Note that much of the information in this Starrgram is a repeat of Starrgram 8 as a summary, but within a broader context. As outlined in Starrgram 8, the lower Matter Substance dimensions are a result of spontaneous precipitations of Tiny Particles out of the Great Even Pool of Darkness into the Underworld dimensions
Matter Substance involves the first four dimensions as a set, wherein a materialization within the visible frequencies of ordinary light is possible within the third dimension. It also includes all seven sub octaves and forty nine levels of the fourth dimension.
Under the influence of the first dimension, gross Matter Substance is bound together by positive and negative charge states. When ordinary charges behave harmoniously in matter, they appear in the lower frequencies as the charge states governing the behaviour of matter from the nuclear level to the molecular.
Through the systematic activities of the charges, precipitating fragments from the Great Even Pool of Darkness eventually coalesce into gross materializations and mass. The materializations allow the whole outer manifest side of the third and fourth dimension to become resulted according to rule.
The Substance nature of the Tiny Particles, plus the combined Energy vibrational features as brought together into the one and same vibrating particulates and their charges, defines again the overall character of the fourth dimension, namely Substance/Energy.
In the material atoms of the third dimension, the internal pressures of the staffs and rods are the mechanism behind thermodynamics. Standing wave frequencies moving along the Y Factor segments transfer from one cubit to another along the staffs in quantum units of frequency effects over and above those of the inter-dimensional rulings, known as heat.
The density and frequency of the dimensions work in inverse to each other and are a function of the cubit Y Factors and Substance cubes respectively. Where the frequency is higher the density is lower and visa versa. Density is through the basic Substance materialization of the dimension, and frequency is through net rate of vibration of its basic Energy factor. Density is according to the number of cubits per dimension comprising the net amount of Substance present. Frequency is according to the objects location up the Jacob's Ladder of levels from the third dimension, though the levels of the fourth dimension, to fifth dimensional Heaven.
You have a completely myopic understanding of the Universe at large because you gauge the whole in terms of the physics for just the one planetary system of Earth. Though you are starting to question.
Beyond the basic mechanics of the lower dimensions, the flavouring of the 'Laws of Physics' vary from each local to the next according to the evolutionary blueprint for the local, and can even change from cycle to cycle within a given local.
The quantifications are already starting to change a measured amount within your Solar System, which has moved into an area of higher proton ambient background Energies relative to the Local Universe since the fall of two thousand and eleven in its path around the great central Starr Alcione in the Pleiades system. During the Age of Aquarius the Solar System will be in the higher ambient background field for the next two thousand years plus. During Aquarius a complete understanding of Galactic Law will be lowered into the consciousnesses of all Mankind as that called 'The Great Book'. This happens very twenty five thousand years plus or minus.
The fragments precipitating at the bottom of the third dimension in the Earth Solar System local are now occurring more energetically. The Substance/Energy interactions are already starting to occur with more and more intrinsic effect. Earth has recently sped up one second per year in its orbit around the Sun which cannot be accounted for by ordinary physics. The atmospheres on some of the Planets of the Solar System have started to expand. It is because more energy exists in the Solar System as a whole.
Similarly, many of you have been experiencing a steady ringing of complex cosmic sounds in your ears ever since November two thousand and eleven. Called by your Doctors tinnitus. In actuality, the atoms in your neuron molecules have sped up because of the higher frequency proton ambience, which you are privileged to hear, called by adepts 'The Harmony of the Spheres'.
Regardless of the environment, Matter Substance exists in two forms, Ordinary Matter Substance and Electromagnetic Matter substance. The most common form of Electromagnetic Matter Substance is photons.
Photons are unified fragment aggregations of Matter Substance of infinitesimal mass traveling at the speed of light. Photons bear the direct stamp of Substance/Energy for obtaining their Energy mainly from the lower electromagnetic components of the background fields as Electromagnetic Matter Substance.
Electromagnetic Matter Substance precipitates out into the background fields as that you call the cosmic microwave background radiation. Ordinary Matter Substance and Electromagnetic Matter Substance interact readily with each other. Once the microwave photons become absorbed into Ordinary Matter Substance, they become re-emitted and absorbed again at the assorted frequencies of the Electromagnetic Matter Substance spectrum you see as the factors may bear.
Neutrinos travel at almost the speed of light and are the most basic component of Ordinary Matter Substance. Neutrinos are the smallest and most numerous of the elementary particles. Neutrinos have little linear inertial energy because they have nominal mass and virtually no charge. They do however, have an extremely high Energy component through spin, again mirroring the main characteristic of the fourth dimension, Substance/Energy.
Both photons and neutrinos carry Energy information physically from one local to another. They also help carry astrophysical moments for the behaviour of the local Matter Substance involved from one local to another. Both actions help to produce desired evolutionary changes within a given local.
At the physical level, Ordinary Matter Substance interacts routinely with photons, absorbing and emitting them on an ongoing basis at quantum levels. The vibrational energy level of the Ordinary Matter Substance side is changed respectively. This accounts for some of the physical and astrophysical influences upon an environment.
Neutrinos for the most part pass right through. Their information is passed by harmonic resonance into the subtler auric higher frequency vortex frequencies of the subatomic levels of its passage. This accounts for yet more evolutionary influencing.
Ordinary gravity and auric magnetic influences such as astrophysical planetary alignments account for much of the rest. Solar matter emissions such as solar winds, sun spots, solar flares, and Coronal Mass Ejections also act astrophysically and magnetically, also affecting a local Planet family by both bombard and magnetic effects. At the planetary level everything occurs for the expansion of Creation and very little occurs that is not for the benefit of the Ascendants.
Intensely focused gamma rays are ultra-high Energy radiations which impart new frequencies directly into localized creations. The radiations are very powerful carriers of long distance Energy and inductional information.
Ubiquitous cosmic rays on the other hand are from the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega in the direction of the heart and center of Creation, stimulating from the top down as effect in the fourth and third dimensions, accumulating particle inertia as very energetic and generic enrichments for a whole domain.
Through cubistic matrixes, Starrs of David large and small exist throughout every level and every frequency of the Outer Creation. The interlinking Starrs of David components within Stellar cubistic matrixes contain inter-dimensional electromagnetic and magnetic fields both large and small.
Those of you who adhere to the electric universe theory have it more correct than the nuclear furnace proponents. The Starrs and their Planets are directly connected by mammoth electromagnetic and magnetic Energy container links in the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh dimensions. Solar systems, Galaxies, and Local Universes are likewise interlinked. Locally the links are not detectable, in the overall some are enormous.
Most of the assorted radiation and magnetic links found in great abundance between all parts of Creation both large and small, are respective container line segment components comprising the differing parts of Creation.
The overall physical evolution of Starrs and Planets is mainly from the interplay of the Energy lines as links and inductions. Starrs are polarized as electrical cathodes and Planets as anodes. Solar systems as a whole, plus whole Local Solar Sectors, plus whole local Universes can be one or the other.
Solar flare coronal mass ejections, corona hole emissions and the other physical radiations of a Sun as it changes under its internal electromagnetic influences and planetary influences, plus through the consciousness of its Soul Atom/Autom, create effects within the Matter Substance levels of its Planets, which also contribute to their evolutions.
Gravity helps to collect atomic pieces into gas, dust, and small aggregates. However, Planets and Starrs do not start from gravity accumulations as supposed by your sciences. Rather, a Planet or Starr is started because a ninth dimensional Male/Female Triune Soul Atom/Atum Being projected one of its Ovarian Atoms down through the eighth dimension transformation portal and started up the Planet or Starr as its outer dimensional projection.
Their outer projection uses all of the outer dimensional frequencies of the Outer Creation expression to which it belongs, rather than just the outer frequencies of one dimension or another. The Lanonandek Son/Daughter local administrator of the Local Solar Sector involved, set up the basic cubistic fields where the Starr or Planet is to be located in advance, and also initiates an enhanced Matter Substance precipitation process into the field. The respective Soul Atum/Atom involved then starts attracting the precipitations in along their magnetic lines to eventually form the outer bodily projection of the Starr or Planet involved, much in the same way your Soul Atum/Atom gradually precipitates your outer bodily projection within your Mother's womb when incarnating.
Gravity accumulations begin later once the particle attractions have reached accountable size as dust and larger. Once finished, the collected mass comprises the net gravity factor which you measure in your sciences. You do not take this overall process into account when plying your celestial mechanics which only deal with the end results.
In expressing themselves from the Great Even Pool of Darkness as Creation, the Creators set forth two rules of Substance/Energy for the lower dimensional part of the Outer Creation, which are its signature. The first is that third dimensional Electromagnetic Matter Substance propagates through the background fields at a linear rate which you measure as the speed of light 'C'. The second is that the fields are optimized for an attraction rate of Gravity measured as that which you call the gravitational constant 'G'. All third dimensional Matter Substance draws together at a common rate governed by 'G'.
The optimized propagation rate 'C' of photons and neutrinos is only in the third dimensional frequencies. The auric speed of light in the highest fourth dimension octave is almost instantaneous.
The nine hundred trillion light year Creation of Reality is only from your third dimensional point of view. The inexorably evolving, slow, cold nine hundred trillion light-year-across Universe is only as it would appear to you through your third dimensional eyes. The higher dimensional eyes of Reality see a Creation which is fast evolving, warm and loving. The Creators see it unfolding rapidly.
The exact 'C' and 'G' values as known by you are not the actual constant velocity and rate for the whole of Creation. Because of the particular accumulated background fields, 'C' and 'G' are only the velocity and rate of attraction for the material fields around Planet Earth in Earth's particular Solar System, in the Solar System's particular Solar Sector, in the Solar Sector's particular Local Universe, in the Local Universes particular Super Universe location.
You do not acknowledge the presence of the background fields. You consider the speed of light to be a constant like a mechanical effect, resulting in a completely misconstrued view of Creation. Your cosmic calculations for the Universe as a whole do not completely add up as they are based on the value parameters for the local of Earth only.
You already have been shown the key. The two Pioneer space probes you launched in the late seventies are not as far out from Earth as they should be according to your mathematics. Likewise the solar stream at the edge of the Solar system is not moving anywhere near as fast as you expected. It is because both have traveled in and out of the different respective net Planetary fields of the various different Planets, imparting different net effects upon their motion plus incurring numerous interacting aural effects.
The third and fourth dimensional fields of the different Planets, solar systems, solar sectors, and Local Universes all differ because their Creative purposes differ. Each different net medium is different and each net drift against the Even Pool is different according to their purpose. The different Creative Son/Daughters of each different Local Universe in particular radiate completely different Creative frequencies for being completely different people with completely different creative agendas.
Similarly, the motion of a photon moving out of one background field into another field which is moving at a different rate against the absolute rest background, will seem to bend a little in a curved path as it gets swept along within the new field relative to the earlier. A photon therefore flies in a somewhat zigzag and varied path as it travels through the Cosmos over distance. Photons don't travel between the Super Universes as each Super Universe is differently configured according to its attribution.
Propagations stay within the confines of their Super Universe. Photons which reach the ends of their Super Universe fields dissipate back into Tiny Particles where the particular consciousness fields end. Open natural entropy is occurring, but only in an inconsequential way at the boundaries of each Super Universe.
Distant stars and galaxies appear as they do through a telescope by fact that the photons which have arrived at the collection plate traveled in a parallel group throughout their history through the zigzags and disparate paths taken to arrive converged at just that point of collection. What scientists see as the very distant object is merely the remnant photon group that wasn't zigged or zagged away. A distant light source which appears to the right, may have actually started out to the left. One that appears as small might once have started out as large.
Many of the high powered Quasars and Gamma ray bursts observed at the present time are deliberately concentrated parallel radiations set up to converge specifically upon Earth and its environs at this present time as Energy line and container link inductions for evolutionary purposes. The same is true for all manifestations in Creation. Everything expands and evolves because of specific radiations delivered to their local by conscious cause. As said, by the Intelligent Design nothing of itself occurs and nothing occurs for nothing.
In the existence state above the Holy Trinity, staff lines run in the Omega side of the sixteenth dimension as an incoherent white noise of randomly intersecting lines crisscrossing at sixty degrees such that no three ever intersect at the same point. By cubistic rule, only the three different line directions exist with respect to each other. A third of the lines belong to each orientation of the staff lines in a cubit with the additional fact that one of the net orientations stands harmonized together as the Pillar of Pure Substance.
Through the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega, a point and center was established in the fourteenth dimension to bring a collection comprising of a set of the three lines into a Starr of David's midpoint intersection as the starting point of coherency out of the chaos. From the original point and center as marker, additional point and centers are now create-able for creative undertakings. Further, double sets of the lines are brought down through the Cube and Spheres alignment as sides for Substance containers, which become eventually materialized as undertakings according to plan.
Within the background fields, through the progressing actions of conscious Co-Creativity, more and more of the original staff lines are becoming systematically unified into the intersecting new mid point connections of cubits and eventual Substance cubes. Which become further expanded and harmoniously interspaced with accumulating cubistic endeavours.
Precipitating Matter Substance from the bottom up, adds even more to the ever expanding Creation. Particles of Matter Substance tend to settle into secured molecular and mass accumulations within the background fields according to their poles. Gravity through the Ordinary Matter Substance aspects of the objects further help to refine the effect according to the forms desired.
In similar manner to the particles of Ordinary Matter Substance moving through the background fields, as photons become initiated into the cubistic environments of the background fields by precipitations, their original stationary motion with respect to the Great Even Pool of Darkness converts to an impetus as motion within the background field. Similarly, the polarity direction of the electromagnetic field of a photon within a background field is directly opposite to that of the auric levels of the background fields through which it is moving so that its polarity constantly faces an opposing 'like' polarity.
As opposite polarities attract and likes repel at the physical level, in a manner similar to Matter Substance as outlined in Starrgram 8, the photons plow through the opposing polarities in front of its motion like a boat prow through an ice field. In front of the propagation the field is pried open by the like polarity of the propagating photon. The field collapses in back of the propagation by the all inclusive pressure of the whole field, which serves to constantly squeeze the photon along in back by the matching polarities.
The work done by the photon in opening the field in front is exactly balanced by the work done by the field collapsing in back, squeezing it along like a watermelon seed.. The net effect is that once a propagation is going, no extra Energy is needed to keep the propagation going. Once in motion photons propagate harmoniously along, likewise somewhat in the manner of a soliton wave at the constant propagational rate at which the field can be pried apart by the photon. Which you measure as the rate of propagation 'C'.
The same kind of initial impetus occurs whenever a photon is emitted from a material object. The polarity of the photon matrix always matches the field no matter what the direction of motion. The photon is spit out into the field by the combination of magnetic and electromagnetic forces inside the object giving rise to the push of remittance. When a photon is absorbed back into a Substance body, its factors become converted within the Matter Substance matrixes as the factors may bear.
After the original fragments of Ordinary Matter Substance have precipitated and then coalesced into moving masses, their net inertia is in the form of the additional vibrational storages according to the net propagational changes which they may incur during their accumulations into mass. As every incremental part of an accumulated mass spins, a gyroscopic effect is initiated through their angular momentums. Whenever the parameters of motion of the whole accumulation is changed, work is needed to overcome the net gyroscopic effect of all the differing parts together reflected as that you call inertia.
Once established, the bigger and faster moving the cachet, the more work is needed to change the gyroscopic propagational properties of the cachet's parts through the background fields, And the greater the inertia. Inertial Energies transfer as quantized vibrational packets along the staffs in the direction of the motion. That momentum is passed from one moving object to another is the result of their relative orientations in the background fields. You equate inertia in Ordinary Matter Substance bodies as mass when stationary and momentum when moving.
To the degree that a propagation is stopped or slowed by a collision, the kinetic Energy is passed as momentum Energy from the staffs of the one to the staffs of the other. The work which had gone into establishing the net propagational vibratory capability for the one body, becomes the instant vibratory means for changing the propagational properties of the other.
Physical Energy in the third dimension is transferred from one local to another by both Electromagnetic Matter Substance radiation and by Ordinary Matter Substance propagation.
The basic overall compositional difference between the frequencies of the two forms of Matter Substance is aptly reflected in their inertias. The counterpart of a particle of Electromagnetic Matter Substance of infinitesimal mass traveling at the speed of light, is a particle of Ordinary Matter Substance traveling at the speed of light but of infinite mass. Similarly, the auric side of Matter Substance is very low in inertia while the dense side is very high.
The distinguishing factor between the Matter Substance of the third and fourth dimensions and Morontia Substance of the fifth dimension is that Morontia Substance has no spinning components so has no inertia.
The fields of the higher dimensions do not reconfigure under the influence of moving bodies. In the fifth dimension, under the direction of thought, the moving body phases out of harmony with the current local and phases into harmony with the next local immediately ahead on an ongoing basis. People still experience the sense of walking around, but by ongoing materializations rather than locomotoring as in the physical third dimension.
In the seventh dimension you simply phase out of harmony with one net frequency and into harmony with another without going anywhere. Liken it to sitting in a barrel of crude oil at the frequency of ethane. Envision changing your frequency from that of ethane to that of pentane. Then from that of pentane to that of butane. You will have analogously been in three different places inside the barrel but haven't gone anywhere.
You will still have experienced the same sense of moving around as in all dimensions, but through inter phasing rather than locomotoring.
Similarly, Quasars are high powered Energy-directing Soul Atom/Atum Beings who send information from one domain to another in gigantic Energy beams like intensely focused lighthouse beams of electromagnetic radiations. Many of the high powered beams and X-ray and Gamma ray bursts increasingly detected by your scientists at the present time are radiations from Energy directing Soul Atoms, which have been specifically configured for convergence upon Earth at the present time as both inductions and propagating wave links for purposes of the Aquarian Age and the final stage of Earth's evolution into protostarr, now occurring.
The energies coming in now to effect the initiation of the bifurcation of this local Universe into the new Creation in Andromeda, plus change of Earth into a Proto Starr in the womb of Orion were those warned of five billion years ago by the Galactic Council when turning down Lucifer's proposal for precipitating the fifth dimensional Ascendancy into a third dimensional existence. Which Lucifer went ahead and did anyway in a fall of pride. The topic is discussed in detail in Starrgrams fifteen, sixteen, and seventeen of 'The Revelatorium of Alpha and Omega' at www.revelatorium .com.
That you view most environments of the third dimension as harsh realm is because you view only the lowest frequencies of Creation through rose-colored glasses of limited understanding. Not forgetting that under normal circumstances conscious observers such as yourselves in the third and fourth dimensions would not even exist.
The magnetic and Electromagnetic Matter effects as known by you are particular adaptations of the electromagnetic effects of the Starr of David specific only to Matter Substance through the spin factor.
The magnetic poles of the Starrs of David within individual spinning atoms in the Matter Substance realm, are much more dominant than the poles of non-spinning interlocking Starrs of David in the non Matter Substance Realms.
Such magnetic effects as you observe at the third dimensional level have their origins in the fourth dimensional higher auric frequencies of the Starr of David. At the lower material level they outcome through the atomic weights of iron, cobalt, and nickel. Also giving rise to what you call electricity through electron flows.
Similarly, scientists have never been able to determine what the actual physical 'what' of gravity is. It is because gravity is not a physical thing. It is the lower levels of that experienced in all consciousnesses as love. Love attracts, gravity attracts.
Vibrations of the frequencies called love occur in original form as the causeless natural bond holding the Tiny Particles and the Intelligent Breath together as interfusion in the Great Even Pool of Darkness. After the original extraction of the two polarities by Alpha and Omega, they were harnessed into the frequencies of the Starr of David as part and parcel of the universal life force of Creation as part and parcel of the unification of the Creators.
The attractive power of love is from the Upper triangle Intelligence side. The feeling part is from the Lower Triangle Substance side. Together, the vibrations are embodied in all life, Starr of David component of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter. The interweaving of the Starr of David triangles allow the love and feeling vibrations of the Creators to emanate together as a single attraction, called gravity when present within the assorted material matrixes of the Galactic Underworld.
The lowest frequencies of love pass down from the Only Begotten Son/Daughter into the background fields of the fourth dimension through the consciousnesses involved, and appear in the precipitating fragments and coalescing fundamental and elementary particles as gravity. Without the presence of the higher consciousnesses holding the fields there would be no precipitating matter and no gravity.
The binding energies and magnetism work through the cubit circle and Starr of David intersections in concert with the rods. Rod and staff arms have a left side and a right side orientation relative to the opposite sides of the center point of the cubit. Gravity works through just the lower Starr of David triangle and does not include the frequencies of the rods or staffs. Binding energies and magnetism are therefore polarized whereas gravity is not.
What you call the mass of a bodily object is from the lower vibrational love emanations of the object's collective Lower Triangle components. The love vibrations of the Lower Triangle are not directional and are universally oriented. All Love vibrations attract, all gravity vibrations attract.
The larger a bodily object, the more Lower Triangle components are contained within its collective cubistic matrixes, and the greater will be its love attraction reflected as a greater pull of gravity in accordance with your mass value system of measurement.
As the material cubes accumulate within cubistic matrixes, for every cube a Starr of David exists and for every Starr of David there is a Lower triangle with gravity attraction. Every Lower triangle ties to every other Lower triangle both inside and outside the cubistic matrixes as gravity ties.
Macro mass objects outside a smaller matrix will act as centers of gravity with respect to a smaller matrix. The matrixes will rotate around every center of gravity as angular momentum. The pathway of any matrix in motion cannot be exactly linear no matter what the scale. What you call linear momentum is actually the composite of all the angular momentums. To change the direction or velocity of a moving matrix requires changing all the net angular momentum configurations. As earlier said, the net angular momentum's resistance to change is the body's net inertia.
In the mechanics of Ordinary Matter Substance, the opposite poles of a magnet attract while likes repel. In gravity, all pieces of Matter Substance attract regardless of size, orientation, or net direction of spin. Gravity serves to keep the whole Lower Creation together as a single cohesive whole, mirroring the original cohesive whole of the Intelligent Breath of the Even Pool.
Gravity like magnetism, manifests through the upper fourth dimensional frequencies of Matter Substance. Through inclusion of the rods, binding energies and magnetism are very powerful whereas for not having them, gravity is not. Even the smallest magnet can pick up a piece of iron against the entire gravity pull of Earth. Like inter-dimensional Energy trunks, local gravity effects are very small but in the overall can be enormous.
The net gravity love attraction from each lower Starr of David triangle is universally the same. The rate of attraction was set when the two hearts were extracted from the Even Pool and remains the same regardless of dimension or local as there was only one original binding factor holding the Intelligent Breath and Tiny Particles ever together in mutual intertwining within the Even Pool.
The net gravitational love attraction between one body and another remains universally the same as that called 'G' within a particular field. Large bodies do not attract others any faster than small ones, just from farther way.
Within any localized field however, the pull of gravity correlates with the respective bodies mutual ability to propagate through the field, which varies with each particular field. Consequently the practical value of 'G' varies slightly from field to field.
The combination of gravity and magnetic effects allow the Planets and Starrs to have a fixed axis of orientation with respect to each other within any created expression. The materialization of the third and fourth dimensions is therefore very well ordered according to rule by both magnetic and gravity affects under government of the relevant consciousnesses involved. Plus by the presences of the responsible Soul Atoms in projection in order to effect the creative principle upon Creation for which the particular third and fourth dimensional local was expressed.
By the mechanism, virtually unlimited possibilities exist for both creative form and creative purposes within the third and fourth dimension. Of all the Solar Systems in all of the Local Sectors in all of the Local Universes in all of the Super Universes, no two Planets, Starrs, or Solar Systems are exactly alike. Nor according to cubistic rule can any two ever be exactly alike.
By the first dimensional charge states, the third and fourth dimensions are cohesive. By the second dimensional aspects of thermodynamics and kinetics they are active. By the third dimensional factor of coagulation and accumulation they are Substantive. And by the fourth dimensional properties of magnetism and gravity they have form.
Creation though, is not a monitored control of every atom through every conceivable history. Rather, like soup, if the ingredients are correct, temperature is correct, and stirring is done at the respectively appropriate times, a well-made soup results without anyone having to control the exact history of every piece of vegetable or molecule of Substance in the process. Creation works by Divine Order and not by extreme mathematics.
Cubistic blueprints under the helm of consciousness, sets the respective forces in motion. The cubistic rulings set out by the Creators keep the motions going. Creation is well-behaved because Creation is well ordered according to plan.
An additional mutually attracting force in the Outer Creation comes from the loving action of the Soul Atoms in projection themselves through their fifth and seventh dimensionalities. Plus, the presence of the eighth dimensional Soul Atom/Atum Starrs and other cosmic bodies through the portal. Where every one is a living spark of the cohesive Intelligence whole, materialized as living loving Christ Triune Beings. In Reality there is no one who is not. On Earth at the present time many of you have forgotten about yourselves.
Aggregations of rock and fusing matter are therefore not the reality of a mighty galaxy. Galaxies are loving communities of loving people.
You are oblivious to the attractive factor of the Soul Atoms in projections, and have had to theorize invisible mass presences in the third dimension to account for some of the additional gravity you believe needed to account for the considerable observational discrepancies calculated within the overall third dimensional materializations of outer space.
Galaxies rotate as a solid plate because holding them together is the single originating cubit which initiated them. Plus, by the myriads of coherently related cubistic expressions within. Plus, by the linking factor of all of the Loving Soul Atoms one to the other at both the stellar and common people level. Which all add up to its one net cubistic stabilization. Every part of every galaxy is properly oriented so every evolution within its responsibility receives all due specific effects from the Cosmic Clock and dispensational Galactic core center flares and cycles according to the Creative purpose the galaxy and particular locations the different parts were evolved for.
Likewise, lower Energies are never lost from the third and fourth dimensions. Once interred into manifestation through a precipitation, the interred lower Energy stays in the third and fourth dimensions until eventually ended by a precipitate dissolving back into the Tiny Particles, thereby poofing its Energies back into the background fields from which they had been garnered, mostly at the edges of the Super Universes.
The Tiny Particles continually precipitate into existence at a faster rate than they poof back out of existence. Creation ever expands.
If consciousnesses stopped creating, the precipitations would all eventually dissolve back into the Tiny Particles, the essence of entropy. True entropy exists, but only in the absence of consciousnesses in the act of Creating.