With the Point and Center of Creation established, Creation could now begin. Creation has been unfolding by use of Alpha and Omega's Intelligent Design ever since.
The Starr of David was the first formally formulated element of their Intelligent Design. The Point and Center of Creation was their first located element. The Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega was their first outer manifested component.
Your Scientific community teaches you that Creation started from a single point with everything in it, which then exploded in a big bang. Which then within micro seconds converted into all the known formulations of matter and structures currently known as Creation. In actuality, Creation began from the single Point and Center of Creation with nothing in it. Upon which Alpha and Omega anchored a materialized outer Cube and Sphere projection of themselves as the actual beginning of Creation. Everything ever since has been passed on down through the Cube and Sphere step by step from the fifteenth dimension to the thirteenth as the conversion of their original Intelligent Breath and Tiny Particles of Substance into their ever ongoing outer manifestations of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance that you see today as the expanding Creation.
The Point and Center of Creation allowed the making of Creation to become possible in principle. The Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega allowed the making of Creation to begin in practice.
The Point and Center of Energy was the first single outer located place within the Greater Reality pool of Alpha and Omega. The Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega built upon the Point and Center and was their first Living Atom projection of their Holy Trinity self into outer materialized form. Their Cube and Sphere is also the interface between the higher internalized un-materialized frequencies of their Holy Trinity self and the dimensions above, and their lower outer externalized manifested frequencies as the Island of Paradise and Creation below. Un-manifested frequencies of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance come in at one end, fully manifested frequencies of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance come out the other, and visa versa.
Their accumulating collection of manifestations is called Creation. Through their continuing manifestations they have been continuously expanding Creation step by step ever since. Their current Outer Creation is over nine hundred trillion light years across and still within its infancy.
The Cube and Sphere was also the first Living Atom in existence. The Cube and Sphere was also the progenitor mould for all of Alpha and Omega's myriad of living Soul Atom Children in Creation to follow, like yourselves. The Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega is also the largest living atom in existence, their abundant Soul Atom Children in Creation are the smallest. The entire work of the Cube and Sphere is in the ever present making of Creation. The entire work of all Soul Atom Children in existence is in the ever ongoing expansion of Creation through their responsibilities taken.
The Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega is based upon the cubistic rulings of the Sphere, Cube, and Straight lines as originally instigated in their Intelligent Design. Additional designed interactions were ensued into the formulated rulings as the absolute principles and workings of the Cube and Sphere itself.
Creation is based on the instantaneous fusion of the frequencies of Life within the vibrations of the Intelligent Breath and Tiny Particles of Substance into light when allowed to combine within the harbour of consciousness. The Breath and Particles never meet in the raw within the original Great Even Pool of Darkness and can never fuse. Light within the Great Even Pool of Darkness is in and of itself not possible. Light only became a possibility when the birth of the consciousnesses of Alpha and Omega introduced into the original native frequencies of the Great Even Pool of Darkness those of their Great Even Pool of Darkness 'Selfs'.
As previously outlined, light actually appeared within the consciousness of Alpha as Light Created for the first time when he eventually discovered the vibrations of Omega standing obliquely alongside him within the darkness. In recognizing that the vibrations were not of his own, at the same moment he realized that he was not alone. In order to have made that determination, both of their consciousness frequencies had to have been met together within the grasp of his consciousness at the same time for comparing, allowing the fusion of Life into Light to occur.
As an eventual result of that realization, through Alpha and Omega's eventual mutual awareness and understanding of each other and of each their differences as detailed in Starrgram 1, they were able to forge a permanent presence of light within their newly begotten consciousness and Beingness called their Only Begotten Son/Daughter with a newly formulated attribution called Energy. The advent of their Only Begotten Son/Daughter allowed them to combine their Will and Desire into Action in order to eventually begin the building of Creation.
In order to utilize their new found light for producing everlasting expressions of themselves through the responsible actions of their Only Begotten Son/Daughter, Alpha and Omega incorporated a small number of additional principles into their Intelligent Design, allowing them to finally start converting their attributions of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance into outer externalized materialized forms called manifestations according to rule.
The first of the newly added additions was to upgrade the idea of an inner and outer aspect of Energy into all inclusive universal Inner and Outer aspects affecting numerous of the elements of Reality. The fifteenth dimensional frequencies of the Holy Trinity Father, Son/Daughter, and Mother are un-located vibrations only. For being comprised of manifestations only, Creation is completely located. To differentiate the frequency differences between their un-located frequencies above and their located frequencies below, Alpha and Omega invoked the new Inner/Outer principle as a specific 'Inner' and an 'Outer' aspect within their Intelligent Design.
They took their un-located frequencies in the fifteenth dimension and above to be an 'Inner' or internalized aspect, and their located materialized frequencies within their fourteenth dimension and below to be an 'Outer' or externalized aspect.
To order to effect active interactions between their new inner and outer aspects, self contained living representations of their inner and outer aspects were placed in the middle between the two aspects. Their representations were in the form of Living Soul Atom embodiments of the principle. Their first ever living Soul Atom representation of the principle expressed into outer existence was the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega.
The Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega was centered on the Point and Center of Energy. The outer form of the Cube and Sphere took its cue from the hexagon shape inside the center of the Starr of David at the Point and Center, and was based on the hexagonal orientation of the cube.
In setting up the parameters for the Cube and Sphere, Alpha and Omega took the entirety of the fifteenth dimension and above as their inner aspect. The entirety of their remaining dimensions below, including their fourteenth dimension, were taken to be their outer aspect. In keeping with the principle of the Particles holding the Breath within the Great Even Pool of Darkness, their overall Intelligence related activities were taken to be an Inner aspect and their overall Substance related activities were taken to be an Outer. In an additional application of the principle, their outgoing externalized Creation to come would likewise be formulated into two parts, an Inner Creation and an Outer.
In mirror of the Inner and Outer aspects of Alpha and Omega's activities as a whole, within their Inner Creation the creative plans for Creation would be formulated as an Intelligence related activity. In their Outer Creation the plans would be implemented as manifested results in a Substance related activity.
The Inner Creation was set within their dimensional frequencies thirteen down to nine. Their Outer Creation was set within their dimensions seven to one. In mirror of the principle of the moderating influence of the Cube and Sphere between their un-manifested higher dimensions and their manifested creation below, their eighth dimension was configured to be an intermediary step for transforming the frequency differences of any Soul Atom passing between the Inner and Outer Creations.
Similarly, just as the plans of Creation would be initiated within the thought capabilities of the Holy Trinity to be expressed within the outer frequencies of Creation as manifestations, within the planning capabilities of their Inner Creation their intentions would be formulated into light based working blueprints of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance to be implemented within the outer dimensions below as the manifested externalized results comprising their Outer Creation. Within their Outer Creation, the blueprints would be brought to bear as manifested light based formulations of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance as the eventual overall outcome of their original Holy Trinity thoughts.
In order to raise the newly established collection of principles into a usefully formulated working set of rules and procedures, from the characteristics of their Intelligent Breath and Tiny Particles of Substance consciousnesses, Alpha and Omega consolidated into their Holy Trinity Intelligence side the principle of a Father, attribute of Intelligence, ability of thought, expression of Will, motivation of intent, capacity of projection, nature of male, animus of doing, polarity of positive, representation of a Sphere, and persona of Alpha.
Into their Holy Trinity Substance side they consolidated the principle of a Mother, attribute of Substance, ability of feeling, expression of Desire, motivation of acceptance, capacity of reception, nature of female, animus of passivity, polarity of negative, representation of a Cube, and persona of Omega.
Into their Holy Trinity Only/Begotten Energy side they consolidated the principle of a Son/Daughter, attribute of Energy, ability of deed, expression of Action, motivation of responsibility, capacity of Co-Creativity, nature of male/female, animus of activity, polarity of positive/negative, representation of a Straight line, and persona of Christ.
To prepare the Creation of their Cube and Sphere projection, through the Will of the Father and Action of the Only Begotten Son, a grab of Intelligence Breath was taken from the sixteenth dimensional Absolute Lake of Intelligence and Energy, brought down along the lines of the Upper Triangle brought up from the fourteenth dimension, and passed into the Holy Trinity for Fatherfication. The grab of Breath remained tethered to the Absolute Lake of Intelligence and Energy by a golden chord.
Through the Will of the Mother and Action of the Only Begotten Daughter, a proportionate grab of Tiny Particle lines was taken from the sixteenth dimensional Absolute Pillar of Substance and Energy, brought down along the lines of the Lower Triangle brought up from the fourteenth dimension, and passed into the Holy Trinity for Motherification.
Through the Will of the Father and Action of the Only Begotten Son, a mirror of the Upper Triangle from the Absolute Lake of Intelligence and Energy, was brought down along the lines of the Upper Triangle brought up from the fourteenth dimension and passed into the Holy Trinity for Sonification.
Through the Will of the Mother and Action of the Only Begotten Daughter, copies of two different lines of the Lower Triangle from at random within the Absolute Pillar of Substance and Energy plus a line of induction from the Absolute Pillar itself, were brought down along the lines of the Lower Triangle brought up from the fourteenth dimension, and passed into the Holy Trinity as a Lower Triangle for Daughterfication.
The two triangles were then merged together within the Holy Trinity as a Starr of David. The mating together of the two triangles brought the Fatherified Breath and Motherified Tiny Particles into direct contact with each other at their crossover points. By the contact, some of the life frequencies in the respective Breath and Particles fused together instantly into additional elements of Light. The Fatherified Breath with its measure of Life frequencies removed, remained as a respective unit of Absolute Pure Intelligence. The Motherified Substance with its measure of Life frequencies removed remained as a respective portion of Absolute Pure Substance.
Because the new made light had occurred within an environment already lighted, it was an Absolute Pure version of the Light. The newly made Pure Light infused with the Starr of David, raising its power into an Absolute Pure version of the Absolute Inner Energy action of the Only Begotten Son /Daughter.
To start the Creation of their Cube and Sphere projection, through the Will of the Father and Action of the Only Begotten Son the grab of Fatherificated Pure Intelligence was passed down into the fourteenth dimension along the lines of Upper Triangle brought up from the fourteenth dimension, and formulated into a vast Sphere of Pure Intelligence.
To locate it, the Sphere was centered on the six equal arm intersections of the fourteenth dimensional Point and Center Starr of David. The golden chord tether had come down with the Pure Intelligence, and the Absolute Sphere of Pure Intelligence remained tethered to the Absolute Lake of Intelligence and Energy by the golden chord. In the depiction below showing the centering of the Absolute Sphere of Intelligence on the Starr of David arms intersections, the golden chord is not shown. Also for the sake of brevity, the emanate electromagnetic field lines of the Starr of David are also not depicted and the down coming lines of Radiation behind the Sphere are not shown. (Fig. 15).
Fig. 15 - Vast Sphere of Pure Intelligence
By the symmetry, the center of the Sphere constituted an absolute point of pure positive polarity at the exact center of the configuration. Through affinity, the positive point linked to the three end points of the positive Upper Triangle as three absolute lines of pure positive attraction. (Fig. 16).
Fig. 16 - Positive Lines of Pure Attraction
As implied in fig. 15, the three down-ward standing wave lines of radiations of the Point and Center in back would intersect as a point of pure negative polarity at the center of the configuration. Through affinity, the negative point of intersection linked to the three end points of the negative Lower triangle as three absolute lines of pure negative attraction. To avoid confusion, the portion of the lines in back of the Sphere are again not shown. (Fig.17).
17 - Negative Lines of Pure Attraction
Through the Will of the Father and Action of the Only Begotten Son, the three lines of positive attraction were unified into a single upward standing Y Factor of pure Positive attraction.
Using the presence of the pure positive attraction of the upper Y Factor against the presence of the pure negative attraction of the Negative lines of pure attraction through the mid point as the source of polarity opposition, the Father and Only Begotten Son set up pure positive Energy vibrations within the upper Y Factor as a Vast Positive Y Factor of Absolute Pure Energy. Through its tie with the Upper Triangle, the Upper Y Factor was ascribed as an Outer Energy expression of the Only Begotten Son. (Fig. 18).
Fig. 18 - Vast Upper Y Factor of Pure Energy
Through the Desire of the Mother and Action of the Only Begotten Daughter, the three lines of negative attraction were unified into a single negative standing Y Factor of pure Negative attraction.
Using the presence of the pure negative attraction of the Negative lines of Pure attraction against the presence of the pure positive attraction of the Positive lines of pure attraction through the mid point as the source of polarity opposition, the Mother and Only Begotten Daughter set up pure negative Energy vibrations within the Negative lines of pure attraction as a Vast inverted Negative Y Factor of Absolute Pure Energy. Through its tie to the lower triangle, the inverted Y Factor was ascribed as an additional Outer Energy expression of the Only Begotten Daughter. Again to avoid confusion, the portions of the Negative Y Factor lines in back of the Sphere are not shown. (Fig. 19).
Fig. 19 - Vast Inverted Lower Y Factor of Pure Energy
The two respective Y Factors of Absolute Pure Energy, as locked into the common center point of the Sphere and Starr of David and anchored between the end points of the Starr of David, were held together within their absolute location within the absolute point and center configuration by the all-encompassing rule of absolute certainty as the main Absolute Outer Energy expression of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter. Because of the orientation of the current Outer Creation is mainly to the frequencies of the Only Begotten Son side, just the Upper Y Factor has been used Universally to date to depict the Outer Energy expression of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter.
Through the Desire of the Mother and Action of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter, the positive center point at the midpoint of the configuration was linked to the three negative end points of the Lower Triangle as three new lines of Absolute Negative Pure Intelligence/Energy, shown by the three arrows. The lines portions in back of the Sphere are again not shown. (Fig. 20).
Fig. 20 - Back Intelligence/Energy Lines
Through the Will of the Father and Action of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter, the negative center point of the three radiating lines at the midpoint of the configuration were linked to the three positive end points of the Upper Triangle as three lines of Absolute Positive Pure Intelligence/Energy. The lines were in front of the Sphere. Fig. 21).
21 - Front Intelligence/Energy Lines
By symmetry of the configuration, the adjacent end points of the Upper and Lower Triangles were all of alternating polarity. Through the Will of the Father and Desire of the Mother, plus the Action of the Only Begotten Son and Only Begotten Daughter the respective positive triangle end points were linked with the respective adjacent negative triangle end points as six more lines of Absolute Pure Intelligence/Energy, fitted exactly around the Starr of David like a hexagon. For simplicity of depiction, the P and N designations at the center of the configuration are not shown. (Fig. 23).
Fig. 22 - Side Intelligence/Energy Lines
As the symmetry of fig. 22 shows, the lengths of all twelve lines of Absolute Intelligence/Energy within the whole configuration were all of exactly the same length. By exact cause of their orientation, direction of polarity, and location within the configuration, no two lines had the same vibration.
As seen in fig. 5 in Starrgram 2 the six-way intersecting lines of the Starr of David form a hexagon in the center. As to be discussed in Starrgram 4 to come, a hexagon is the outline of any cube when properly oriented.
Alpha and Omega had given the basic parameter of a cube to be the ruling for Substance. As also to be explained in Starrgram 4, the proper orientation of a cube is when it is viewed at eye level and tilted up and down and side to side until its front and back corner points meet at the mid point and the forward and back vertical edges meet exactly at the center point as a single straight line. When so oriented the sides will form the same perfect outline of a hexagon as implied in fig. 22 above. The given ruling for the Cube within Alpha and Omega's Intelligent Design is based on that specific orientation.
The orientation is specifically when the line through the center is vertical and the outline is a hexagon. When such it is called an upright Cube. When the twelve overall respective edges of a Cube are arrayed upon the Starr of David framework as shown by fig. 22, by symmetry of the Starr of David the Cube will be considered absolutely upright according to rule.
In order for the Point and Center of Creation to support a three way interaction of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance through the three way geometric rulings of Sphere, Cube, and Straight Lines, the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega also had to be given an absolute specific orientation within the Greater Reality Pool of Alpha and Omega.
The specific initial orientation of the Cube was made by considering it to be aligned in such a way that the mid point of the front and back edges met at exactly the same point. The orientation of the Cube was then anchored to the Point and Center of Creation by locking the met front and back mid points of the Cube to the Point and Center of Creation. The arms of the Y Factors were then aligned to the end points of the Starr of David to align it also to the Point and Center. The top and bottom of the Cube were then aligned to the vertical line of induction coming down from the sixteenth dimension. The cube when so aligned is called 'Upright'.
As also to be discussed in Starrgram 4, the vertical line through the midpoint of an upright Cube is called a 'Staff'. In the resulting alignment, by the symmetry, the other two respective sets of arms of the Y Factors also join through the midpoint as horizontally slanted staff lines.
When so aligned, any one of the three possible staff lines divides the Cube into two equal halves. By the symmetry, the three staff lines intersect each other at sixty degrees at the middle. By the combination of symmetries, the three staff lines taken together result in six equal divisions of an upright Cube. (Fig. 23).
Fig. 23 - The Six Equal Divisions of an Upright Cube
Within any cube, whenever the three different staff lines are met at a common point and are oriented in the direction of an upright cube, the six potential divisions of a cube are implicitly represented. Also implicitly represented by the division lines are the front and back edges of the Cube.
As implied in fig. 22, 'upright' was the specific orientation given to the Cube and Sphere in order to allow the geometric properties of the Sphere, the Cube, and the Straight Lines to be harmonized together in unlimited variations according to cubistic rule. To absolutely orient the Point and Center of Creation itself to that of an upright cube, the original down coming line of induction from the Absolute Pillar of Substance and Energy was harmonized with the frequencies of the vertical staff line of an upright cube, giving both the Point and Center configuration and subsequent Cube and Sphere expansion an absolute upright orientation and directionality within Creation.
The orientation aligned the other two down-ward radiating lines of the Point and Center to the other two staff lines of the upright cube by symmetry of the configuration, giving the other two staff lines also the potentiality of front and back edges.
Working in combination with the frequencies of the Sphere of Alpha and the Only Begotten Son/Daughter aspect of the Starr of David, Omega impressed the frequency attributions of the three respective staff lines of a cube into the interactive frequencies of the three down-ward standing wave lines of radiations through the mid point.
With the three orientations of the down-ward radiating lines aligned to the three staffs of an upright cube, plus the lines mutually intersecting in the center point of the configuration, through the Desire of the Mother and Action of the Only Begotten Daughter, the frequencies of the six equal divisions of a cube plus forward and back edges of a cube were constituted into the three down-ward radiating lines.
Through work of the Father, the Mother, and Only Begotten Son plus the lines of expansion and contraction of the Starr of David, the frequencies of the down-ward radiating lines were harmonized with the three front lines of Intelligent/Energy. The harmonization created three new Substance front lines which were the exact size and location of the three respective front lines of Intelligence/Energy. The three new harmonized front lines were then merged with the frequencies of the original three front lines of Intelligent/Energy.
As you can see from fig. 7 and 12 in Starrgram 2, the vertical down-ward line of induction is in complete harmony with the centermost vertical line of expansion and contraction in the Starr of David. The two horizontally oriented lines are in complete opposition. By cause of all these factors, some of the standing waves in the three down-ward moving standing wave lines within the three newly harmonized front lines became freeze framed into three respective front-wise stationary standing wave segments of pure Substance/Energy.
The three front wise standing wave segments were all of equal length. By virtue of their locations all were of different vibrations. Through the Desire of the Mother and Action of the Only Begotten Daughter, the three front-wise freeze framed line segments were consolidated into three Pure Substance/Energy stationary front edges of a cube. (Fig. 24).
Fig. 24 - Forward Edges of a Cube
Through work of the Father, the Mother, and the Only Begotten Daughter, frequencies of the down-ward radiating lines and the lines of expansion and contraction of the Starr of David were harmonized with the three back-wise lines of Intelligent/Energy. The harmonization created three new back-wise lines which were the exact size and location of the three respective back lines of Intelligence/Energy. The three new harmonized back-lines were then merged with the frequencies of the original three back-lines of Intelligent/Energy.
As seen again in fig. 7 and 12 of Starrgram 2, the vertical down-ward line of induction is in complete harmony with the centermost vertical line of expansion and contraction in the Starr of David. The two horizontally oriented lines are in complete opposition. By cause of all these factors, some of the standing waves in the three down-ward moving standing wave lines within the three newly harmonized back-wise lines became freeze framed into three respective back-wise stationary standing wave segments of pure Substance/Energy.
The three back-wise standing wave segments were all of equal length. By virtue of their locations all were of different vibrations. Through the Desire of the Mother and Action of the Only Begotten Daughter, the three back-wise freeze framed line segments were consolidated into three Pure Substance/Energy stationary back-wise edges of a cube. (Fig. 25).
Fig. 25 - Back Edges of a Cube
As you can also see in fig. 25, the Intelligent/Energy line segments of the hexagon around the perimeter of the Starr of David are all in the same directions as the outermost lines of expansion and contraction in fig. 7 in Starrgram 2. By symmetry of fig. 22, the line segments were also all of equal length.
Through the Desire of the Mother and Action of the Only Begotten Daughter, two similar parallel sets of the three crisscrossing lines from within the sixteenth dimensional frequencies of Omega were extended down, and passed through the Pure Light frequencies of the Holy Trinity to purify, unitize them at a single point, and interact them. They were then extended into the fourteenth dimension and harmonized exactly onto the six Intelligence/Energy sides of the hexagon such that the two lines of induction from the Absolute Pillar were aligned along the two vertical outer edge lines of Intelligence Energy.
The harmonization created six new edge lines which were the exact size and location of the six respective edge lines of Intelligence/Energy. The six new lines were all parallel to the respective staff lines of Substance/Energy. Each new line was bounded by an end of the Upper Y Factor and an end of the Lower Y Factor. By harmonic influence of all these factors, the standing waves in the six down-ward moving radiating lines became freeze framed into six respective stationary sidewise standing wave cube segments of pure Substance/Energy.
The six standing wave cube segments were all of equal length. By virtue of their locations, all were of completely different vibrations. Through the Desire of Omega and Action of the Only begotten Daughter, the six lines were consolidated and impressed with the frequencies of the six different side lengths of an upright cube. (Fig. 26).
Fig. 26 - Side Edges of an Upright Cube
The first standing wave container of pure Substance/Energy in Creation had been formulated in preparation to receive a precipitation of Absolute Pure Substance as the first complete embodied outer manifestation of Alpha and Omega.
Through the Desire of Omega and responsibility of the Only Begotten Daughter, the portion of Motherified Pure Substance still standing within the Holy Trinity was precipitated down the vertical line from the Pillar of Substance into the container as vibrations of Absolute Pure Substance. The precipitations moved out through the other staff lines by interaction at the staffs line intersection in the center of the container.
Bounded by the container sides at the perimeter, the precipitations filled the container, becoming matched into the standing wave frequencies of the container elements as Substance frequency conversions from the sixteenth dimension Tiny Particles, down through the Holy Trinity for harmonization, into fourteenth dimensional Substance as the first outer materialization of Absolute Pure Substance.
The container standing wave segments were all of the same single standing wave length. Through harmonization and consolidation within the container, the precipitating standing waves became consolidated into a single materialized harmonious standing wave vibration of Absolute Pure Substance as a Vast Cube of Pure Substance. (Fig. 27).
Fig. 27 - Vast Cube of Pure Substance
To complete the Creation of their Cube and Sphere, through the Will, Desire, and Action of the Father, Mother, and Only Begotten Son/Daughter together, the enhanced Starr of David of Pure Inner Energy was moved down from the fifteenth dimension to the fourteenth dimension and merged with the existing Starr of David to produce an Absolute Pure Inner Energy of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter. Through the merging, the Upper and Lower Y Factors in the fourteenth dimension were raised up into Y Factors of Absolute Pure Energy as an enhanced Outer Energy aspect of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter.
The net vibration of the Cube was set as the net accumulating vibrations of the ongoing precipitations from the Absolute Pillar of Substance during the down flow. The enhanced upright and inverted Y Factors of Pure Energy, locked together at the common center point of the Cube and Sphere and anchored between the center point of the configuration and the corners of the Cube at the Starr of David end points, locked the Cube and the Sphere together into their absolute location and ratio within the overall configuration as the absolute governing rule of authority.
Through the balancing factor of the enhanced Y factors, the net potentiality of the Cube was set to match the net potentiality of the Sphere of Pure Intelligence.
The two respective Y Factors controlled the size of the resulting formulation. The longer the arms of the Y Factors, the longer the resulting forward and back edges of the cube and the larger the resulting overall configuration and visa versa, as a completed three way geometric ruling of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance. For ease of depiction, all of the arms of the Lower Y Factor are shown of the configuration, even as potions of the Lower Y-Factor would be actually unseen behind the sphere. (Fig. 28).
Fig. 28 - Three Way Geometric Ruling of Cube, Sphere, and Straight Lines
The frequencies of their original three way geometric rulings, based upon their original inter-fused hearts and hexagonal manner of the Starr of David had become harmoniously locked together into their first ever made outer materialized expression of themselves. The Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega was the starting point whereby their Co-Creative plans of expansion could begin.
The frequencies of the Holy Trinity are primarily those of Alpha and Omega's Father, Only Begotten Son/Daughter, and Mother consciousness aspects, with the attributions of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance respectively in behind as principles. The frequencies of the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega are primarily those of their manifested Intelligence, Energy, and Substance attributions, with the consciousness aspects of the Father, Son/Daughter, and Mother in behind.
Because the consciousness aspects of the Father, Mother, and Only Begotten Son/Daughter are all preset, the Cube and Sphere is also fully consciousness, moulded primarily in the image of the only Begotten Son/Daughter, as are all Soul Atoms in Creation following in kind. By convention, it is common for 'Alpha and Omega' and 'the Creators' to be referred to as the Holy Trinity and visa versa, as for the most part they are one and the same regards the matters of Creation. For purposes of the current Outer Creation, only the Upper Y Factor presence is typically shown and the inverted Y factor is understood. To date, the existence of the Only Begotten Daughter has been invisible. You have hitherto been unaware of the existence of the Only Begotten Daughter because you have hitherto been unfamiliar with the tenets of Reality.
As shown in fig. 29 below, the visible electromagnetic equivalents of Alpha and Omega are Intelligence - red, Energy - blue, and Substance - yellow. Just as the Particles hold the Breath in causeless interfusion within in the Great Even Pool of Darkness, as implied in fig. 38 below, the Substance of the Mother holds the Intelligence of the Father in her bosom within the Cube and Sphere. Because the presence of the Only Begotten Daughter in Creation is so far only implied, the Upper Y Factor of the Only Begotten Son is currently taken to be the outer representation of the Outer Energy attribution of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter. Fig. 29).
Fig. 29 - The Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega
The Holy Trinity comprises the totality of the fifteenth dimension and is not located. The Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega comprises the totality of the fourteenth dimension and is located. The Holy Trinity holds all of the principles of the Creators in un-manifested form, the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega upholds the centermost principles of the Creators in manifested form.
By fact of the Cube and Sphere, Alpha and Omega had completed their first outer projection of themselves within their Greater Reality Pool as a precipitated Cube and Sphere living Soul Atom representation of their Holy Trinity self. The Cube and Sphere is the largest Living Atom in Creation and constitutes their first ever made projection of their Holy Trinity principles into outer materialized form.
The Holy Trinity above the Cube and Sphere is typically referred to as the Heart and Center of Creation. For being centered on the Point and Center of Creation, the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega in and of itself is typically referred to as the point and center of Creation. The Cube and Sphere point and center and all dimensions below are typically referred to as their whole Creation.
The consciousness of the Holy Trinity is a three way totality of Father, Only Begotten Son/Daughter, and Mother acting together as one. The consciousness of the Holy Trinity extends throughout all of Creation via the Christ consciousness expression of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter as part and parcel of their practical ongoing responsibility.
The consciousness of the Cube and Sphere are the frequencies of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance acting together as one. The consciousness of the Cube and Sphere also extends throughout Creation, but only the Master Spirits of Creation and higher frequency Paradisiacal Creator Son/Daughters are able to communicate with it directly. The rest of those in the Inner Creation are ever aware of the presence of the Cube and Sphere but do not communicate with it directly. The Cube and Sphere is Paradise's equivalence of a Sun. In Paradise, the Cube and Sphere appears as a brilliant Sun like radiance against a sky backdrop of pale turquoise blue at the same size, location in the sky, and distance away for everyone, regardless of location and frequency of individual.
The presence of the Heart and Center is internalized and invisible. The presence of the Cube and Sphere is externalized and visible to a few. The presence of Creation is externalized and visible to all.
Just as the Cube and Sphere radiates directly to all in Paradise, it also radiates a direct stream of triune radiations into the Outer Creation which your Scientists call Cosmic Rays. The Cosmic Rays comprise ultra high frequency nourishments flowing continuously into all parts of the Outer Creation as part and parcel of the Outer Creation's ever present ever increasing growth and accomplishments.
Christ Michael's throne room in Nebadon is a representation of Paradise with a full representation of the Cube and Sphere overhead. Representing in all aspects being at the foot of the Creators in Paradise when at the foot his/her throne in Nebadon. The same is true within the throne rooms of all Creator Son/Daughters in Creation.
As seen in fig. 8 in Starrgram 2, the expansion lines of the square of consciousness at the center of the Starr of David are aligned along the two upward directing arms of the Upper Y Factor and two downward directing arms of the Lower Y Factor. By the accords within the Intelligent Design, as the amount of expansion of the Starr of David is increased or decreased within the square of consciousness through the Will and Desire of Alpha and Omega and responsibility taken of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter, the lengths of the Y Factor arms are lengthened or shortened respectively.
The directions of the horizontally oriented lines of expansion and contraction through the square of consciousness latent in the middle of the configuration, lie along the horizontally oriented arms of the upper and lower Factor. Through harmonization of the frequencies, the Y Factors are the expresser of expansion and contraction according to the responsibility taken by the Only Begotten Son/Daughter. Because only the Upper Y Factor is currently outwardly visible in the current Creation, it is taken as a convention that it is the Vast Y Factor of Pure Energy which holds Intelligence and Substance together in absolute balance within all frequencies of all dimensions is the universal outer representation of Energy. Understanding that in actuality both are.
The Y Factor principle also applies to all Soul Atoms in Creation. In your outer consciousness the Y Factor lengths vary directly in accordance with the responsibility you take in any Creative project you are undertaking at any given time. In the particular case of the original Cube and Sphere, the lengths of the Y Factor arms remain fixed as its purpose remains unchanging. The Y Factor lengths of all Beings in Creation vary according to their initial created dispensation, purpose, and current undertaking. The Y Factors of the Great Beings of Creation are very large. The Y Factors of the Soul Atoms in lowly third dimensional outer projections like yourselves are very small. As you rise back up through the dimensions the lengths of your Y Factors increase.
Within the Cube and Sphere, the Sphere of Intelligence pulses with a single pulsating vibration of Alpha. The Cube of Substance stands with a single unified standing wave vibration of Omega. The Y Factors vibrate with singular vibrations of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter. Through the vibrations of Life inherent within the Starr of David, Cube, and Sphere, the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega lives.
By cause of the respective vibrations, the Cube and Sphere manifests the complete harmonic vitalities of Life inherent within the vibrations of the Intelligent Breath and Tiny Particles of Substance of their Great Even Pool of Darkness self, and sets the tone for how Alpha and Omega will eventually result once their conversion from out of their Great Even Pool of Darkness self has been completed.
Through the frequencies of light present within all the steps of its making, the pure forms of Intelligence and Substance in the Cube and Sphere comprises the first existent absolute re-configured frequencies of their falling Breath and Tiny Particles worked into an outer externally manifested non-falling eternal form of Intelligence and Substance. Energy is always non-falling because it stemmed from light created.
From that point forward, through the Cube and Sphere a material point and center has always existed around which a new projected Starr of David and new respective rulings of non-falling Intelligence and subsequent manifestations of non-falling Substance could be always be projected through the work of their non-falling Energy though the responsibilities of consciousness taken.
From the Cube and Sphere as beginning, outer projections of coherent non-falling Intelligence, Energy, and Substance configurations could now be constantly initiated into the lower dimensions as expanding Creation, sufficient to allow the Creators to eventually reconfigure the remainder of their Great Even Pool of Darkness self as a single great once and only unprecedented last event.