have platforms to administer. The conglomerate Ascendancy will evolve the platforms into place as they expand progressively upward. The Descendancy will evolve upward and install into the readied platforms as the parameters require.
Within the current Creation, before each evolutionary Ascendancy program was commenced, the Creator Son/Daughters with their Father Melchizedeks built the basic Descendant hierarchy of their Local Universes from the top on down in preparation. In the new Creation it will be the evolutionary personnel who will do the building of the Local Solar Sectors, Local Universes, then Super Universes. Which will be commenced from the bottom up one step at a time.
The higher dimensions will be started as perfunctory only, with the main hierarchies being drawn up into place as needed to equalize with the achievements of the evolutionary at each successive stage along the way. The conglomerate Ascendancy will hold the definition of state in the new Creation rather than the conglomerate Descendancy as per the current Creation.
To recap, Christ Michael's Local Universe is the launch pad for the new Creation. Being the first day of the Female Super Universe Creations, in accordance with the sequence of the original seven days, the first new Super Universe will be on the side of Intelligence. In order to match the frequencies of a respectively higher Intelligence factor in the new Creation within the fully triune attribution of Christ Michael's Local Universe launch pad, an added Intelligence factor called the Cosmic Overplus had to be added to Christ Michael's Local Universe.Where 'Plus' refers to Intelligence. Which accounts for the fact of the unique Cosmic Overplus Intelligence factor present within Christ Michael's Local Universe not present anywhere else in Creation. Like the first original Super Universe of Intelligence, the first new Super Universe will be very small.
In the current Creation, the background fields of the Local Universes and Local Solar Sectors were of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance set up from the top down. In the new Creation they will be of Consciousnesses set from the bottom up.
When the illuminating process in the current Creation is finished and all the remaining cobwebs of the Rebellion have been finally removed, a single unified enhanced movement of consciousness, incorporating memory frequency inputs from every existing nook and cranny of every current level of consciousness within the current Local Sector of Orion will be passed into the new Creation as its first initializing consciousness attribution as part and parcel of the first Local Sector's background field attribution for the new creation.
Once the first new Solar Sector parameters have been set, it will start becoming populated. Over a hundred trillion seed Soul Atoms/Atums, who were specially trained as a last step of preparation through the frequencies of Earth's two hundred and fifty million year old Root Race training program, are sitting in wait in Orion ready to begin the migration. Once the first new Solar Sector has been sufficiently progressed, the collective consciousnesses of Christ Michael's Local Universe at large will be moved over as the starting background field attribution of the first Local Universe. Once the background field for the first new Local Universe has been set up, it will start becoming populated by additional seed Soul Atom/Automs passing over in great number, and successive Solar Sectors will commence.
Once the first Local Universe has been sufficiently progressed, the entire collective consciousness of the entire first Original Super Universe of Intelligence will be moved over as the background field attribution of the first full new Super Universe. The precursors for setting up the first domains for population within the New Creation are already established and well underway.
Andromeda is the prototypal Galaxy for the new Creation, where like Local Universes, Super Universes are separated by frequency allocations and not walls or distance. Andromeda is a Matter - Antimatter Creation ready to accept an Anti-matter evolution. Andromeda is the name of the Male Matter half, An-drom-e-da is the name of the Female Anti-matter side. For the sake of convenience An-drom-e-da will be referred to as Andromeda, understanding that unless specifically stated it refers to the female side in all cases.
The vanguard marshalling of an Orion connection to Andromeda was initiated near the beginning of January two thousand and thirteen.
Earth is a brilliant blue green Paradisiacal Planet in a Male matter expression. Andromeda contains a similar blue green Paradisiacal Planet in a Female Anti-matter expression. Through a unique Paradisiacal link woven into Earth's fifth dimensionality through the channels, Earth has always been a Paradisiacal blue green Planet. Earth, which, with its sister in Andromeda are the only two Planets in all of Creation so endowed. The link comes down through the normal channels of inter-dimensional command.
Since the late nineties, Earth's third dimensionality has also had a new absolute direct link to Paradise which completely bypasses the channels, the only Planet in all of Creation to have such a positive direct channel to Paradise. The link was attained by an extreme long shot possibility through the Unknown Power of the x right on down into the middle of the third dimensional outer consciousness condition. It was successfully hooked up into the very farthest frequency distance of consciousness possible from the Creators. Even the Creators had their fingers crossed on that one.
By design, the seven Master Spirits of Creation are directly linked in consciousness to the Holy Trinity through the Cube and Sphere. The Creator Son/Daughters are directly linked in consciousness to the Holy Trinity. Until now, these were the only two who were directly linked.
All others in Creation are connected to higher cause through the channels. In the winter of two thousand and six, through aid of the new link, a direct connection was established from the Holy Trinity through the Cube and Sphere directly into the third dimensional outer consciousness condition of Earth. Likewise the only such connection in Creation.
Through the links Earth will become the channel through which a fundamental Paradisiacal frequency and frequencies of the Holy Trinity will be piped straight down and over into the very bottom frequencies of the new Creation. The flow of frequencies from the Creators to the Creation will be from the bottom up in the new Creation, rather than from the top on down as per the current Creation. Which is one of the reasons why there is so much doing going on upon Earth at the present time and why it has been getting so much of the current attention as it is in fact the current center of attention.
The Urantia Book mentions that Earth is an Archangel training sphere. An enormous understatement. As forerunners of the new Creation, Beings of all dispensations from all corners of Creation are currently on Earth within the voluntary learning how to work within a Paradisiacal and Holy Trinity frequency within an Overplus aspect within a Triune Triune environment. The first of its kind ever in Creation.
That so many of you also happen to be working at present within the marginally co-ordinated confines of a demeaning third dimensional existence in a lower dimensional time line, is only by happenstance of the Luciferian imposition upon the original blue-printed plan.
Crammed into your tiny little third dimensional outer projectional bodies as you are, walking about on the surface of Planet Earth as you do, you are at the very farthest frequency point possible from the Heart and Center of Creation. In frequency not in miles. Yet your Realities have within you all of what is needed for you to complete what is required.
The original blueprinted plan had called for higher consciousness to begin learning within Earth's Galactic Underworld through the Overplus connections as part and parcel of the new found frequencies for the new Creation. Lucifer introduced the additional frequencies of un-harmonious chaos into the picture through impatience and ill decision, by separating the Upper and Lower Triangle Overplus connections in order to misuse the Lower Triangle connections as a misperceived way to speed up the normal evolutionary processes. It relied upon polarity to the planetary frequencies below rather than to the higher dimensions above, and considerable local instabilities in the Local Universe resulted. Particularly around Orion.
The Luciferian Rebellion has been ended and the job is now being done through the loyal heartfelt taking of Christ responsibility of the voluntary. It doesn't take many when working harmoniously together with their higher powers. And more and more of you are starting to aspire to re-align with your Realities every day. Near the end of March two thousand and twelve, in one fell swoop the final remnants of the Luciferian Rebellion in Andromeda were cleared out in preparation.
Among the root race Soul Atoms currently on standby in Orion to seed the new Creation, are Creator Son/Daughters whose Local Universes have already reached completion. Known as 'Old Souls', they have projected into the Earth Planetary experience in order to absorb into their matrixes the special frequencies of this current Cosmic expression for the purposes now unfolding. Old Souls will be among the starting Creator Daughter/Sons in the new Creation with the Daughter aspect in the forefront.
Within the mix, are also new Soul Atoms of all ordainments having virtually no experience whatever except through these special new frequencies on Earth, who will have helpful pure Anti-matter consciousnesses going into the new creation.
Earth's current Adamic population is to help instigate the seeding. All of the seed atoms/Atums awaiting in Orion have come through Earth's root race program in preparation. The root race program was started two hundred and fifty million years ago and all twelve scheduled root races have come through. Three and a half million years ago the last contingent of the last root race, the Adamics, fell out of the fifth dimension and became bogged down within Earth's third and fourth dimensions, now called the 'Asians'. The Adamics are now facing the opportunity to come back out of their regressed conditions. The transition back out of their past three and a half millions years of misadventure is already well underway and will be completed by the beginning of Capricorn two thousand years from now.
Volunteers from all over Creation have also come into Earth to help the Adamics make the transition. Most of you reading this are of the Volunteers and are in the same predicament as the Adamic. You have to make the same break-through out of the condition as the Adamics. You call yourselves who have made the break, or are starting to, 'Light Workers', or 'Children of the Light'.
The Anti-matter Galactic Underworld dimensions in Andromeda will be commanded by some of the Adamics who have experienced the third and fourth dimension on Earth first hand. Who will come out of the current ten billion or so parties involved in the lesser Earth condition who have successfully cleaned up their expression, or the same for a new root race brought in for the purpose if they do not. Many of you Adamics will eventually migrate to Andromeda with the other hundred trillion seed Soul Atoms slated for Andromeda sitting in wait in Orion.
The remaining of you Adamics on Earth will harmonize your consciousnesses, and under guidance of Earths Melchizedek Planetary Regents teleport Earth to the womb of Orion two hundred and fifty thousand years from now. Once in the womb of Orion Earth will begin its own evolutionary next phase into a radiant Proto Starr as child becoming parent. Once it's transformation from Proto Starr into a full fledged Sun has been completed, Melchizedek Engineers will transport it to a proper eventual location with the local Solar Sector where it will continue its intended purpose as an eventual Quasar piping Energy from the old creation into the new as an 'OverEnergy' aspect for the next new Super Universe of Energy.
If it had not been for the Rebellion, a contingent of Soul Atoms would have projected into the third and fourth dimensional frequencies of Earth anyway at the level of full Christ conscious awareness to set up the new frontiers. Now, going into Andromeda, the contingent standing by in Orion will project into the Anti-matter side of the fourth dimension with a handy complement of those of the voluntary who are now similarly experienced in the Galactic Underworld frequencies as way showers and for stability.
In keeping with the consciousness attribution aspect of the new Creation, loving animals are also now being taken up from the Earth plane into the higher frequencies of the fourth dimension to undergo a birth of consciousness awareness within Earth's higher astral realms. Exalted, they will become the new found fauna for the new Creation whose expression will be consciousness based instead of based on animal engrams.
Originally, Earth-found fourth dimensional Midway Spirits were to undergo consciousness expansions as the fauna for the new Creation. The Earth plane Midways were very unique because they were a particular semi-conscious Being, matrixed half way between a fifth dimensional root race Being and an animal. They were also considered highly enigmatic because no such creature of their particular formulation existed anywhere else in Creation and their purpose was completely unknown. In actuality, for being animals but who were also consciously oriented, they were to initiate consciousness functioning fauna within the new Creation. Through the Luciferian interference on Earth their original purpose became abrogated.
As an alternative, under sanctioned guidelines, members of Earth's animal kingdom are now being allowed to continue after death. Starting recently, animals who have demonstrated a first step toward higher consciousness awareness by learning well how to relate with people in a comprehending and loving manner, are being continued in Earth's upper astral society levels where their fledgling expressions in consciousness are undergoing consolidation and expansion. Once their metamorphosis into semi-conscious entities is complete, they will be migrated into the new Creation as its starting fauna. A canine who had been moved up in nineteen ninety six, recently asked the all proving question, 'Who am I'.
In the current Creation, Ascendant Soul Atoms progress gradually upwards through 'Adopted Fruit' adoptions in consciousness, discarding each current outer bodily projection along the way and starting a new outer bodily projection in each successive incarnation. When an outer consciousness ego has come into alignment with the greater Soul Atom in the pituitary gland, at the end of the incarnation period the aligned outer ego consciousness expression is absorbed up into the greater Soul expression as an 'Adopted Fruit'. In the new Creation Soul Atoms will take their whole outer body projection up with them instead, in the form of ever successive resurrections.
Following in the footsteps of Christ's prototype Matter Substance resurrection into a full fifth dimensional Morontia body two thousand years ago which paved the way, the experienced root race Soul Atoms will form the first fully sanctified projections within the new Anti-matter third dimension in order to work out the basic ground rules for a harmonious Anti-matter resurrectional type transmigration of Anti-matter Matter Substance up into full fourth dimensional Anti-matter auric, and then up into full fifth dimensional Anti-matter Morontia. Once the basic protocols have been set up, the mass migration of the Soul Atoms awaiting in Orion will begin in earnest.
In the original Great Even Pool of Darkness, the Intelligent Breath, being One, was always absolutely gathered. The organization of the Tiny Particles, being absolutely individually discrete began with the sixteenth dimensional Absolute Pillar of Substance and Energy, continued with the Holy Trinity, and became finalized in the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega. The organization has continued since on a strictly per diem basis as catalysts only through the current Inner and Outer Creation materializations instead of full consolidation.
Similarly, the possibility of moulded useable Energy began within the unification of Alpha and Omega. The usage of Energy began with the Point and Center of Creation, followed by the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega and has been expanding ever since through the ever expanding Christ Consciousness expression of the Only Begotten Son.
In the new Creation, the organization of Energy will continue through the ever expanding Christ Consciousness expression of the Only Begotten Daughter. In the current Creation, the frequencies of the Only Begotten Daughter relate to the Lower triangle of the Starr of David. In the new Creation, the Lower Triangle will become the Upper Triangle and hold the forefront, and the new creation will be expressed as an attribution of consciousness through properly exchanged Y and X interactions.
Likewise, in the new Creation the full organization of the Tiny Particles will begin through the resurrectional type upward expansions of the outer bodily projections. Per diem materializations will occur from the bottom up into each existing resurrectional level of attainment on an ever upward evolving basis, rather than from the top down to the appropriate existing level on a mandated per diem basis as per the current Creation.
Rather than by the forced un-harmonious transformation of projected Substance materializations into the crude Matter Substance frequencies of the Galactic Underworld as perpetrated by the Luciferians in the current Creation, harmonious Anti-matter Matter Substance materializations will start in the third dimension and transform into the frequencies of the fourth then fifth dimension by the orderly transition of Anti-matter Matter Substance up into full Anti-matter auric, then Anti-matter Morontia, as resurrections.
Instead of just becoming dissolved at each dimensional level as in the current Creation whenever an outer projection is discarded, everyone's whole outer bodily projection will become part and parcel of their whole ever upward continuing evolutionary expansion of materialization every step of the way up into full consolidated purification. All of the frequencies of the Tiny Particles' identity of existence will come into the evolutionary picture instead of just those mostly as catalyst as per the current Creation. Full Substance will have begun its due expansion up into the full Trinitization picture. The main purpose of the new Creation.
Similarly, in the current Creation, your consciousness factor is upheld within your Intelligence, Energy, and Substance factors. In the new Creation your Intelligence, Energy, and Substance factors will be upheld within your consciousness. In the current Creation, materialization is held within the materialized sides of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance. In the new Creation materializations will be held within the consciousness converted sides of Thought, Deed, and Feeling.
The consciousness fields which are initially starting now to enter the new Creation from the current Creation, are as a unified three way expression of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance combined with a combination of Substance/Energy, reflecting the first four dimensions. Once within the New Creation, the consciousness fields will be exploded out into a collective three way collaboration of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance consciousness aspects comprising the first three dimensions, only as expressed through their action counterparts of thought, deed, and feeling. The consciousness Substance/Energy frequencies will be separated out equivalently to comprise the fourth dimension. The consciousness Substance/Intelligence frequencies will subsequently be separated out as Thought and Feeling to comprise the fifth dimension.
In the current Creation, the Tiny Particles of Substance from the Great Even Pool of Darkness precipitate into the bottom of the third dimension as fragments of Matter Substance as detailed in Starrgram 9. Breath from the Great Even Pool of Darkness becomes snapped in as units of charge.
In the new Creation, rather than the tiny bits of raw matter Substance precipitating in and out of existence at the bottom of the new third dimension and never meeting directly with Holy Trinity and Paradisiacal frequencies as in the old, the tiny bits of raw Matter Substance precipitating in and out of existence at the bottom of the new third dimension will meet directly with the Holy Trinity and Paradisiacal frequencies found in the new third and fourth dimensional consciousness background fields. When the fragments meet the Paradisiacal and Holy Trinity frequencies of the background fields they will instantly be converted into the Mother related consciousness vibrations of 'Feeling'. The units of charge will instantly be converted into thee Father related consciousness vibrations of 'Thought'. When they meet they will fuse into the Daughter/Son related consciousness vibrations of 'Deed'.
When a Soul Atom enters the new Creation, they will have left the current Creation as a consciousness upheld within a pure spark of Intelligence upon a Starr of David Energy point and Center, with the Substance capability to form outer bodily materializations when in a projection. Once in the new Creation their Intelligence, Energy, and Substance attributions aspects will enter a state of stasis which will remain in stasis until the Soul Atom is back within the Inner Creation. Their accumulating Akasic Record will take on the role of their evolving Inner Consciousness matrix instead.
When a Soul Atom initiates its first outer bodily projection in the new Creation, a reflection of their Energy factor will be cast in the Son/Daughter related consciousness frequencies of 'Deed'. Vibrations of feeling and thought will be drawn up from the background field in parity to begin their outer projection. The parity will hold the thought and feeling together in balance as a deed, and their outer projection will be an Intelligence, Substance, and Energy consciousness related materialization of thought, feeling, and deed. At the end of the incarnation cycle, it will be the materialized outer body of thought, feeling, and deed plus the generated outer ego consciousness that will be resurrected up into the full equivalent frequencies of Anti-matter auric then Morontia.
Just as the Son aspect relates to intelligence and therefore the Breath, the Daughter aspect relates to Substance therefore to the Tiny Particles. Reflected therefore, will be the forefront role of the Substance/Energy principle of the Mother/Daughter in the new progression rather than the forefront role of the Intelligence/Energy principle of the Father/Son as per the current progression.
Similarly, Soul Atoms in the new Creation will not be incarnating into the split Male and Female matrix formats of the current animal world kingdoms of Earth. They will not struggle their way into third and fourth dimensional incarnations as in the current time line situations, becoming forced to split into individualized Soul Atom and Soul Atum Soul Mate pairs. Instead, Soul Atoms will incarnate into the third and fourth dimensions of the new Creation as fully Androgen Beings, where the Male and Female halves will continue as twin flame partners in consciousness within a single projection, similar to the twin flame principle of all Beings in the fifth dimensions and higher of the current Creation.
Similarly, in the current Creation each Super Universe was created in turn with its seven dimensions all at once. Each dimension then became populated. Each Super Universe was likewise populated once their start up was completed. In the new Super Universe the dimensions in each new Super Universe will be created upward one at a time. Each successive upward dimension will be created once a population has been prepared enough to collectively ascend up into the next new dimensional frequency sufficient to support it.
Once the third and fourth dimensional ground work has been completed, the framework for the fifth dimension will be established and the evolution of the new Creation into the fifth dimension will begin in earnest by the forerunners. Who will resurrect their lower third and fourth Anti-matter material bodies up into the full Anti-matter Morontia body equivalents of the current fifth dimensionality.
The continuing role of the Descendancy in the new Creation will be undertaken by both Descendant Beings and Trinitized Ascendant Beings who have trained on Earth, who will also evolve up into position by the successive resurrectional type evolvements.
Some of the Descendancy and trained Ascendancy from the current Creation who go over as way showers and for enhancement and stability, will continue to work within the new Ascendancy. Establishing each new progressive frontier in the new evolution.
The Creator Daughter/Sons at the vanguard will begin to initiate the life streams of their new Local Universe creations while in the new third dimension. Who will carry the expanding life stream in their consciousnesses up into place by successive resurrectional type evolvements to become the Creator Daughter/Sons of the new Creation. The Daughters will bear the seats of authority, the Sons will assist. The first Creator Daughter/Son to go across will be the Female half of Christ Michael, previously incarnated on Earth as St. John the Baptist and Moses before that.
As the Daughter and Son gateway through which the new creation is being projected, the female side of Christ Michael will be forefront in the new activities. A later hook up with the Male Side of Christ Michael in this current Local Universe will occur. The pair of Female and Male frequency halves together will become the new Creator Daughter/Son of the first new Local Universe in the new Creation to complete the precedent.
The presence of Christ Michael's frequencies in the third dimension of Earth, then in the forefront of the new Super Universe, will help ensure a bottom line foundation of a full Trinity aspect at all levels of its evolution. They will carry the Male Christ responsibilities of their present creation along with the Female Christ responsibilities of their new Creation, holding the frequencies of both Local Universes as enhanced Co-Creative Twin Ray Children of the Breath.
Once the first new Local Universe has been set and the wrinkles ironed out, other of the Local Universe Daughter/Sons of the current Super Universe of Intelligence will begin similar migrations and begin new Local Universes, piping through the first then next, holding the Christ building frequencies of both.
Once enough new Local Universes have become set, the frequencies of the first new Super Universe of Intelligence will be set. Because of the presence of the Triune frequencies of its Local Universes and the Cosmic Overplus factor in the first Local Universe, the first new Super Universe will be a Triune expression biased on the side of Intelligence.
Once the first new Super Universe of Intelligence is complete, a bifurcation of the second new Super Universe off the first will be started, and a transmigration of the Creator Daughter/Sons from the second current Super Universe of Energy will begin building as the new Anti-matter Super Universe of Energy. Followed by the third Super Universe of Substance into an Anti-matter Super Universe of Substance, and finally the current Super Universe of Intelligence/Energy/Substance into the Anti-matter Super Universe of Intelligence/Energy/Substance.
Likewise, the new Creation will remain a conglomerate of the seven Frequencies ties together as outlined in Starrgams 5 and 7. Because of the fact of bifurcation, the frequencies of the second new Super Universe will include the enhanced frequencies of Energy. Similarly, the third new Super Universe will contain enhanced frequencies of Substance, the fourth new Super Universe will contain enhanced freqencies of both Intelligence and Energy and so on. The seventh Super Universe will consequently remain a conglomerate of the seven frequencies tied together like the current Creation.
To provide an 'Overpower' factor for the second new Super Universe, as earlier stated, two hundred and fifty thousand years from now Earth will be teleported to the Womb of Orion where it will become a proto Starr. It will evolve from that into a Quasar, piping extra Energy from this current Super Universe into the second new Super Universe of Energy as an Energy override.
To provide an 'OverMinus' factor for the third new Super Universe of Substance, this Solar System's twelve planet, Nibiru will eventually have a third dimensional outer body precipitated on it, which will be much denser than normal as an OverMinus factor. The frequencies of Nibiru's enhanced outer bodily Substance projection will be piped into the new Creation as the beginning of the third new Super Universe of Substance.
The next four new Super Universes rely on the fact that as previously mentioned, Ordinary Matter Substance occurs in two forms, dense and auric. The two equally mixed are the physical substances you see and feel all around you constantly as everyday experience. Ordinary Matter Substance with the auric component missing is present as such as Neutron and Proton Starrs which are thousands of times denser than the Sun. Even though only about ten miles in diameter, they weigh more than the Sun. Auric Matter Substance without the dense matter substance component are seen with such as the Sun's Corona and ephemeric lightning balls.
To produce a 'Substance/Energy' over ride for the fourth new Super Universe of Substance/Energy, the Earth Quasar piping Over-Energy into the second new Super Universe of Energy will undergo a Supernova explosion, ending up as a Proton Starr but with a magnetic field which will be a hundred thousand times more powerful than normal. Called by your Scientists a 'Magnatar'. Because of it's combined extra dense and ultra Energetic magnetic natures, it will be parsed out into the seven octaves and seven levels of each octave comprising the forty nine astral planes of the new fourth Super Universe of Substance/Energy.
The fifth new 'Over Substance/Intelligence' factor for the new fifth Super Universe will be from an evolution of the Magnatar enhanced Nibiru with a greatly enhanced Cosmic Overplus over-ride into an over enhanced quasar, The frequencies of the Over enhanced Quasar will provide the Substance/Intelligence override frequencies for the fifth new Super Universe.
Earth's Sun itself will become the component for the sixth 'Over Intelligence/Energy' attribution for the sixth new Super Universe of Intelligence/Energy. It will first be endowed with a greatly enhanced OverPlus factor, then like Earth evolvement into a Protostarr, then a Starr, it will then undergo a Supernova explosion to become a so called 'Ultra Luminous XR' Starr. 'ULXR' Starrs are X-ray producing Proton or Neutron Starrs, but with a hundred thousand times the normal output of X-rays. With frequencies of considerably enhanced Intelligence and Energy it will seed the beginnings of the sixth new Super Universe of Intelligence and Energy.
When that step is finished, the new sixth dimension related ULXR will undergo an additional evolutionary effect into a Magnatar version to become the 'Over Intelligence/Energy/Substance' factor for the seventh new Triune Super Universe of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance.
The current Outer Creation has been over nine hundred trillion light years in the making so far and is not yet fully complete. Don't expect the seven new Super Universes to finish anytime soon. Since the protocols have already been set up however, it won't be as long.
As the new Creation expands into each new Local universe and then Super Universe following the first, Creator Daughter/Sons will migrate into the new Creation as their current Local Universes become completed.
They will Co-Create between the two Creations who will carry the full light expression of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter on the one hand and a full light expression of the Only Begotten Daughter/Son on the other. With the Creator Son aspect continuing to handle mainly their original Local Universes responsibilities and their Creator Daughter aspect handling mainly the new Local Universe responsibilities.
The Substance then Substance/Energy expansion factor of the third and then fourth dimension will be the bottom line for evolution in the new Creation instead of the Substance/Intelligence perfection of the fifth as in the current.
Similarly, introduction of all new Soul Atoms into the new Creation will continue to be through Melchizedek Fathers, now Melchizedek Mothers. Not as new Soul Atoms at the beginning of their creative adventure or responsibility and brought into the Outer Creational fifth and seventh dimensions for the first time through the Father Melchizedeks, but rather by the immigration of experienced Soul Atoms from this current Creation into the Galactic Underworld of the new Creation through the appropriate Mother Melchizedeks.
Once in motion, Christ Trinitized Accomplished Ascendant Beings will likewise immigrate into the new Creation and train as way showers. Then likewise move up the ladder by resurrectional evolutions to assume the teaching and administrative roles of the Descendancy in the new Creation as each new upward level of super-structure is evolved into place. Once the overall process has been settled into place as able to be handled, additional specially trained Christ Trinitized Accomplished Ascendants from the original Creation will then become the main stream of migrating body into the new Creation, continuing the role of both Administrators and Evolutionaries within the new.
The remainder will be Descendant beings whose original responsibilities occurred in Universes which are finished to completion who will likewise evolve with the evolutionary up into place as needed administrators and assistants. New Descendant Soul Atoms will be further expressed within the new Creation as needed, also starting up along side the Evolutionaries from the bottom up. Once the respective parameters have been set up, Ascendants both old and new will begin being expressed in the new Creation as the main body of upward moving perpetuating materializations.
Just as the current Inner Creation is the filter whereby newly created Ascendant Soul Atoms are prepared for their evolutionary experiences to occur in the current Outer Creation, the current Inner and Outer Creations together will become the filter for preparing Ascended Soul Atoms for continuing evolution within the new Creation.
Because Machiventa, originally known as the Melchizedek King is now incarnated within the current evolutionary ranks of those on Earth preparing for the new Creation, a Christ Melchizedek building frequency will likewise be carried from the bottom of the new Creation up instead of from the top down, being embedded into the bottom line of the frequencies of the first initial consciousness attribution to go into the new Creation through Orion. A Melchizedek presence in Earth's lower dimensions had been originally blueprinted, but was superseded by the emergency Melchizedek King conditions of thirty five hundred years ago.
The bottom line Melchizedek frequency is necessary. In the current creation, the Creator Son/Daughters started up their Local Universes and brought their Father Melchizedeks through as first born. Who subsequently brought through all Soul Atoms in the Local Universe as population. In the new creation, the Melchizedek King will become the first new Mother Melchizedek as the first born. The Mother Melchizedek from the bottom line of the lower dimension will then bring through the first soul atoms staring up the first Solar Sector, then eventually the Creator Daughter/Son of the first new Local Universe. Who will then commence their first new Local Universe from the bottom up. Subsequent Mother Melchizedeks will bring through all subsequent required Soul Atoms for each new Local Universe as required.
Similarly, as Christ Michael has been in the lower frequencies of Earth as a consequence of his/her bestowal, the whole Ovarian Soul Atom/Atum known as Jesus of Nazareth and Mary Magdalene will walk with the first contingent of new Souls in the new Creation. The new Creation will have the frequencies of a 'walking' Creator Son/Daughter instead of frequencies from a seventh dimensional Throne Room as per the current Creation.
A Creator Son/Daughter frequency will also be present from another source. The twelve female Soul Mates of the twelve apostles were present two thousand years ago as the twelve brides of Christ. Jesus consummated with some of them and had a child with each, each subsequently bearing a full Christ Michael Paradisiacal Son/Daughter frequency in a particular astrophysical frequency at the third dimensional level. Because the consummations were not out of ad hock and had to wait until the respective incarnating Soul Atom involved was present in the Mother's auric field and ready to go, the crucifixion cut it off partly done. Had it not been for the crucifixion, he would have consummated with all twelve, each based on one of the twelve astrophysical frequencies as were each of the twelve brides. Had Jesus not been crucified, they would have begotten families and families yet again and yet again, until today there would have been a substantial number of people with full Paradisiacal Son/Daughter frequencies in all twelve astrophysical frequencies ready to go into the new Creation as part of its bottom line.
Because the due begettings did not occur harmoniously due to the crucifixion, as a back up, with the brides of Christ who were assembled in the early seventies with the elect of Christ, a second consummation took place within the remaining Brides of Christ, with Christ Michael temporarily present in the consummator, thus having the requisite Paradisiacal Son/Daughter frequencies. Who are now totally free to procreate and multiply rapidly towards the same end purpose. Today, numerous religious lore's such as the 'Divinci Code' and others are rift with the premise that Jesus had married, had kids, and the offspring are spread around today in various secret societies which only sic, insiders are privileged to know about. Partially true, but not for the reasons they think or think they are privileged to know about.
Similarly, as direct frequencies of the Holy Trinity are also now within the outer mass consciousness on Earth, the Holy Trinity frequencies of Mother, Father, and Only Begotten Daughter/Son will also be part and parcel of the start up frequencies of the new Creation.
In the current Creation, Soul Atoms of the Evolutionary begin as embryonic Christ conscious aware Beings who undergo an evolutionary step by step process in order to come into full recognition and understanding of their true Triune Reality. As the outer ego is tied to the outer material form, it is also discarded when the outer projection is discarded and any worthy frequencies of it are absorbed up into the Soul Atom's ever expanding higher consciousness awareness as adopted fruits.
In the new Creation, because their Anti-matter Substance bodies will be evolving upwards by successive resurrections rather than just the Soul Atoms in and of themselves, the embryonic outer egos will also undergo the evolutionary processes as being part and parcel of their whole outer body thought, deed, and feeling manifestations. The Outer Ego aspects will also evolve upwards as a component part of the whole in order to also fully understand and become a Christ Triune Reality. The Outer Ego part will enhance through the successive resurrections in the new Creation, rather than as just the enhancing Soul Atom aspect through successive incarnations in the old. In a miss-step, the Luciferians took that one step farther and tried to convert the outer ego into a stand alone reality instead of leaving it tied to an eventual full Christ Trinitization as was scheduled in the Great Cosmic plan. The result was lesser Demi-Gods, now being purged out of existence forever during Armageddon.
Once the new frontiers have been established, those of the Ascendants who have not yet progressed to the feet of the Creators will be returned to the current Creation to continue their original journey towards Paradise. Once Trinitized they will be returned to the new Creation as accomplished Soul Atoms ready to continue their own next phase of evolution in the new frontiers they helped establish as part and parcel of the new Creation. Their original presence in the new Creation is to establish an Ascendancy frequency as bottom line instead of a Descendancy frequency as in the old Creation.
Once an initial fifth dimensional platform is established, from the newly created perfection of the fifth dimensional expression, the new evolution including Descendants, will continue upwards much as regular Soul Atoms when starting out in the fifth dimension of the original creation. But whose whole outer projection and whole outer consciousness ego will continue evolving upwards to the seventh dimension in continually successive full resurrectional type projections within the new Creation, rather than just being adopted up into the original Soul Atom portion as adopted fruit as per the current.
Soul Atoms will still evolve up the evolutionary ladder, starting out from a simple Anti-matter Substance beginning, but taking their whole outer bodily Substance and outer ego consciousnesses up with them into greater made form at each successive incarnation stage on the way up, rather than simply discarding their outer bodily projection gracefully at the end of each incarnation cycle as per the current Creation. The outer consciousness egos will evolve upwards due to the resurrections as the second main purpose of the evolutions, rather than the Soul Atoms acquiring greater Christ expression through Adopted Fruit adoptions as in the current.
As their outer bodily aspects continue to evolve with them in the new, their outer consciousness Intelligence and Substance aspects will likewise evolve in parity with the original equality rules from the forefront of Creation. Substance at the lowest frequencies of expression will become transmuted into Morontia, where the previously Trinitized Ascendant Evolutionaries will then continue the overall transmigration of Substance step by step up into yet higher and higher full material frequencies in the Triune seventh dimensionality.
Similarly, their outer ego expressions will migrate upwards with their materiality into yet greater and greater outer Christ consciousness frequencies in the Triune seventh dimensionality, and eventually back into the Inner Creation on the path up to the feet of the Creators. They will continue back into the Inner Creation again on a second upward progression towards completion again at the feet of the Creators.
Once at the feet of the Creators again in Paradise, the enhanced Soul Atom Selves will be Trinitized once again by the full adoption of their outer ego expression and materiality into their original Soul Atom expression. This time as fully Completed Triune Beings of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance in their own right.
Their original Son Intelligence factor and fully evolved Daughter Substance factor will become fully met in the adoption. The two will fuse and they will become Absolute Male/Female Beings of Pure Light as is the Only Begotten Son/Daughter.
To enhance the progress, in the new Creation, the evolving definition of state of a given Soul Atom expression will not be by accumulating successive inner matrix persona adoptions. Rather, the definition of state will be held in the consciousnesses of others through arcs in consciousness. Soul Atom expressions will not continue according to 'Adopted Fruit' adoptions, Soul Atom expressions will be continued by being lovingly remembered in the consciousnesses of those it has interacted with.
The more a Soul Atom is remembered, the more arcs in consciousness it will have established with others and the more glorious it will become. The more glorious it becomes the more easily it will be remembered.
The accumulating increasing expanse of the 'remembering' will continue to enhance the Soul Atom's spiritual power. Eventually, the Soul Atom will have enough power from the vibrational remembrances of those it has interacted with to pass from the vibratory boundaries of its new Local Universe expression into the newly created Super Universe at large.
Once there, the Soul Atom's remembered vibratory patterns will become merged with those of the new Super Universe and it will gain inestimable power and glory. From there on it will never be lost or forgotten or drain back out of existence. Everlasting life and eternal existence will have taken on their full meaning as the Soul Atom's Christ consciousness expression will have arrived at a state of existence in which it can never be forgotten, the Christed Daughter equivalent in the new Creation of becoming a Christed Son in the current.
The occurrence of the first Christed Daughter Soul Atom within the new Creation will mark the beginning of the ever expanding Christ Consciousness of the Only Begotten Daughter. The frequencies of the newly achieved Christed Daughters will similarly pool back up into the sixteenth dimensional Absolute Pillar of Substance and Energy to aid in the expansion of Creation yet again.
The Creative Daughters/Sons will lead the way. Once their respective consciousnesses have been remembered enough to carry into place the life stream of their respective Local Universe, their Local Universe will become set. Once enough new Local Universes have become set to carry the full Consciousness frequencies of the Original Super Universe of Intelligence, the collective net Consciousness of the first Original Super Universe will be carried over into place as the starting background attribution of the new Super Universe and the first new Super Universe will be set.
To recap, once the new Super Universe has been completed, the second new Super Universe of Energy will be started by bifurcation off the first.
To produce the equivalent of an OverIonnic Energy for the second new Super Universe, Earth is already beginning its own evolution into a protostarr in the womb of Orion. In preparation, the Soul Atom/Autom for the new protostarr has been incarnating into Earth's third dimensionality in order to imbed a third dimensional frequency of Beingness into the proto Starr's bottom line. When it is finished, Protostarr Earth will eventually evolve into a Sun and then into a Radiant Quasar piping new Energy into the new Creation as a Cosmic OverIonnic Energy attribution.
This particular Soul Atom's presence in the third dimension has been noted twice. In the first, he was known as 'Buddha', who taught as the 'Eight fold way' the evolutionary path the Ascendants undertake through the fifth dimension into seventh, ending up in Nirvana the portal to the eighth dimensional void to the ninth dimension for the Evolution and heading toward Paradise for eventual Trinitization at the feet of the Creators. The second presence was as founder of the Essences', the teaching Jesus was brought up with by Mary and Joseph before embarking on his fact finding mission around the Mediterranean and Middle East at the age of eleven.
Once sufficient new Local Universes have been started up in the Second Super Universe, the entire collective Consciousness of the Second current Super Universe of Energy will be transferred into the new Super Universe of Energy as its starting Super Universe background field.
As previously stated, when the second Super Universe of Energy is completed the third new Super Universe of Substance will be initiated by bifurcation off of the second. In preparation, as previously stated Nibiru, which does not yet have a third dimensional outer bodily projection will eventually be outfitted with a third dimensional outer body having an extra dense Ordinary Matter Substance side as the overall OverMinus attribution. When the time arrives, the frequencies of Nibiru will be passed over into the very beginnings of the new third Super Universe of Substance to establish its Substance attribution as the new Super Universe of Substance.
When sufficient new Local Universe have been set, the entire collective Consciousness of the third current Super Universe of Substance will be transferred into the new Super Universe of Substance as its starting Super Universe background field. The remaining four new Super Universes will eventually become created by due bifurcations and due evolutions off that.
To start the higher dimensionalities for the new creation, once the first new Super Universe of Intelligence has been set, the Intelligence factor coupled with the Female factor will be converted into third and fourth dimensional based frequencies as the eighth and starting dimension of the new Creation. When the second new Super Universe is set, a ninth dimension will similarly be created, and similarly until all seven new dimensions have been set.
As each new dimension comes into place, the dimensions of each new Super Universe to date will be reconfigured to suit. The whole Outer Creation will eventually comprise seven Male side Super Universes having seven Male side dimensions in each, plus seven Female side Super Universes having seven Females side dimensions in each for a total of fourteen Super Universes and fourteen different dimensions.
Through the evolving glory of fulfilled consciousnesses in the new Creation, the purpose of the new Creation will be fulfilled. In the current Creation the purpose of Creation is to convert Energy equality frequencies from the Intelligent Breath side of the Great Even Pool of Darkness self of Alpha and Omega into full Triune Christ Consciousness Expressions of the Only Begotten Son. Starting from a fifth dimensional bottom line and working upwards through the auspices of the Father and Son and intermediary of Substance and Energy.
In the new Creation, Tiny Particles of Substance from the Great Even Pool of Darkness will become converted into the full Triune Substance expression of the Mother. Equality frequencies related to the Tiny Particles side of the Great Even Pool of Darkness will be converted into full Triune Christ Consciousness Expressions of the Only Begotten Daughter, starting from a third dimensional bottom line and working upwards through the auspices of the Mother and Daughter and the intermediary of Intelligence and Energy. The new Creation will be a full Mother and Only Begotten Daughter expression.
In the current Creation, accomplished Ascendant Soul Atoms at the feet of the Creators are given the complete Trinity attribution of the Son. In the new Creation, Accomplished Soul Atoms at the feet of the Creators for the second time around will be given the complete Trinity attribution of the Daughter.
In the current Creation new Soul Atoms are brought into existence with the complete Trinity attribution of the Father as a living Atom spark of Alpha held within a working electromagnetic field attribution of the Son/Daughter. The newly expressed Soul Atoms are passed into the fifteenth dimensional Holy Trinity where they were given their unique personas and responsibilities to bear. From the Holy Trinity they are passed into the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega in the fourteenth dimension, where they are passed from the side of Alpha facing Omega to be given the ability to form an outer materialization in an incarnation. Once the Trinity attribution of the Daughter has been given, Soul Atoms from the side of Alpha facing Omega will have finally completed their journey.
Once the initial protocols have been set up, those Soul atoms which have not yet been Trinitized will return to the original Creation to resume their original upward journey. The continuing main upward stream of the Evolutionary in the new Creation will be by Accomplished Soul Atoms who will start incarnating into the Galactic Underworld of the new Creation in great number.
Once in a Morontia form they will continue their ever upward progress towards the feet of the Creators by their ever upward bodily resurrections. They will evolve as newly formulated Male/Female Twin Flame Children of the Breath, latently carrying up with them their original capacity to form ordinary Matter Substance outer bodily projections even as their new feeling, thought, and deed based anti-matter outer projections evolve up with them at every successive step along the way.
Once back into the Inner Creation they will resume ordinary material Substance projections again at each consecutive step up through the inner dimensions, even as their newly evolved feeling, thought, and deed outer projections are carried along with them as there are no more outer evolutions involved.
Once back in Paradise for the second time around they will again end up wrapped in a Paradisiacal material outer projection. During Trinitization for the second time around their two outer projection formats will merge into a single completed outer projection aspect of Pure Substance. Their two Intelligence aspects will merge together into a single completed inner aspect of Pure Intelligence. And their Only Begotten Son Energy aspect and Only Begotten Daughter Energy aspect will merge together into a single complete Pure Energy mirror of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter. Their Inner and Outer consciousnesses aspects will merge together into a single four square unit of Consciousness.
The newly accomplished Soul Atoms will then stand forever as completed components of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance as complete four square Father, Daughter, Son, Mother Triune expressions as new found living Atom fully consecrated thirteenth dimensional Cube and Sphere Point and Center equivalents of the Holy Trinity in their own right. As new found Cube and Sphere projections they will begin expressing whole new Inner/Outer Creations in their own right as the next step in the expansion of Creation.