Cubits are the genomes of Creation. In particular they are the principle genomes of your current incarnation. Whenever you incarnate or re-incarnate, you have an inner and outer matrix formulated according to the specific geometric rulings of the cubit. Your inner matrix upholds mainly your consciousness aspects, your outer matrix upholds mainly your physicality.
In principle, the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega is dynamically static, their Creation on the other hand is dynamically active. To begin the fully dynamic making of Creation into their lower dimensions, a non-static thirteenth dimensional version of the Cube and Sphere was needed to free it from its unchanging fourteenth dimensional status. A thirteenth dimensional dynamic version was created by projecting the Cube and Sphere one dimension down into the thirteenth dimension as that called a 'cubit'.
The projection of a three dimensional Sphere onto a two dimensional plane is a circle, the projection of a Cube is a hexagon outline, and the projection of a Starr of David and Y Factors becomes flattened lines of the Starr of David and diagonals. By the same fact of projecting, the projection of the Cube and Sphere into the thirteenth dimension as a cubit was a circle, a hexagon outline, and flattened lines of the Starr of David and diagonals. (Fig. 30).
Fig. 30 - First Projected Cubit
To initiate the cubit, a mirror of the enhanced Starr of David from the Cube and Sphere was projected down into the thirteenth dimension as a flattened Starr of David. The three sets of parallel lines of the Starr of David were emanated past their end points back up through the channels through the fourteenth dimension to the sixteenth. The Starr of David was split, the Upper Triangle into the Absolute Lake of Intelligence and Energy, the Lower Triangle into the Absolute Pillar of Substance and Energy.
A mirror of the Sphere of Pure Intelligence in the Cube and Sphere was projected down into the frequencies of the thirteenth dimension as a circle. The circle was aligned to the Starr of David on its six arms intersections in order to center it and lock in the respective size of the Starr of David at its arms intersections in accordance with the size of the circle.
An induction line was started within the Absolute Pillar of Substance and Energy, and with two complementary lines from at large within the sixteenth dimensional frequencies of Omega were extended down into the pure light frequencies of the Holy Trinity to purify and unify them at a common point of intersection to make them interactive. The interactive set was then passed down into the Cube and Sphere where they were externalized and aligned with the directions of, and impressed with, the frequencies of the three respective staff lines of a Cube.
The unified and converted staff lines were then projected down into the thirteenth dimension and harnessed onto the thirteenth dimensional mid point of the Starr of David and Circle. The staff lines were then absolutely oriented by centering them on the Starr of David end points such that the induction line from the Absolute pillar was aligned to the top and bottom end points of the Starr of David.
Three similar sets of two parallel lines from at large within the sixteenth dimensional frequencies of Omega were then brought down and passed through the frequencies of the Holy Trinity for purification, unitization, and to make them interactive. They were then passed down into the Cube and Sphere to be externalized, aligned, and configured to the respective lengths and orientations of the frequencies of the outside edges of an upright cube.
The harmonized and configured lines were then projected into the thirteenth dimension and configured around the edges of the Starr of David as the hexagonal sides of a cube. The two induction lines were made to be the vertical sides of the cube to set up the frequencies needed to mirror the Cube and Sphere.
The forward and back edge frequencies of a cube were then extracted into the cube from the staff lines. Finally, mirrors of the fourteenth dimensional Y Factors were projected down into the thirteenth dimensional circle and hexagon and centered on the extracted staff lines in order to lock the circle and cube into the absolute balance of their absolute rulings. The first projected cubit in Creation had been created.
By fact that the geometric projection of a circle, cube, and straight lines from the second dimension onto the first reduces to single points, the thirteenth dimensional cubit was never projected further down into a reduced embodiment. Regardless of dimension or purpose in which it may be found, all lower dimensional representations of the cubit in Creation including the second dimensional plane of this depiction are made in the same projected format of the thirteenth dimensional circle, cube, and straight lines. The net frequencies vary from each dimension on down, but the resulting actual geometric formulations always remain the same.
As seen in fig. 30, the open nature of the cubit made visible the presence of the Starr of David. It also made visible the inverted Y Factor of the Only Begotten Daughter.
As part and parcel of the inner action of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter, both the square of consciousness and expansion factor remained intrinsic though not visible within the formulations of the Starr of David. Through the presence of the Starr of David, within any cubit, the frequencies of the square of consciousness and expansion factor are always present as an implicit inner action.
Because the frequencies of the forward and back edges of the cube are entailed within the three center meeting staff lines, the hexagon outline always implies the presence of Substance as the Universal representation of Substance.
Once created, from the center point of the cubit, out of the frequencies of the radiating staffs, Starr of David arms intersections, circle, and the cube, additional links were subsequently added at right angles to the cube sides as outwardly radiating lines.
The new links tied the frequencies of Intelligence and Substance together simultaneously with the frequencies of both the Upper Triangle and Lower Triangle through the arms intersections, and had completely different frequency characteristics than the staffs. The new links when conjoined end to end were called 'Rods'. The rods radiated outward from the center of the cubit and radiated for a measure past the boundaries of the cube but not up to the Cube and Sphere as did the staffs. (Fig. 31).
Fig. 31 - Cubit With After the Fact Rods
The rods are yet another outer Energy expression of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter. The Y Factors, staffs and rods together uphold the complete outer Energy action of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter. Rods are instrumental in the expansion of Creation, but are expressed after the fact of the cubit and are not of themselves an original part of the materializing process.
Need of the rods and staffs for the expansion of Creation however, is very clear. Without the presence of the staffs and rods, Intelligence and Substance are not directly connected, only inter-fused.
The original indirect inter-fusion of the Breath and Tiny Particles in the Great Even Pool of Darkness is aptly represented through the Starr of David in the cubit by way of the circle connections at the arms intersections and through to the cube connections at the Starr of David end points. The inner working Starr of David replicates the original inner hearts interfusion between Alpha and Omega. As fig. 32 below clearly shows, the two respective frequencies of Intelligence and Substance are only inter-fused through the Starr of David and not directly connected. The Starr of David aptly implies the tie holding the two tightly inter-fused together within the Even Pool but never actually touching each other. (Fig. 32).
Fig. 32 - Inter-Fused Intelligence and Substance
The outer working staffs and rods on the other hand comprise a much more direct connection between Intelligence and Substance. As you can see in fig. 31 above, the connections are unmistakable direct external Energy bridges between Intelligence and Substance. Which is why Alpha and Omega had to beget their Only Begotten Son/Daughter consciousness and attribution of Energy to establish permanent bridges between the original unconnected presence between their original frequencies in order to establish an absolute permanent working presence of light between them.
The apparent difference in size between the Cube vs. the Sphere of fig. 32, whereby the Cube of fig. 32 looks much bigger than the circle of fig. 39 is by outer appearance only. Both objects are of the same animus through the cubistic rulings. The potentialities given by Alpha and Omega to the originating Sphere as Intelligence and to the originating Cube as Substance when formulating their original set of rules for Creation were absolutely equal by their absolute agreement in consciousness to be absolutely equal in every aspect of their existences.
The connections with the Starr of David arms respectively locks in the animus size of the circle with the respective animus size of the Starr of David. The connections with the end points of the Starr of David locks in the respective animus size of the cube. As the Starr of David expands or contracts, the cube and circle expand or contract proportionately and visa versa. In particular, as the size of the originating circle is given as larger or smaller, the size of the Starr of David is larger or smaller accordingly through the moderating factor of the Y Factors. The cube is made larger or smaller accordingly in proportion. If the originating circle of Intelligence is large, the resulting cube of Substance is large and visa versa. The size of the Star of David is determined in the square of consciousnesses by the responsibilities taken by those involved.
The following presents a more detailed explanation of the cubit. If you haven't been paying attention to the drawings yet, the following also provides a good opportunity to see how the drawings are intended to work in practice for your better understanding of the information being provided herein by following along with them. All you need to do is look at each new drawing in turn and see the principle which will have just been described in the text immediately preceding the image. Once you get the first one, the rest should be self clear. Fig. 33 below is a perfect starting example.
You have traditionally defined a cubit as six lengths. For thousands of years you have argued about the length of the length. The wrong question is being asked. A cubit is not a 'howlongisit' it is a 'whatisit'.
As explained above, a cubit is the projection of the fourteenth dimensional Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega one dimension down into a thirteenth dimensional format. Cubits are the basic building blocks of Creation, and project the same way in principle all the way down to the first dimension. Cubits are particularly relevant to Soul Atoms who have formed an outer bodily projection in any incarnation or re-incarnation anywhere in Creation.
The Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega is a core component of the Intelligent Design of Alpha and Omega. The cubit derives directly from the Cube and Sphere and constitutes the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega rendered into an outer working format. As the principles of the cubit remain the same through all the dimensions from thirteen down to one, it is the simplest geometric representation of the Intelligence, Energy, and Substance of the Creators working together as one according to rule. The first dimensional cubit is based on the fact of a lower frequency, not as a second projection down which would end up only as a single point.
Cubits are easy to depict in the two dimensional format. Pay attention to this to see how the drawings are intended to work.
Traditionally, a cubit is said to be six lengths, with a length considered by pundits to be the average length of someone's forearm from their finger tips to their elbow. Actually it is geometric. Using its radius, the circumference of a circle can be divided into six equal parts to form a hexagon. I.e., six lengths. Look at fig. 33 below to see the six lengths. (Fig. 33).
Fig. 33 - Six lengths of a Hexagon
As outlined near the end of Starrgram3, any three dimensional cube can be project onto a two dimensional plane such as the image below. (Fig. 34).
Fig. 34 - Cube projected onto a plane
The image can be rotated clockwise or counter clockwise until the forward and back vertical edges line up perfectly top to bottom. The forward corner can be tipped down until it lines up perfectly at the middle with the bottom back corner which will have been tipped up by the same amount in the tipping.
When so aligned, when looking straight through at eye level, the outer edges will transcribe the perfect outline of a hexagram having the six lengths. (Fig. 34a).
34a - 2D plane projection oriented into a hexagon
The forward edges of the cube will align perfectly at the center of the cube as a vertical Y factor. (Fig. 35).
Fig. 35 - Front Edges of a Cube
The respective back edges of the cube will align perfectly at the center as an inverted Y factor. (Fig. 36).
Fig. 36 - Back Edges of a Cube
The two together will join as straight lines through the middle. The structure of a cube is implied within the six equal sides of any hexagram. This is the basis of the cubit and the reason for its name. (Fig. 37).
Fig. 37 - Cube Projected as a Hexagon
The three arms of the upright Y factor are of equal length and serve to lock the proper up/down or vertical orientation of the cube. The three arms of the inverted Y factor are of the same equal length and serve to lock in the proper sideways or horizontal orientation of the cube. The two Y factors together serve to lock the cube into the one and only such absolute orientation by unequivocal order of rule.
When so oriented, the six different Y factor arms are all of the same equal length and directions as the six equal front and back outer edges of the cube. The six Y factor arms and six outer sides of the cube each bear a completely different frequency which are complicit in the purposes of the cubit.
Within the proper orientation, lines can be drawn from each set of respective cross corners of the cube to form a six pointed Starr. The lines will be both at thirty degrees to the respective arms of the Y factors at the corners and at right angles to the Y factors at their midsections. (Fig. 38).
Fig. 38 - Cross Connections
From the center point of the Y factors, a circle can be constructed such that the circumference falls exactly on the six different respective arms intersections of the six pointed Starr. The six arms intersections of the Starr define six equal points where the absolute size of the circle and absolute size of the cube can be locked together within the absolute certainty of rule.
The resulting realization comprises a 'cubit', whose components are interred by absolute order of rule. (Fig. 39).
Fig. 39 - Cubit
The circle is used everywhere to represent the frequencies of the Absolute Intelligence of the Father, the cube is used everywhere to represent the frequencies of the Absolute Substance of the Mother, the upright Y Factor is used everywhere to represent the Absolute frequencies of the Outer Energy of the Only Begotten Son, the inverted Y Factor is used everywhere to represent the Absolute frequencies of the Outer Energy of the Only Begotten Daughter, and the six pointed Starr is used everywhere to represent the Absolute frequencies of the Inner Energy of the Only Begotten Son and Daughter together as one.
For simplicity, when the term 'Cube' is used it shall refer to the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega. When the term 'cube' is used it shall refer to the cubit.
In accordance with the Intelligent Design, the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega is the fundamental building block of Creation, holding the Intelligence of the Father, Energy of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter, and Substance of the Mother together within the Absolute balance of their Absolute potentialities through the Absolute order of its Absolute rule. Projected one dimension down from the Cube and Sphere, the cubit is the basic active building block of Creation. It is the basic genome of Creation in all its permutations and all its forms, operating no different in principle throughout all thirteen dimensions under the Cube and Sphere as it does in mirroring the interactions within the Holy Trinity above through its formulative ties to the Cube and Sphere. Cubits in consciousness are used to blueprint the different aspects of Creation, and to uphold them once manifested.
Within its rulings, whether used to represent the entire Creation, a single Super Universe, a single individual in an incarnation, a single atom, or even a subatomic part of an atom, the rules of the cubit are the same. Intelligence relates to the planning side of Creation, Energy to the doing side, and Substance to the materialized result. Intelligence and Substance balanced by the Energy factor in the middle comprise the entire makeup of Creation. Intelligence, Energy, and Substance is all there is.
The expressed Inner Consciousness of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter is known universally throughout Creation as 'Christ'. Within the cubit, Christ consciousness is represented at ninety degrees to the Y Factor Outer Energies as the six pointed Starr. The principle of the six pointed Starr is known throughout Creation. Your name for the Starr is the 'Starr of David', David does not refer to your Biblical King David per se', King David was called 'King David' because of the particular higher cubistic Energy frequencies he was carrying in consciousness.
The Starr of David upholds the inner Christ consciousness expression of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter, expressing the Will and Desire of the unified Father and Mother consciousness of the Creators as ongoing responsibility. The Starr of David symbol, present for many millennia within your Earth bound religions is the cubit hiding in plain sight.
The Y factors together are part of the outer consciousness and outer co-creative expression of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter. Within any manifested projection in Creation, the size of the circle of Intelligence determines the size of the Starr of David at the arms intersections. The size of the Starr of David determines the size of the Upper and Lower Y Factors at the end point connections. The size of the Y Factors determines the size of the cube at the cube corner points. The size of the cube determines the size of the materialization to be made.
Within any outer bodily projection incarnation or re-incarnation you have made in any part of Creation including Earth, the Y Factor Energies of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter comprise your Outer Christ Co-Creative activity, holding your Intelligence and Substance together in absolute balance of absolute equality in all aspects of your projection. In any incarnation or re-incarnation, in reflection of its principle, throughout all frequencies of all dimensions, the Intelligence of your projection related to Alpha is from your Soul Atom self represented by the circle. The cube, related to Omega, upholds your Substance body materialization represented by the cube. The Starr of David upholds your inner Christ Conscious Co-Creative responsibility, and the Y Factors uphold the size of your outer bodily materialization.
Your Inner and Outer Christ factors together comprise your total Christ Conscious Co-Creative capability. By principle of the cubit, the whole of Creation has been blueprinted and undertaken, and continues to expand in ever expanding circles of Light, Life, Love, and Liberty by the responsible consciousnesses of all Soul Atom Children of Alpha and Omega in projection.
Through the circle and arms intersections of the Starr of David, from the center point, additional radial lines are possible which are simultaneously perpendicular to the joined arms of the Y Factors at the midpoint, the respective sides of the cube, and the circle. The new radials intersect the arms of the Starr of David at sixty degrees and also lie parallel to them. (Fig. 40).
Fig. 40 - New Radials
For simultaneously connecting to both triangles of the Starr of David at their intersections, and for simultaneously connecting to both the circle and the cube directly at right angles, the new radials are from both the Intelligence side and Substance side of the Creators together, and are part and parcel of both the outer consciousness and outer co-creative expression of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter.
The radials arise after the fact of a particular materialization, whose frequencies are tied to that particular materialization, and which hold the specifics about that materialization's particular uniqueness. The new radials help to expand Creation and make every material domain in Creation distinct from any other regardless of size, nature, purpose, or frequency of vibration. The cubit principle without the radials relates to the Creators themselves as their living atom Cube and Sphere projection. The cubit principle with the radials, relates to Creation itself as part and parcel of the Creators' ever ongoing outer Co-Creative expression. For the sake of convenience, the term 'cubit' will be taken to also include the radials unless otherwise specified.
Cubits also exist in more complex structures called 'Cubistic Matrixes' which are explained in detail in Starrgram 5. Cubistic matrixes comprise the basic modus operand of the Intelligent Design of Alpha and Omega. At the one and same moment they blueprint both the Inner and Outer Creations, the interlocking dimensions of the Outer Creation, and the inner locking dimensions of consciousness for being of the same principle in kind. Creation exists solely through the work of cubistic matrixes. Cubistic matrixes exist solely through the work of the loving Soul Atom children of the Creators in projection under the guidance, direction, and protection of Alpha and Omega.
Cubistic matrixes are outcomes of consciousness. Creation is from the lap of consciousness. There is ought in Creation which is not from consciousness. Creation is upheld in consciousness. Consciousness exists because the Creators are conscious. Cubistic matrixes held in consciousness are how consciousness thinks out Creation in advance as blueprints, and how consciousness upholds the blueprints as materializations once manifested. The cubistic matrixes also holds within their caprices all the rulings for life. Where there is life there is consciousness. Where there is consciousness there is life. Creation is alive because the Creators are alive.
Similarly, as you can see in fig 40, the arms of the Y Factors through the mid point are conjoined end to end as straight lines. The conjoined frequencies are different from the Y Factor frequencies alone, intersecting the frequencies of both Starr of David triangles at ninety degrees at the circle and at thirty degrees with the corner points of the cube. The conjoined vertical line up the middle is called a staff.
As fig. 40 also clearly shows, the new radials also join end to end as straight lines, intersecting both triangles twice at sixty degrees on opposite sides of the midpoint, a staff line at ninety degrees at the midpoint, and at ninety degrees to both the circle and cube on opposite sides of the midpoint. The horizontally conjoined line across the middle is called a rod. The other two conjoined Y Factor lines are also called staffs and the other two conjoined radials are also called rods.
The specific frequencies of the staffs and of the rods are markedly different. The staffs are before the fact radiations of Energy related to the Substance side, which also hold the vibrations of the front and back edges of the cube. The rods are after the fact radiations of Energy reflecting both the Substance side and the Intelligence side together for being at right angles to both the cube and to the Y Factors at the same time.
The staffs are from the top of Creation and work their way down and then back up. The rods start from the cubit mid point of each level of Creation, and work their way out to the limits of each level. The basic Energies of the staffs start pre-existent in the sixteenth dimension and are passed down through the Holy Trinity, then Cube and Sphere, moving on down through the dimensional cubistic structures comprising Creation to their eventual level of purpose. The basic Energies of the Rods start at the cubit midpoints of the eventual levels of purpose, and pass their finished works frequencies back into the the overall respective cubistic formulation, helping giving it its unique vibratory contribution to Creation as a whole.
The Substance related Energies accumulate along the staffs as Creation expands. The Energies do not merge, staying as independent vibrational packets according to frequency. This Substance pipeline is how the Materialized side of Creation ever expands.
Rod energies start anew from each new cubit midpoint within a domain and move radially outward in the two respective directions. The rod energies however, do not move far past their locations of origin. The staff lines and rod radials are both referred to as radial lines or radials, understanding that the staff lines do not start from the mid points as do the rods. Staffs however, do have an inward oriented flow to the midpoint and a continuing outward oriented flow past the midpoint as implied in fig. 40.
The principles of the cubit are tied to Creation at all levels. At the local level you have both a rod and a staff in both the inner and outer matrixes of your current Earth plane outer bodily projection. Your staff is vertical from head to toe and your rod is fore and aft through your midriff. Your staff upholds your materialization. Your rod upholds your individuality. 'Thy rod and thy staff they shall comfort me'.
Likewise, you have both a descending and an ascending action of Energy within your body. The Energy runs vertically through your body up and down in both directions through your staff component. In the descending action, Energy is inducted through your head and passes into the Earth through your feet for purification. In the ascending action, purified Energy returning from the Earth moves up through your feet and passes back out atop your head. The downward flowing energies pass through your lower consciousness matrix into the Earth for cleansing of static.
The returning energies pass out through your upper consciousness matrix and up the staff linkages to be given back to the Creators for their glorification. When your upward flow is abundant you will have a glowing crown of auric light atop your head called a halo, portrayed by your Kings and Queens via their royal crowns to imply undeserved Divine authority to keep the minions under them adoring. (Fig. 41)
Fig. 41 -Halo of Light
The Energies also flow through your rod. The flow is simultaneously fore and aft through your midriff from the midpoint. Positive frequencies flow frontward, negative to the back. For proper inductional purposes the proper way to sleep is on your back. Infants should not be placed on their stomachs to sleep.
The rod Energies include some of the staff energies moving downward which become converted at the midpoint and move out along the rod, as also do some of the Energies moving back upward and out. The Energy moves out through your astral frequencies to others around you within a limited range. When your consciousness is harmonious with the Creators, the Energies will comprise harmonious frequencies released into the environment for the greater good. Others, including plants and animals will feel your goodness for some distance around. The Triune Being Jesus Christ walked with a ten mile aura.
If your consciousness is not harmonious to the Creation because your consciousness is not working in proper alignment, the output will be imposed with static. Others including plants and animals will feel your static for some distance around. Dogs barking loudly at someone across the street sense their static.
Intuitively, your polarity to the Creators is through your vertical staff. Un-intuitively, your fourth dimensional auric gravity pull to the Planet is through your horizontal rod on the love frequency.
Rather than think of gravity pulling you vertically downwards to the Planet as you stand, think of it pulling you down horizontally across your rod. Once you can envision your rod and staff properly in minds eye, you will experience far less of the depressive effect of gravity upon your expression.
Envisioning in mind's eye and feeling that your rod and staff are properly aligned is not a one time thing. Expect to have to do it again and again on a regular basis. Twist to the right and left a bit at the shoulders to help center your staff and rod if necessary as you envision their orientations.
As you can also see in fig. 40, on either side of your vertical staff exists a rod. On either side of your horizontal rod exists a staff. The two formulations combine to comprise an internal Energy configuration known as the Cross of Power, which you call the Celtic Cross. The four ends of the Cross are open implying Energy moving out.
Once you are ready, your rod and staff become set as a Cross of power by a blast out from your midriff which instantaneously explodes throughout your whole body in a millisecond. Your Cross of Power will be immediately noticeable as four cone shaped vortices projecting upwards, downwards, to the front, and to the back starting from your midriff instead of a rod and staff passing through and neeting there. Your Cross of Power is much more stable than your rod and your staff, remaining solidly in place with much less effort.
Once your Energy is moving through your Cross of Power properly you are ready for the next step which is transfiguration, where your outer bodily materialization merges with your auric body. You auric body comes of age at the age of thirty after which it no longer ages. Once you are transfigured you are no longer subject to death. Jesus transfigured on the mount at the age of thirty three and was set to live for a thousand years.
Similarly, within the tenets of Solar Law there are twelve astrophysical frequencies which you currently call the signs of the Zodiac. Each frequency is likewise represented within each frequency. Twelve times twelve is one hundred and forty four, the definition of Solar Law. Similarly, the Solar Law principles associated with each of the thousand Solar Systems of a Solar Sector of a thousand Solar Systems, namely a thousand times one hundred and forty four, equals one hundred and forty four thousand different Energy Principles called 'The Chosen Ones'. The Chosen ones, 'Precious, elect unto God", are collectively called the Galactic Law of each Solar Sector. Solar Systems are known to other Solar systems by their Solar Law principles, Solar Sectors are known to others by their Galactic Law.
The same twelve astrophysical frequencies are also represented in your body as that which you call 'Chakras'. The twelve chakras starting from Aries at the top are; Aries - top of the head; Taurus -front of the throat; Gemini - Lungs and out the hands; Cancer - breastplate; Leo - solar plexus; Virgo - upper intestines; Libra - lower intestines; Scorpio - genitals; Sagittarius - inside the thighs; Capricorn - back of the knees; Aquarius - ankles; and Pisces - top of the feet.
Your Eastern Mystics only recognize seven chakras, a hold over from the days of Atlantis. Those of you who meditate sitting cross-legged with the palms of your feet pressed hard into your Scorpio and Sagittarius centers in the so called Yoga position, continue lesser practices inherited from Atlantis. Your downward flowing Energies are dammed off and splew back up through the top. Your Energy also splews chaotically out your rod un-translated. Your normal upward flow is all but abrogated. The practice short circuits the action of your staff and is wreaking untold havoc upon the astro-psychic mental planes of the Planet.
Instead of a halo of purified light, a fount of lower Nplus static sits atop your head which has been forced back up through your outer consciousness matrix by the jam-up. The fount is misconstrued by devotees as implying spirituality. Turbans as worn by many, self boasts of such a higher spirituality, again highly misconstrued. The reality is that the reverse is true. The Yoga position is not sanctioned.
It is not surprising that Tibet is currently the center for the continuing malpractices of Atlantis. The high plains of Tibet were furthest removed from the cataclysms following the collapse of Atlantis ten thousand years ago, and a number of the practicing black magicians of Atlantis had holed up there prior to the calamities. The high plains were also far removed from the modernizing spiritual principles initiated by Christ two thousand years ago.
Some of their negative and un-translated frequencies of Atlantis drifted down into the foothills of the Himalayans and became popularized in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries as the unsanctioned practices called 'Transcended Mastership'. Which is now rift in Monasteries and Ashrams throughout most of northern India and Tibet. Also having started moving out into the Western World in the nineteen sixties to everyone's detriment.
The negative Yoga practices also contribute to perpetuating a Planetary stall at the one hundred and eight frequencies of Planetary Law. The frequencies of Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, namely knees, ankles, and feet, are denied by nature of the position. Three times twelve equals thirty six. One hundred and forty four minus thirty six equals one hundred and eight, the number meditators hold in devotion.
Similarly, the cubit also contains X, Y, and Z energy factors. As you can see in fig. 40, the two sloping arms of the Y Factors join at the center of the cubit to form a flattened X. The flattened X is called the X-factor. The two horizontal lines of the Starr of David and the staff line running from the ten o'clock to the four o'clock position combine as an upright Z-factor. The two horizontal lines and the staff line running from the one o'clock to the eight o'clock position combine as an inverted Z-factor.
The X-factor is from the Energies related to your rods, the Y Factors are from the Energies related to your staffs, and the Z-factors are from the Energies related to your Starr of David. The X, Y, and Z factors are higher Energy principles of Life. The X-factor relates to your Male action in consciousness, the Y Factors relate to your Female action in consciousness. The Z-factors relate to the combined actions of both. In the activities of the human brain, the right side relates to the Father and the left side to the Mother.
In all consciousness expressions, the X and Y factors appear as Male and Female. The Z-factor is related to Man's fifth and seventh dimensional consciousness expressions. In the lower Earth chromosome frequencies of all living things, the X and Y factors are reversed and appear as assorted Male and Female parameters.
Jesus manifested and exemplified Christ Consciousness to the masses two thousand years ago. He also gave his X, Y, and Z comforters through the higher X, Y, and Z factors of everyone's consciousness. The comforters make it difficult for the negative intelligences of the lower astral hell states to take up uninvited guest within anyone who is unwilling. Christ Consciousness is the key. The cubistic measurements of Solomon's temple were not of rocks and mortar, but for the states of Christ consciousness to become therein.
Through cubistic interactions you form an arc in consciousness with anyone with whom you make an agreement. Noah and his wife upheld a fifth dimensional arc in consciousness between them, enabling them to absorb the collected dual animal kingdom matrixes of Earth into the arc, two by two, as a safe-guard haven against any such world wide cataclysms which might have followed in the threatening collapse of Atlantis.
Likewise, the Arc of the Covenant was not a scroll in a box. It was a powerful seventh dimensional arc in consciousness between Alpha and Omega and the Israelites. The Israelites had agreed to act as crucible for the upcoming advent of Christ. They were subsequently moved from Egypt into their own land as Christ cradle. They were also given the Ten Commandments as rules to live by in order to purify themselves in preparation.
Similarly, as previously outlined in Starrgram 3, the Starr of David comprises two interlocking triangles. As you can see in fig. 40 it comprises a downward pointing triangle called the 'Upper Triangle', and an upward pointing triangle called the 'Lower Triangle'. The Upper Triangle is related to Intelligence and holds the Inner frequencies of the Only Begotten Son. The Lower Triangle is related to Substance and holds the Inner frequencies of the Only Begotten Daughter.
As also seen in fig. 40, the Upper Triangle expands upward and is flat across the top. The Lower Triangle expands downward and is flat across the bottom. In your Inner consciousness matrix, your Lower Triangle is more passive. In your Outer consciousness matrix your Upper Triangle is more passive.
Your Upper Triangle is positive in polarity reflecting its ties to Intelligence. Your Lower Triangle is negative in polarity reflecting its ties to Substance. In the higher dimensions, when in a projection, your Upper Triangle ties to the things of the dimensions above. Your Lower Triangle ties to the things of the dimension you have projected into. Within the third dimensional frequencies of Earth, your Upper Triangle likewise ties to the things of the higher dimensions, collectively referred to in your literatures as 'Heaven'. Your Lower Triangle ties to the things of the Earth. The animal kingdom does not have a fully active Upper Triangle component as they are not Soul Atom initiated.
In a properly construed fifth dimensional Earth environment, your outer Lower Triangle would be passive for your having dominion over the Earth from the fifth dimension, as in 'custodian of', not as in 'the bossy dog'. Currently your outer Lower Triangle is very active, as in, 'is subject to'. You are currently bound to the third dimension by misadventure.
The Starr of David within your Upper consciousness matrix and Lower consciousness matrix both have an implied Father, Mother, Son, Daughter square of consciousness aspect. The Father and Son aspects are tied to your Intelligence. The Mother and Daughter aspects are tied to your Substance side. The Intelligence and Substance aspects of each are also shown. (Fig. 42).
Fig.42 - Implied Square of Consciousness
The squares of consciousness within your Starrs of David are the root of your processes of thinking. Your thinking as you walk about works by the very same square of consciousness principle of 'Father, Mother, Son, Daughter' as in the Holy Trinity.
Your motivational Will and Desire to execute any plan is through the link between your Father/Intelligence aspect and your Mother/Substance aspect in your squares of consciousnesses. Your responsibility to follow through with its execution is through the link between your Son/Intelligence aspect and your Daughter/Substance aspect. The cross flows of Will and Desire fed into your inner and outer matrixes from your squares of consciousness, plus the responsibility taken by the cross flows between the Son and Daughter aspects, activate your plan into action.
The amounts of Will and Desire you put into any undertaking determines whether or not it gets done properly according to plan, and also in accordance with the responsibility to Creation you agreed to undertake when you incarnated forming your present outer projection.
Within the current formulation on Planet Earth, the action of your Upper Triangles in consciousness ties directly to your Pituitary Gland. Your Pituitary Gland is attuned to the higher frequencies of Creation and is the location where 'The Lord', your own Christ Triune Soul Atom self which formed your current incarnated outer projection resides, i.e., 'Sitteths upon the throne'.
The action of the Lower Triangles in your consciousness ties directly to your Pineal gland. The Pineal gland is attuned to the auric frequencies of the Planet and is called by your mystics 'The Third Eye' who think it is a wondrous thing.
The Pineal gland is natural in animals and is the source of their so-called uncanny abilities. When you incarnated into the animal matrices you inherited their tie to the Pineal. gland. With your eyes closed, look straight ahead as though through a window. Once you can see a fully coloured view that is clear and in full 3D, your Third Eye will be open. Once you can look straight ahead with your eyes wide open and see the same higher dimensional view as you would as if your eyes were closed shut, your Third Eye is fully opened.
When you are no longer 'subject to', meaning your actions in consciousness are in complete harmony with the Will, Desire, and Action of the Creators to expand Creation and you are no longer subject to the lower static conditions of Earth such as carnal, a high frequency cup-shaped induction center is set up between your Pituitary gland and your Pineal gland. The cup-shaped induction center is called 'The Holy Grail'.
The Holy Grail inducts higher frequency Substance radiations from the fifth and seventh dimensions, called 'Manna' from Heaven. Since Manna is of purified Substance from the dimensions above, you are perpetually sustained. 'Whosoever drinks from the Holy Grail shall have everlasting life', understood and utilized by Moses and his people crossing the desert, and symbolized by Christ using a tin cup to his disciples two thousand years ago at the Last Supper.
The action of the cubistic principle when in full use is twofold. It is used both to plan intended Creative forms as blueprints, and it is used to hold the completed creative forms together as frameworks in consciousness once the actual materialized results are finished, called works. By this principle, cubits are dynamic and can be any size in practice depending on the Will and Desire of Alpha and Omega combined with the responsibility taken by the Only Begotten Son/Daughter regards any undertaking.
Cubistic dynamics are how Creation and consciousness ever expands. The expansion of Creation is affected primarily through the expansion of your consciousnesses. As your consciousness expands so do your works. As your works expand, so does Creation. All expansions in Creation are managed consciously through the overall Cubistic rulings of the Cubit.
In any outer projection or incarnation any Soul Atom undertakes in any frequency of any dimension in Creation, the circle relates to the Intelligence of the Soul Atom making the projection, the cube relates to the outer bodily Substance manifestation or body the Soul Atom makes as the projection, and the Y-Factors relate to the Energy action in between.
Through the Desire of Omega, an outer bodily projection such as your current physical body, is made whenever required by the down flowing of Substance/Energy inductions along the vertical Staff line from the sixteenth dimensional Absolute Pillar of Substance and Energy, and through to the Holy Trinity for harmonization. Then through the Cube and Sphere for orientation and externalization, and then by respective conversions into Substance standing waves within the dimension of effect as precipitations to fill in the respective prepared containers as materializations of purified Substance in accordance with the purposes of the blueprint. In your particular case, the blueprint is the purposes and intentions for which you undertook your current incarnation.
In a blueprint version only of the cubit, the hexagon outline of the cube represents the Substance/Energy Lines as the container for Substance. In an actual created result, the hexagon outline of the cube maintains the actual resultant manifestation as the cube of precipitated Substance.
Whether a new creative work is an idea in planning or is a finished work, the same creating principle is undertaken. On a selected new point and center of Energy present within the dimension of doing, a grab of Intelligent Breath is brought down from the Absolute Lake of Intelligence and Energy in the sixteenth dimension, configured in the Holy Trinity, readied in the Cube and Sphere, and lowered as a circle onto the new Point and Center. The circle is centered on the Starr of David arms connections associated within the Point and Center. Staff lines of Tiny Particles of Substance are brought down from the Absolute Pillar of Substance/Energy, processed through the Holy Trinity and Cube and Sphere, and located on the new Point and Center as respective lines of staffs.
Container sides are brought down from the sixteenth dimension to the new Point and Center to form a container. And a flow of Substance is brought down though the Holy Trinity from the sixteenth dimension as a precipitation to complete the work.
The principle of container, then precipitation, applies whether the product is a Super Universe, Local Universe, Solar Sector, Solar System, Sun, Planet, individual, atom, electron, or even a subatomic particle. Substance/Energy container lines and the Intelligence/Energy lines which anchor them comprise most of the vast magnetic and electromagnetic Universal Field filaments plying all parts of Creation. Connecting all Starrs and Galaxies as part and parcel of the great dimensional and inter-dimensional fabrics of Creation.
To keep the process ongoing, whenever the Absolute Lake of Intelligence and Energy and Absolute Pillar of Substance and Energy starts to become depleted from the grabs of Intelligent Breaths being drawn down to initiate new Creative projects and Staff Lines being drawn down from the Absolute Pillar of Substance and Energy to form new containers, Alpha and Omega cordon off new areas of the Even Pool, separate the Breath from the Tiny Particles, create new Adamantine Particles within Omega and grabs of breath within Alpha, and drop them down through the respective Alpha and Omega sides of the seventeenth dimension into the respective sides of the sixteenth to replenish them.
Similarly, as the newly generating Christ Energy Factors of the newly Trinitized Ascendancy pools back up into the respective Absolute Lake of Intelligence and Energy and Absolute Pillar of Substance and Energy from below by their evolutions, more and more Breath and Particles of Substance are able to be brought down from the Even Pool in compliance.
The process is ever ongoing on a constantly recycling and expanding basis. The original frequencies of Breath and Tiny Particles within the original frequencies of the Even Pool are constantly being brought down and fed out into the processes of Creation on an ever ongoing basis as much as the current progress allows through the radiating capabilities of the cubits involved.
Cubits are radiative in nature, called 'Radionnic'. In fig. 40, the blue lines of Energy depict the outer action of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter and is called their 'Radiating light'. The white lines of Energy depict the emanating inner action of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter and is called their 'Christ' or 'White light'. The Radiant and Christ light together are called their 'Beatific Light'.
By convention, emeraldish green has been used as the color background in the depictions herein. Pure emerald green is the electromagnetic equivalent of a Local Universe background field. Because of the chosen electromagnetic frequencies of the background color, the inner emanate effects of electromagnetic Energy upon the outer Intelligence, Energy, and Substance aspects of any projection become represented within the drawings.
The Heart and Center of Creation is Alpha and Omega's Holy Trinity self and above. Their Cube and Sphere is the point and center of Creation. The Creative intentions of Alpha and Omega are passed on down to their Cube and Sphere from their Heart and Center. From their point and center the intensions are projected into their Inner Creation for formulation into cubistic blueprints. The blueprints are then manifested into their Outer Creation as the resulting implementation of their plans.
The consciousness frequencies of the Father, Only Begotten Son/Daughter, and Mother are expressed as the Holy Trinity. Their attributional frequencies in the formats of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance are expressed through their Living Atom Cube and Sphere.
By the Will, Desire, and Action of Alpha and Omega to express Creation, their fifteenth dimensional essence as their Holy Trinity became projected into a fourteenth dimensional Cube and Sphere representation of themselves to set the stage for Creation. By their Will, Desire, and Action to begin Creation, their fourteenth dimensional expression of Cube and Sphere became projected into the thirteenth dimensional dynamic expression of cubit as the start up of Creation.
From their existence side as Living, Loving Beings, the Creators had projected their Trinity aspects into a living atom Cube and Sphere. From their creative side as Co-Creative Beings, the Creators had projected their Trinity aspects as a cubit.
The cubit is derived from the original principles of Alpha and Omega in the Cube and Sphere. The Cube and Sphere is derived from the original principles of Alpha and Omega in their Holy Trinity configuration. The Holy Trinity is derived from the original principles of Alpha and Omega in their Great Even Pool of Darkness self. The cubit mirrors all the elements of their original Great Even Pool of Darkness self, but in a dynamic externalized form and is at very heart of their Intelligent Design.
Through the derivations, the cubit encapsulates the principles exactly. In fig. 43 below, the inner un-caused interfusion of the Breath and Tiny Particles in the Great Even Pool of Darkness is represented by the two implied interlocking hearts. The interlocking hearts scaffolds the principle as the interlocking Starr of David. The Star of David scaffolds the Principle as a Point and Center. The point and Center scaffolds the Principle as a cubit.
Their caused outer inter-fusion of Intelligence and Substance as Creation is through the Energy staffs and rods. With the inclusion of the outer radial components of Energy, the full seven and fourteen point crossover mirror of the caused principle of the hearts in the caused principle of the cubit through the point and center becomes completed. (Fig. 43).
43 - The collective Heart and Center, Point and Center, Cubit
As fig. 43 also serves to imply, the principle by which the hearts hold the Breath and the Particles in absolute inter-fusion within the Great Even Pool is reflected exactly by the inter-fusion between their Intelligence and Substance in the Starr of David as the cubit.
The seven outer main intersections as you look upon fig. 43 are reflected in the fact of seven Super Universes tied together as the Outer Creation. The seven additional found intersections as you walk around the Heart path and criss-cross twice through the center in fig. 43, are reflected in the fact of seven more Great Super Universes to come.
The frequencies of the Only Begotten Son founded the current seven Super Universes of the Outer Creation. The Frequencies of the Only Begotten Daughter will found the Seven new Super Universes to come. By design, the Only Begotten Son was given the initial forefront role in Creation. For the things to come, the Only Begotten Daughter is already starting to come into the forefront.
The animus's of Alpha and Omega are absolutely equal by their absolute agreement in consciousness. Their Intelligence and Substance are held together within the absolute balance of absolute equality by the absolute order of rule within the absolute formulations of the cubit. The non-linear contours of the hearts, curvature of the circle, and immanent magnetic field radiations of the Starr of David allow the non-linear aspects of Creation to exist within the linear rulings of the cubit.
Through similarity between the original inter-fused Breath and Tiny Particles of the Even Pool implied within the Starr of David rulings of the cubit, and by the vibrational components of the pulsating Breath and Standing wave Tiny Particles expressed within the Y Factor Energies of the cubit, within all cubits throughout all of Creation the Love and Life of the Heart and Center is intrinsically present within every cubit large and small as a pink ray of Love and Life which permeates all of Creation.
The pink ray of Love imbues all living things with the unrelenting glue which holds Creation together as one, empowering all living Soul Atoms with unrepentant devotion to love one another and serve one another as a single loving Co-Creative Christ Pure community devoted to the expansion of Creation for the Creators. Which also powers the gravities holding the lower frequencies of Creation together as function and form.
The inherent vibrations of Life in the Starrs of David carry the original causeless living animus of the Intelligent Breath and Tiny Particles within the moulded electromagnetic fields of the cubit Starrs of David, empowering the Substance within the Staffs and Rods into Substance/Energy radiations. The radiations help consciousnesses work the Intelligence, Energy, and Substance frequencies of the Creators into ever increasing forms of manifestations as the opposite of entropy.
As progenitor from the living consciousness side, all subsequent living Soul Atom expressions of the Creators follow in the exact same likeness and kind as the Cube and Sphere of Alpha and Omega. Just as the Cube and Sphere likens to the principles of the Holy Trinity, the myriad of Living Souls Atom children in Creation liken to the principle of the living Atom Cube and Sphere, and hence to the Holy Trinity itself. 'In our likeness and image made we them'.
All Soul Atoms are a spark of Intelligence of the Father, centered on a point and center electromagnetic field of the Only Begotten Son/Daughter. Which functions as the starting point of any Substance projection of the Mother they may make anywhere in Creation when incarnating as a materialized Being when being about their Father and Mother's business.
Within the cubit, the arms intersections of the Starr of David hold the circle of Intelligence in absolute due concurrence. The end points of the Starr of David hold the cube of Substance in absolute due proportion.
The original Great Even Pool of Darkness was without Cause. All things in Creation are by cause. All things in Creation are part and parcel of Alpha and Omega. All things in Creation are held together within the rulings of the cubit. By the absolutely simple combination of circle, cube, and straight lines the entirety of Creation has, is, and always will be continuing to undergo expansion in ever expanding circles of Light, Life, Love, and Liberty.
In absolute accordance with their absolute original plan, the final day will come when the totality of their Great Even Pool of Darkness self will become converted into one single everlasting lighted version of Intelligence, Energy, and Substance as a once and forever single event. In that same great moment the Creators will have completed the working of their darkness into light and the Great Even Pool of Darkness will stand no more.