This Great Cosmic Plan of the Creators was put before Creation at large for the very first time through the frequencies of a lowly third dimensional realization within Earth's lowly third dimensional aberrant condition. The lowest frequency of consciousness possible in all of Creation and farthest from the Creators. From a point within the third dimensional materialization of Earth's present time line situation, since the summer of two thousand and four a complete understanding of the Plan is now moving upward through the respective Realities to the entire population of Earth's current Local Solar Sector at large.
This is a revelation which has been very long in the making. It was originally to have occurred into a stable third and fourth dimensional consciousness matrix on Earth, which was to have been established for the purpose of the new Creation. That it was able to happen within the anomalous third dimension instead, at the very end product of the Luciferian cacophony of disharmony is another miracle of Creation. Also, strengthening its viability as many new unforeseen but beneficial x factor variability's have become added in as a result.
The Creators Great Cosmic Plan itself is hard set in Principle but not in practice. Facets of it can change on a moment's notice and constantly do. In similarity to your creative expressions and works on Earth, beyond the basic precepts, the original plan of the Creators is not fatalistic and is always enhancing even as it ever evolves.
An Unknown Power of the X is associated with the Cosmic Overplus. It was mainly through the Unknown Powers of the X that such as the Luciferian conflagration was even able to get started let alone extended to the degree as it was as little as that was. The Unknown Power of the X has been lassoed. Numerous uncertainties about its unknown power have been experienced, fathomed, and even converted into positive practical outcomes as a result. Including in particular that the super high frequency Being 'Christ Michael' was able to walk around feet on the ground two thousand years ago, never before endeavoured in Creation.
As it was necessary for Christ Michael to effect the Christ bestowed into Earth's three dimensional time line two thousand years ago as a result of the Luciferian perturbations, the new Creation will carry full direct Creator Son/Daughter frequencies as part and parcel of its third and fourth dimensional bottom line time line experience now as an unplanned and unexpected benefit. Which was originally to be just from the fifth. Once the background fields for the first new Local Solar Sector are accordingly set, Starrs and Planets will also become evolved upwards into the higher and higher material forms of Anti-matter Substance in the new Creation as needed.
The population on Earth is not the only society starting to undergo an escalating consciousness expansion in preparation. Through cross links with the new Holy Trinity link into projected consciousness within Earth's third dimensional time line population, the whole population of the Local Solar Sector headquartered in Orion is starting to undergo an unprecedented expansion in consciousness regardless of dispensation or evolutionary advancement.
Energy links that have come newly into place are also making it possible for all Soul Atoms in the Local Solar Sector to have a direct sense of the Holy Trinity as currently enjoyed only by the Creator Sons/Daughters. Not in the same sense of a full working collaboration, but at least in a full sense awareness of their presence superseding that of faith alone.
The full sense awareness will be part and parcel of the first Local Sector consciousness attribution to be initiated into the new Creation, then likewise the first Local Universe, then likewise the first Super Universe, and finally the rest following. The new Creation will have a full sense awareness of the Holy Trinity similar to the that in Paradise embedded within the frequencies of its bottom line and up, instead of only from its top on down. In all respects the newly accomplished Cube and Sphere Soul Atoms of the new Creation will have been created from the bottom up, instead of from the top down as was the original single Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega.
For some, the news about the new Creation has been a long time coming. Those in the first original Super Universe of Intelligence have been waiting eons upon eons upon eons passing. The fact that it has finally been revealed to them in this seemingly untoward fashion, from out of the lowly frequencies of Earth's lowly third dimensional outer Planetary projections, is a consequence of the recent straight through Paradisiacal pipe which made it possible for the news to slide by the ranks unaware into Earth's third dimensional consciousnesses.
This had been the hope of the Creators, that it become properly hooked up into the third dimensional frequencies of consciousness as bottom line before anyone higher up got wind except for Christ Michael as co-ordinator. This was so that the first collective consciousness initialization remained absolutely beatific and not contaminated by second guessing or frequency contamination from seep within the ranks.
Why the Creators had kept mum about the new Creation through the over nine hundred trillion light years of the current Creation was by similar token. It was known by the Creators at the ought-set that at a certain point in the evolvement of Creation an Unknown Power of the X would come into the picture with completely unknown possible outcomes. To minimize the possibility of a Pandora's box opening up by an entire Creation of consciousnesses musing and contemplating what might be in store, which might never be closable, nobody was given wind of it except for those directly involved. As it was, a small Pandora's box did open up temporarily in the form of the Luciferian Rebellion. However, the Rebellion was contained and is being successfully dealt with.
Jesus was to have made a ceremonious presentation to Creation at large about the new Super Universes to come two thousand years ago, but the presentation was pre-empted by the crucifixion, another small Unknown Power of the X disruption. The potential for greater dangers from the Unknown Power of X has now been deemed to be safely passed, so the official disclosure is now being made to everyone from the very basement of Creation upwards.
The original seven Super Universes and seven new Super Universes together will comprise the first complete outer expansion of Alpha and Omega. The third absolute expansion of Alpha and Omega will have been completed as a seven fold Male/Female result in both descending and ascending mode. (Fig. 94).
Fig. 94 - New Ascending Anti-matter Creation Surrounding the
Original Descending Creation
In fig. 94, the whole original Creation can be seen lying exactly under the Seventh Triune Triune Super Universe of the New. For simplicity, the myriads of radiating micro staff lines and extending Starrs of David from within the smaller cubits of the first Creation are not depicted, otherwise it would be nearly a homogeneous smear.
Also note in fig 94, that even though the first new Super Universe of Intelligence for example will be entirely within the atoms of the Andromeda Galaxy, the relative spaces between the parts of an atom are so much greater than the spaces between the Matter Substance Planets and Starrs of the current Creation that the cubistic blueprint for the New Creation results as much larger than the current.
Once the seventh and final new Super Universe has been completed, all Ascending living Soul Atoms in Creation thus far will have become fully Triunnized into Alpha and Omega Point and Center Cube and Sphere type expressions in their own right. Eventually all Souls Atoms in Creation to date will be evolved up into fully Triunnized Alpha and Omega Point and Center Cube and Sphere type expressions of their own.
To continue Alpha and Omega's great plan to redeem themselves from oblivion, the whole original roll out of Creation from the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega on down to step three will be repeated as a fourth great expansion. Only this time, by each one of the myriads of evolved Cube and Sphere Points and Centers in turn individually, starting out with the evolved Soul Atoms from the first new Super Universe of Intelligences, then Energy, and so on to the seventh.
Each of their newly created sub Creations will eventually evolve in its own right into full fledged Inner and Outer Creations, with fourteen Outer Creation Super Universe having fourteen dimensional statuses according to the same way the current combination of Male and Female Super Universes will eventually be worked out, shown for simplicity in outer cubistic outline form rather than inner honeycomb detail. (Fig. 95).
When all the steps are finished the number of sub Creations in the Creation will be in the hundreds of trillions of trillions of trillions, and the distance across will have expanded from over nine hundred trillion light years across to hundreds of trillions of trillions of trillions of light years across.
Once the fourth absolute expansion of Alpha and Omega has been completed, all of the newly created Point and Center Cube and Center Soul Atoms from the fourth step will likewise go out and create their own similar Creations from front to back as per the fourth step as a fifth and very much greater expansion. When the fifth step is completed the number of Creations in existence will have grown to almost beyond number and the whole Creation will be a transcendental number times a Transcendental number of light years across.
At the completion of the fifth step, the Only Begotten Son/Daughter will have reached maturity, they will incorporate into their respective expressions all of the outer projected frequencies of Alpha and all of the outer projected frequencies of Omega.
With the collected outer frequencies of Alpha and Omega established into the Only Begotten Son/Daughter, like child becoming parent the enhanced Only Begotten Son/Daughter will become like the original Alpha and Omega and give birth to their own Only Begotten Son/Daughter, who will be grand children to Alpha and Omega who will have become grandparents. The Intelligent Design of Creation is based on the Family principle all the way through. Again, 'As above so below'.
Once the newly made grand children Son/Daughter is begotten, the newly made Alpha and Omega parents will establish their own Holy Trinity self and commence a whole new Creation in their own right by projecting their own new Cube and Sphere and then beginning the whole process from steps one to five all over again. To complete step six, all of the newly created Cube and Spheres from step five will go out and Create complete creations of their own from start to step six as finish. When step sixth is finished as a transcended expansion, the Creation of Creations will be chock full of consciousness Cubes with Spheres of Intelligence inside, much as was the original Even pool of Darkness was chock full of unending Tiny Particles of Substance with a dot of Breath inside.
At the completion of this sixth and giganormous transcended expansion, as a seventh and final step, Alpha and Omega will have created enough total Only Begotten Son/Daughter and Daughter/Son pure Christ Consciousness Light animus, plus enough Absolutely purified Substance pooled within their sixteenth dimensional Absolute Pillar of Substance and Energy, plus enough Absolutely purified Intelligence pooled within their sixteenth dimensional Absolute Lake of Intelligence and Energy that they will be able to cordon off and pull apart all of what remains of their original Breath and Tiny Particles in the Even Pool.
The will then be able to create an all encompassing adamantine diamond through Omega, containing all of their remaining Tiny Particles of Substance and bring it down through the respective frequencies of the seventeenth dimension and into the frequencies of the Absolute Pillar of Substance and Energy in the sixteenth dimension as a single outstanding event. They will also be able to bring the respective remaining portion of Breath down through the respective frequencies of the seventeenth dimension and into the Absolute Lake of Intelligence and Energy as a adjoined singular outstanding event.
At the completion of this step, they will dissolve the entirety of frequencies comprising their emptied eighteenth dimensional octave of vibrations. Similarly, the remaining frequencies of their seventeenth dimensional octave of vibrations will be dissolved.
Similarly, sufficient frequencies of their Only Begotten Son/Daughter and Daughter/Son aspect will have been returned to the respective Upper and Lower triangles in the sixteenth dimension, that from the sixteenth dimensional Absolute Lake of Intelligence and Energy they will be able to bring down all of the resulting purified Breath through their Holy Trinity self into the fourteenth dimensional frequencies of a final single vibrating Vast Absolute Sphere of Pure Intelligence as a singular outstanding event.
Similarly, from the sixteenth dimensional Absolute Pillar of Substance and Energy they will be able to bring down all of the resulting purified Substance down through their Holy Trinity self into the fourteenth dimensional frequencies of a final Vast Absolute Cube of Pure Substance as a singular outstanding event.
Similarly, from the sixteenth dimensional Absolute Pillar of Substance and Energy they will be able to bring down all of the resulting purified Crisscrossing Lines through their Holy Trinity self into the fourteenth dimensional frequencies of a final single vibrating Vast Absolute Upper and Lower Y Factors of Pure Outer Energy as a singular outstanding event.
Similarly, from the sixteenth dimensional Absolute Lake of Intelligence and Energy and the sixteenth dimensional Absolute Pillar of Substance and Energy together, they will be able to bring down all of the resulting frequencies of their respective Upper and Lower Triangles, unify them as a single Starr of David within the frequencies of their Holy Trinity Self, and project it into the fourteenth dimension as their single vibrating Vast Absolute Pure Inner Energy factor of their Only Begotten Son/Daughter as a singular outstanding event.
At the completion of that step, the entirety of frequencies comprising their emptied sixteenth dimensional octave of vibrations will be dissolved.
At the conclusion of that step, the entirety of their Breath, in all of its expressions and in all of its comprisements in all of their frequencies in all of their dimensions below, will be consolidated with all of the frequencies of the current Spheres into their final single vibrating Vast Absolute fourteenth dimensional Sphere of Absolute Pure Intelligence as a singular outstanding event.
The entirety of their Tiny Particles of Substance, in all of its expressions and in all of their comprisements in all of their frequencies in all of their dimensions below will be consolidated with all of the frequencies of the current Cubes into their final Vast single vibrating Absolute fourteenth dimensional Cube of Absolute Pure Substance as a singular outstanding event.
The entirety of their outer radiating lines of Energy, in all of its expressions and in all of their comprisements in all of their frequencies in all of their dimensions below will be consolidated with all of the frequencies of their current Outer radiating lines into their final single vibrating Vast Absolute fourteenth dimensional Upper and Lower Y Factors of Absolute Pure Outer Energy as a singular outstanding event.
The entirety of their inner emanating lines of Energy, in all of its expressions and in all of their comprisements in all of their frequencies in all of their dimensions below will be consolidated with all of their current emanating lines of Energy into their final single vibrating Vast Absolute fourteenth dimensional Starr of David of Absolute Pure Inner Energy as a singular outstanding event.
The entirety of their Squares of Consciousness in all of their frequencies in all of their dimensions below will be consolidated into the fourteenth dimension with their current Square of Consciousness into a single vibrating Absolutely Vast Square of Consciousness within their final Vast Absolute fourteenth dimensional Cube and Sphere action in Consciousness as a singular outstanding event.
The entirety of their remnant consciousness frequencies, in all of its expressions and in all of their comprisements in all of their frequencies in all of their dimensions below will be consolidated with all of their current remnant frequencies of Consciousness into their final Vast Absolute fourteenth dimensional action of Pure Cube and Sphere Consciousness capability as a singular outstanding event.
Once this step has occurred, Alpha and Omega will dissolve all of the frequencies of their thirteenth dimensional octaves and below.
When that step is finished, the entirety of their Father and Intelligence frequencies in all of their forms and all of their comprisements within their Fifteenth dimensional Alpha Side of their Holy Trinity will be consolidated into their final whole pulsating fourteenth dimensional Absolutely Vast Sphere of Pure Intelligence as a singular outstanding event.
When that step is finished, the entirety of their Mother and Substance frequencies in all of their forms and all of their comprisements within their Fifteenth dimensional Omega Side of their Holy Trinity self will be consolidated into their final Vast Absolute pulsating fourteenth dimensional Cube of Pure Substance as a singular outstanding event.
When that step is finished the entirety of their Upper and Lower Y Factors of Pure Outer Energy frequencies in all of their forms and all of their comprisements within their Fifteenth dimensional Only Begotten Son/Daughter Side of their Holy Trinity self will be consolidated into a single whole Absolutely Vast vibrating fourteenth dimensional Absolute Upper and Lower Y Factors of Pure Outer Energy within their final Vast Absolute fourteenth dimensional Cube and Sphere as a singular outstanding event.
When that step is finished the entirety of their of Starrs of David of Pure Inner Energy frequencies in all of their forms and all of their comprisements within their Fifteenth dimensional Triune Holy Trinity self will be consolidated into a single whole Absolutely Vast vibrating fourteenth dimensional Starr of David of Pure Inner Energy within their final Vast Absolute fourteenth dimensional Cube and Sphere as a singular outstanding event.
When that step is finished, the entirety of their Squares of Consciousness in all of their frequencies in their Fifteen dimensional Triune Holy Trinity self will be consolidated into their single Absolute Square of Consciousness within their single whole Absolutely Vast composite fourteenth dimensional action of Pure Consciousness capability within their final Vast Absolute fourteenth dimensional Cube and Sphere as a singular outstanding event.
When that step is finished the entirety of their fifteenth dimensional octave of frequencies will be dissolved.
When that step is finished, the entirety of their Intelligence frequencies in all of their forms and all of their comprisements within their final fourteenth dimensional Absolute Sphere of Pure Intelligence will be consolidated into a single whole pulsating fourteenth dimensional Absolutely Mighty Sphere of Pure Intelligence as a singular outstanding event. In that final step, the Intelligent Breath of the Even Pool will have become worked out into a single vibrating lighted outer manifested version of the original Intelligent Breath.
When that step is finished the entirety of their Substance frequencies in all of their forms and all of their comprisements within their final fourteenth dimensional Absolute Cube of Pure Substance will be consolidated into a single vibrating fourteenth dimensional Mighty Absolute Cube of Pure Substance as a singular outstanding event. In that step, the Tiny Particles of the Even Pool will have become successfully worked out into a single vibrating lighted outer manifested whole, completing total consolidation of all their original Tiny Particles of the Even Pool into one as is the Breath.
When that step is finished the entirety of their Upper and Lower Y Factors of Pure Outer Energy frequencies in all of their forms and all of their comprisements within their final fourteenth dimensional Absolute Cube and Sphere, will be consolidated into single whole Mighty vibrating fourteenth dimensional Absolute Upper and Lower Y Factors of Pure Outer Energy as a singular outstanding event.
When that step is finished the entirety of their Starrs of David frequencies in all of their forms and all of their comprisements within their final fourteenth dimensional Absolute Cube and Sphere, will be consolidated into a single whole Mighty vibrating fourteenth dimensional Square of Consciousness within their single Absolute composite fourteenth dimensional action of Pure Consciousness capability as a singular outstanding event.
When that step is finished the entirety of their Squares of Consciousness frequencies in all of their forms and all of their comprisements within their final fourteenth dimensional Absolute Cube and Sphere, will be consolidated into a single whole Mighty vibrating fourteenth dimensional Square of Consciousness within their single Absolute composite fourteenth dimensional action of Pure Consciousness capability as a singular outstanding event.
When that step is finished the entirety of their Akasic Record frequencies in all of their forms and all of their comprisements within their final fourteenth dimensional Absolute Cube and Sphere, will be consolidated into a single whole Mighty vibrating fourteenth dimensional Akasic Record within their single Absolute composite fourteenth dimensional action of Pure Consciousness capability as a singular outstanding event.
When that step is finished, the entirety of their Soul Atom Children Beingness in all of their frequencies and all of their comprisements will be consolidated into a single Mighty Absolute Being of Pure outer lightened Intelligence, Energy, and Substance within their final Vast Absolute Cube and Sphere as a singular outstanding event.
When that step is finished, the entirety of their Original Cubes and Spheres in all of their frequencies and all of their comprisements will be consolidated into a single Mighty Absolute Cube and Sphere of Pure outer lightened Intelligence, Energy, and Substance as a singular outstanding event.
At that completion, the entirety of frequencies comprising their original fourteenth dimension will be dissolved as a single penultimate event, leaving only their final Cube and Sphere projection standing alone as the concluding event.
At that completion Alpha and Omega's self transformation from the entirety of their original very 'Beginning' failing Even Pool inner frequencies, into their final 'Never Ending' outer manifested frequencies as an Absolute outer projection of Absolute Pure Everlasting fourteenth dimensional expressions of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance will have been completed as the Absolute final and last step of their Absolute Great Plan to Absolutely eternalize themselves in Absolutely Beatific eternal glory.
The seventh and final absolute expansion of Alpha and Omega will have been completed. The Great Cosmic Plan of the Creators will have reached its final conclusion as the final Absolute outcome of their original co-creative plan. Their final resulting Absolute Triune conscious awareness of themselves and Outer created form of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance will never degrade and be everlasting.
Like the original Intelligent breath and Tiny Particles, their final manifested form will comprise their entire Great existing self, only as a unified outer manifestation of Intelligence Energy and Substance rather than in their original chaotic inner forms of Intelligent Breath and Tiny Particles.
The conversion of Alpha and Omega's original silent internal eighteenth dimensional Great Even Pool of Darkness Intelligent Breath and Tiny Particles of Substance into one pure Outer unified state of Pure Triune Conscious Father, Mother, and Son/Daughter Daughter/Son Being of Absolute Pure Intelligence, Energy, and Substance will have been made complete as a single Absolute Everlasting Living Atom of Light, Life, Love, and Liberty.
By their completion Alpha and Omega will stand forever perfect in eternal glorified beatification and the Great Even Pool of Darkness will stand no more.
In that final and penultimate ultimate event will they have been raised from silence to the spoken word.
'I am I', Alpha and Omega, all that was, all there is, and all there ever will be. I am all there is.